in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago (edited)

When I began learning more in depth details about Hgin I came to a rather remarkable conclusion. Our dear Hgin has a man crush. So much so that he has named himself in the online world after a celebrated tech tycoon in South Korea pictured below.

This picture is of course not the face of the royal annoyance we have been inconvenienced by on Steemit. As with everything with this guy, it's a smoke screen. A name designed to boost visibility in short. But fake name and smoke screen be damned, everyone, no matter who they are, fears governments coming after their wealth. This is natural. I hate the tax man just as much as the next person. But reporting tax fraud in South Korea without relevant details doesn't give them a lot to work with and would be largely ineffective. Details are important for a report to be taken seriously and effectively followed up on, so encouraging people on Steemit to do so and coaching them on how to put together a comprehensive report would be difficult...unless of course the relevant bodies already have those details. Name, address, etc. I have seen to this.

When I began filing reports on our problem I actually didn't expect a response. I have worked hand in hand with a number of law enforcement agencies and I'm well aware that if it's not extremely urgent, a report of a crime can sometimes take a while to follow up on. This becomes even more true when you're trying report through a website. So I didn't file an anonymous report. I gave my details to contact me. I have years of experience working with law enforcement closely on a number of fronts so I crossed my fingers hoping they'd contact me back as I felt I would be able to convey my findings better by phone. In my reports I gave them everything I had including the exchanges Hgin uses, his personal details, the 360,000 USD he has moved in crypto and not paid tax on (in this I clearly stated I suspected), his website, (I have also reported his website to the Korean Consumer Protection Agency for fraudulent practices as well, though they don't really enforce much, they give great advice) and of course his Steemit account as it is a store of wealth of sorts and used to generate revenue. Though he is cautious with this and how he uses it.

But given all this my fingers were still crossed awaiting a call. So imagine my shock when I received an emails back and a voicemail the next day. Apparently there is interest here it seems. From the day I hit send it took three days to get a bite (REAL PHONE CONVERSATION, NOT VOICEMAIL) If you want to participate here you can. The language barrier isn't an issue. You can file a report and it will coincide with the information I have already provided. It's called flinging mud until it sticks. I'm quietly emptying a truck load of manure. Want to get your hands dirty? Here's how you start.

Here is the link to the National Tax Service In South Korea.

Now I never thought I would say this about a tax agency, but I actually love these guys. They communicate, they listen, they are wonderfully responsive, .... I'm hoping we go on a second date.. When you go on their website you will find in their menu to the right an option to report suspected tax fraud or money laundering. It is important for your report to be taken seriously that you are formal. Don't prattle or ramble. Be concise. They do provide an anonymous option and you can make use of this. They provide reasons for why you are reporting and at the bottom and in them you will find a valid reason to report to them is if you believe your report is based on a valid reason or concern. What you are doing is acting like a concerned individual regarding an extremely suspicious person who takes money for extraordinary claims in providing a crypto currency consultation service that is 97% accurate. In short is defrauding consumers and criminally hiding his gains from the relevant authorities. It's not slander or liable if it appears true and you're reporting it to the relevant authorities. For this you will need his crypto addresses, his website address (including his future course dates on March10th), give them his Steemit account, his youtube and twitter accounts, and a list of the exchanges he uses. They have responded and do have his personal details so what you're doing is simply providing more relevancy and saturating the ground with the same consistent details based on your suspicions. Want those details? Here ya go.

LTC Adress, now empty: LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf
BTC Adress: 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH: 0x1ab87962dd59bbffe33819772c950f0b38554030

Exchanges tied to addresses that are used:

Now I know the more skeptical among you would say so what? They can't do much with that.... actually yeah they can. How do they prove these addresses belong to him? Good question. The short answer is he broadcast this by asking for donations and payments to his website and on Steemit. Steemit being the great one as it's repeatedly on his blog in old posts and once out there he's not getting rid of it... That and I sent screen shots and links to all of it and since have had a response so it's all be followed up on. The important thing here is how you come across in your report. Gently stating, rather than extreme allegation, that you fear honest consumers are being defrauded and the funds are being concealed from the tax authorities is all you need do. It's actually his Steemit presence and twitter as well as youtube presence that screw him here. You are doing nothing wrong here. It's not slander if you're reporting suspicion of criminality on a character who behaves criminally. Now onto the next relevant agency.


