Who wants the chance at free Facebook or Microsoft stock? $150 FREE , I got You! Check this out! 1 - 20 chance! 100% win any stock

in #stock7 years ago (edited)

So I recently discovered Robinhood app and its is sooo COOL! I bought a bunch of stock and have a lil portfolio going now and had previously had no knowledge about the stock market or trading. Boom , Robinhood comes along and I can get in while its hot and make some easy money! The Best Part Is You get a free stock ( POSSIBLY FACEBOOK ) if you CLICK MY LINK!! START YOUR PORTFOLIO TODAY WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR !!!???



I would be so thankful if you did! :)


Its ok man, ill leet u slide this time and ill upvote u and give u a shiney penny
just remember my advice for next time!
im only being unfairly hard o you so u can be better and make even mor emony here and youll thank me later! tough love!

so ur not actually giving out hundred and fifty bucks? ur just trying to get us to click some lame affliate link that makes u singup and spend money and stuff? lame , super lame

that app sucks and doesnt do anything useful man...why would uu be saving U dollars or buying stocks? why arent u buying steem or btcoin or ethereum????
sorry man nt to sound like a dick but i ahveto be hard on new users who i wantto succed

u need to maybe edit this post and explain that u arent actually giving our free money cuz thats a lie in your titel bro i dont like that shit, sorry, hey if ur actually giving out a hundred and fifty bucks then i take it back but i really doubt thats what ur ddoing here man! i really hate lies like tis its super deceptive

anyay i at u to do good and u should tae my advice, look how much ii make now like sixty bucks a day

and when whales give me advice i take it and do what they say if i can!

just change this title and theatory and actualy explain WHY thus app is cool and explain if u actualy have used this app or did u just now downlaod it and are shalmeleessly trying to promote an app u havent even really tried yet? I just dont like the way this is super short and only adveriises some lame app that does the opporite of what cryppto is all about if u wanna enourage people to buystocks thats just doest mak sense to me.....u\\

People like mee actually give out money and are gona be giivng amounts as big as hundred and fifty ddollars soon so it angers me when i see people with deceptive titls promising to give out free money, you devalue My posts where I actually offer to give free money , which are serious.

Please remmebr I just wanna see you succed since your also ffrom san diego!

please dont do shamles promotions like this and actually write an article about the app! dont just end the article with a lame affiliate link LOl after promising to give us a hundred and fifty dollars in stocks its really lame man

ur profile has potnetial and u could start making like tenbucks a day if u start posting higher qulity!!!!

I wanna see u succeed! dont take my coments personlly! u KNOW I will be helping u outwhen i make it IG heere bro! dontforget that! (if ur not already akin more than me by then!)

Im completely engulfed in crypto but who wouldnt want the chance to get a free FACEBOOK stock! You can put five bucks on and have a chance to get a free 150 dollars stock that you can SELL for FIAT and then BUY BITCOIN ETHEREUM etc!!!

Just milk it! you can then get your own link and give to friends and have more chances to get the free FACEBOOK STOCK! my BROTHER got his on the first swing !! I got a stock that was worth 6 bucks but im still trying to hit that 150 and giving others that chance too.

can i get RESTEEM??

hahanah man i dont resteem unless its a really good article,
i still dont like this post man, i spnd way more on posts to get upvotes, its all godo tho i upvoted like 4 other psts of urs just now
u gota post higher qualit tho man! ont u wanna make like 10 per post multiple times a day?
u have to write a hwole story with relevant photo and do research and stuff!
wikipdia and ur old Schol Essays are perfect for finding old reports u already spent time doing!


i know i know its u my keybaord on my laptop is broken and a bunch of keys dont work and also im always inn uncmrotable position and i nd to buy a special bean bag cchair so y back doest hurt