Follow the same protocols and be consistent as you were with the previous agency. Don't wildly allegate, simply state your suspicions. These guys are responsive. However, they don't have a set reporting platform so I will provide you with their email and contact details below. You do reserve the right to remain anonymous here so feel free to be. Just state clearly that you wish to be so. Let the facts and Hgin's online presence plus what I have given them do the walking. Title your email, "A report on suspected money laundering with crypto currency" or something similar. Don't use words like "tip" or any colloquial metaphors. There is a slight language barrier here so try to be plain, sincere, and non slanderous in your report. Simply state the facts and your suspicions. When you are emailed back be responsive and simply state you have given them all you have and you hope it helps. This is what I have done. Contact details for this agency are below, though due to the language barrier I suggest email.
TEL : +82 2 2100 1734
FAX : +82 2 2100 1738
E-mail : [email protected]

Well guys, this is the first stop in a long road ahead I fear. Hgin, if you do happen to read this I wonder if you learned the word "hubris" in the time you spent working around Americans? If you didn't I'll enlighten you on its meaning. It means arrogance. It's a deplorable trait. It will not pay to be arrogant with me. I'm not other users. I won't engage you or argue or exchange insults. I won't respond to anything in fact. I'm simply going to push forward step by step along a well established road map and only let you and the community know what I've done after I've done it. If they can support it and choose to I will give them the means and advice to do so. I unlike them know who you are. Concretely. I won't reveal that yet as I have fears of people doing something foolish and I don't want to endorse violence. Revealing that will be a last resort and advice on peace will be what I stress when/if I do. What others do though is down to their own choices but ideally I'd like you to comply. You have a lovely home, there is no need to move after all. I will respect your privacy if you simply respect my request. Literally I will just go away. You leave the minnows alone and I'm happy.

This post is my humble warning shot. Stop what you're doing in regards to bullying new users. That's all I ask. I don't care about up voting yourself, not my problem. I'm not hot headed like many are here. I can be as patient as I need to be as I go step by step forward. I will leave you to tantrum, flag, and by the end answer your call with one final post that will make you wish perhaps you had taken all my prior posts and actions more seriously. Even if you call my bluff, I won't respond to you directly, I will just carry forward twatting you on the head with a stick. This will be a one sided conversation in short that you will not be in control of it. Right now I'm gently shaking that stick at you letting you know I can use it if needed. This is simply the tip of the iceberg and a small tip at that. This can get much much worse and I won't need to break a single law to do it.

Now again I stress, it does not have to be this way. Just leave everyone below the rank of 60, even if they hurt your feelings, out of your flagging practices. That is all that interest me. Do that and I'll go back to my happy life and leave you be. You have my word and I would accept nothing more than a simple assurance from you and your word in kind to make me go away. But until I have that assurance make no mistake, I stand with @fulltimegeek, I know who you are off Steemit, and I most certainly am not going away.


Better be careful. LOL you are almost LEVEL 60. Haejin will be flagging ya!!!

Wow! Whether you like or dislike Haejin extorting him on Steem by threatening to turn him into the IRS is pretty low. Steem looks like it is becoming a mere reflection of our current power structure. You know the one that has a systemic need to use government force to 'flex' others into submission. This is not what I signed up for. It sounds like there are two major forces at work here collectivism vs individualism. Those that standby and upvote this post really should rethink their stance because if the shoe was on the other foot would you think the same? (BTW MOST people based on some recent reports are not paying their crypto tax) If you want to make it more 'fair' then change the rules and make steem power less of a indicator of how much power someone has. The current rules dictate the rich becoming richer. There are 5+ million more people that will use the system to gain financial freedom even if you did take Haejin down. If I can buy my way into power then how does 'Truth' ever reach the users/audience of Steem? Or maybe I am on the wrong platform?

well, the greed blinds them @starjumo @haejin @scarlet7 @ranchorelaxo and they making a killing out of steemit. Maybe they will isten to and share ther wealth with the irs, since they don't want to share it here... (massive profits!)

sharing is caring

Why does it bother you so much? Are you projecting on to them? Are they down voting you?

You´ll regret your words when we have no steemit after they tear it down.

It won't exist for very long if things aren't changed anyways. Going after people that are NOT cheating won't help anything. Please go read my comment on this.

I had to write about this so here is my longer response to this article...

Good post. i was about to upvote it as i was reading till i realize the fact that you did not mention RANCHORELAXO AT ALL

Good, I will take your vote. Added!

" Let's see... @Haejin posts content, 20k+ users and himself upvote his content, @Haejin takes the reward and trades the coins on an open market. The market created Steem, the rules were voted on, a user is utilizing Steem to their advantage and a few of the users are upset because this person is taking too much money? ..."

you better do your homework regarding @ranchorelaxo, otherwise i am going to think that you try to omit it just to play haejin as a victim....

I don't need to learn all the technical aspects because the issue is who owns Steem Power, owns Steem. Someone needs to correct this by branching or changing the algorithm to allow steem to take off based on who has the best content. A free market is always a better choice then a paid, manipulated market. I'll take that vote now if you don't mind. ;)

Thank you for add ranchorelaxo to your post
but is still missing in the part that says "Haejin posts content, 20k+ users (ranchorelaxo here?) and himself upvote his content..." i think that would be accurate. i by no mean i am going to tell you what to do, free will!

you do seem like a nice person :)

and i kinda agree with you on this comment!


What's happening here is that one user is ABUSING the system. If they were on Amazon rating everything 1 star it would be the exact same thing. He's spamming, he's not adding content, that is formulaic spam. Those followers by and large appear only in the haijin universe, while many of them were created at once and started following en mass the donkey. The matter of taxes is legal, lawful and decent, it's not about submission at all, that's why there are exemptions to all taxes and ultimately they are there for the benefit of bankruptcy protection, insurance etc. Now back to Steem, the reason why it's not fair is not that he is playing OUTSIDE the rules, any more than let's say someone is abusing a benign and ultimately large positive of the game. The chance for abuse is there because we don't want people to be beaten into some submission and their negative actions will ultimately help build up the community, that is in the whitepaper, saying something along the lines that "you don't want to eliminate bad actors ... but you want to keep abuse from becoming rampant at the same time". In essence, then bad actors help to make for a more resilient and powerful platform, it's the challenges that they bring which we need to address.
How? KISS (keep it stupid simple). Why? To incentivize cooperation. The solution to his behavior is A: if he is small enough/not vested more than 50% of the worth of the platform that the community flags him, which means that those who hold so much of the stake have that much more responsibility in maintaining this abuse from being rampant, in doing so they will win the love of the community and their adoration is priceless, if though as you aluded that they are too large to be dealt with we could simply hardfork the community and ban him and freeze all his funds. We are not powerless against abusers. Case and point, this is not EXTORTION, this is someone possibly abusing the bankruptcy protection, the insurance and bond of their office and bypassing countless regulations that they otherwise agreed to through their choice of contracting and employment, and this post is simply someone being VERY NICE all he wants is assurance that this abuser won't abuse in a very specific way.

You mess with the best you tax like the rest

less to declare if you stop using ranchorelaxo don't you think?
also scarlet7 says you don't need the money you make here
if you keep making those profits while raping the reward pool
i will request your details and fill an anonymous report
after all you are making a ton of money from here
you can do lot of things with so much money...
if you think only for yourself like you been doing all this time
making the 23th most powerful whale ranchorelaxo you personal bot / money machine
you deserve to pay taxes for the insane amounts of money you manage to get from this platform daily

a whale on the number 23th just for you is insane, this been going for too long!, this is not just your playground, behave!

is enough!

most people think they cant change nothing or they have fear of doing it so they don't do nothing! they think they are powerless. and wait for others to do it. They so wrong and this post proves it

@iknowwhoyouare, Respects!!!

i decided to flag my own comment.

i made a comment / statements on a reply to @scarlet7 recently here:

in which i am saying i acknowledge what he mean with threats and "racist" comments

in this comment here i made a sentence "if you keep making those profits while raping the reward pool i will request your details and fill an anonymous report" and i feel this comment was kind of a threat to that person and want to take it back flaggin my comment i think theres no need to request any data from my part to get this problem solved.

I do not know @iknowwhoyouare strategy is, i personally do not think its a threat what hes doing, i think he is moving pieces of this chess game, to make steem a better place, that is why i will keep following him, resteeming his post, and showing support!

you seem wiser and better with every post you made, that is why i upvote them!

Keep it up @iknowwhoyouare !

i think i need to read again your last post here :

it's excellent and contains deep knowledge i do not want to miss a bit!


also i do not think there is need for "racist" memes, i think we can do smarter. i can do some ones that can be flag for disagreement but not for being racist. i just do not want to start making those (i will try general ones in dmania or decentmemes since some memes are great and make you laugh and i think i maybe can do some laughs if i try to do some)

but if the people do not know acknowledge what is happening and work towards a change, and the problem, some call it war keeps going i might start making memes that will go to wars without offending you! not just about ranchorelaxo but to those that play unfair and take advantage of the proof-of-brain concept, and engage in dishonest activities in this wonderful blockchain!

No one can crush dissent forever. Thanks for taking a stand for the minnnows @iknowwhoyouare.

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I am skeptical of all of this. Everyone has something to hide so I do not doubt the information exactly but skeptical all the same.

What the FUCK?! You are a total douche bag!