What is the Dark Web? Tutorial of all Layers and How to be safe. F. A. Q. LIONCUBE 1337 Web Assistant

in #stemsteem7 years ago

What is the Deep Web?
To understand Mariana's Web fully you need to know a little about the Deep Web, and where it is found. The content of Deep Web is one that brings together pages and documents not indexed by search websites, such as Google or Bing, for example.
This is the main definition of the term, which was created by Michael K. Bergman, CEO and co-founder of Structured Dynamics LLC. It refers to all content that cannot be indexed by search engines and is therefore not available directly to anyone browsing the internet.
These “secret” pages may only be accessed by specific applications, such as Tor, for example. It connects you to a network called “Onion” (Tor, in fact, is an acronym for “The Onion Router”) that manages access between your PC and these non-indexed sites. The question remains then, why are these pages hidden?
Simple: freedom of content. On the Deep Web, you will find all sorts of material, from relatively simple things like movies and books banned in certain countries, to heavier content such as forums for heavy image exchange, buying and selling drugs and many other things. Many say in forums and amateur pages that most online data worldwide is on this network and is not viewed by most ordinary people. However, there are no specific or certified numbers to back the claim up.
What are the layers of Tor?
Even if you do not even know how to fry an egg or you are terrible in the kitchen, you’ve probably seen an onion up close, haven’t you? That way, you must remember that when this vegetable is pealed, in addition to making people cry a little, also separates into several different layers. This is how Tor works. It works with several layers, each of which is a different router. At each step, the browser connects to one, which passes the connection information to the next, and so on. With that, the goal is to make the super-encrypted content “accessible” for you.
What are the layers of Deep Web?
The term “layer” is not just about Tor’s browsing operation on the Deep Web. Some say that the “place” itself also has a layered division, bringing different levels of access – all according to the level of the user’s knowledge and what he might be looking for. On the internet, there is not much precise information about such layers, so we’ve looked for some in the Deep Web itself. After several “comings and goings”, we have come to a kind of consensus, a pattern of divisions that appears in many forums and sites specialized in the subject.
In addition to the popular image of the iceberg depicting the Deep Web and all its hidden content, there are others also showing how this layering works. Some are even somewhat cryptic, displaying the user as a helpless person and surrounded by crazy and abstract layers of content.
The first three levels considered in this ranking are made by elements that are more “normal”, if you will. The first layer, called “0”, would be the Internet that we usually access today, the common sites and our daily routine, such as Facebook or Softonic itself, for example.
The internet as everbody sees it.
What is Layer 1?
It goes by one name and it is the “Surface Web”, you would find sites with more diverse content and some forums that admittedly appear with new and / or contradictory information, such as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and Google along with many other things you may use daily.
What is Layer 2?
It is refereed to as Bergie Web, Here you will find FTP servers that are further away from popular sites. Finally, in the third layer, you reach the “Deep Web” itself.
So that damned iceberg is still in the graphic, so I guess we'll name this level after it. For some reason FTP servers are placed below MySQL databases. . Made up terms like 'Google Locked Results' (whatever that's supposed to be), a pirate streaming service 'Let me Watch This' are placed next to honeypots.

There are already very many different types of content here, such as sites with heavy video content, hacking forums, community scripting and virus studies amongst others. Although this layer can only be accessed by the use of a Proxy server, it contains only the most accessible material of the Deep Web.
What is Layer 3?
Proxy required after this point... Apparently one can find celebrity scandals here; to be fair, this did pre-date The FappeningWikipedia's W.svg allegedly run by a tight-knit hacker group. Vague hacker jargon starts to be introduced such as "XSS worm scripting", "computer security", "visual processing" and apparently "specific virtual reality". And to think all this time you've settled for general virtual reality. As for AI information, to date, there are two mirror websites that host an AI titled VIKI. The websites claim that the bot has "been online since 01JAN70 in one form or another. Most likely, these websites were created because of this (mis)infographic.
What is Layer 4?
It is called the “Charter Web”, is a more advanced version of the third layer. Here, however, access to illegal materials begins to grow dramatically. Drug sales sites, banned and extremely offensive videos and even the so-called “Hidden Wiki” are found on this level. To be fair, one can find various anarchist writings but no more so than on the clearnet. In addition, "personal records" a.k.a. doxes can be found on websites such as Doxbin.

What is Layer 5?
The Deepest Place a.k.a the 5th layer, we find the so-called Mariana’s Web. The name is inspired by the “Mariana Trench”, which is known as the deepest place in the oceans of Planet Earth. The (mis)infographic makes another reference to deep web search technologies while also making a bullshit statement on how the information affects someone. A popular infographic, found on the internet, shows this part of Deep Web speculations begin with the use of a tool called “Closed Shell Systems”, in addition to another one whose name is “Polymeric Falcighol Derivation”.

We do find this to be fictitious names and tools, created out of nowhere and only for some curious new users to end up looking the fool. We could be in conspiracy theoryville here. Jokes aside, however, it is well known that many web pages need programs and settings far more advanced than Tor to be accessed.
These sites would shape the so-called Mariana’s Web. This level could also split into different categories making up the 5th, 6th and 7th layers of the web. Here, the rule would be the same; the higher the level you want to access, the more advanced tools you’ll need to go with your increasingly advanced skillset. Extreme content of all kinds, including terrorist tutorials, pages with prohibited adult material, and unimaginable subject forums, for example, could be found in these layers. Even some legends and conspiracy theories can take shape in the confines of the internet.
What is Layer 6?
Intermediary between the Marianas Web
Layer 6 exists for the sole purpose of being one.
Not much else is known on record.
What is Layer 7?
The Fog/Virus Soup . The best way to describe level 7 would but a war zone. Where it is every man for themselves, where everyone who "made" it here is trying to get to the 8th level preventing other people from getting there. It's like a warzone of hackers, all trying to reach the 8th layer and fighting each other with viruses, etc trying to hinder each other.
What is Layer 8?
The Primarch System is impossible to access directly. The primarch system is what controls the Internet. No government or organization has control of it. Nobody even knows what it is. The system is an anomaly discovered in the 2000's. It is unresponsive, but sends out unalterable commands to the entire net, randomly. The entire 7th Level is people trying to gain access to Level 8 and stopping others from getting there. Level 8 is thought to be separated by "level 17 quantum t.r.001 level function lock" which is virtually impossible for our computers to break.
Also known as "The Final Boss of The Internet". It is known also known as "The Archon Interface". It is supposedly the controllers for the whole internet, IE the Holy Grail for hackers. Whoever controls the 8th layer controls the internet and thus, the entire digital world.

What is layer 9?
If you look harder you could find it.


What is the Internet Underworld?
There are many Deep Web sites that you can access without having Tor installed. This, however, restricts the scope of your navigation, leaving you stuck to the type of content mentioned above. Another problem is that you will probably end up with a PC full of of malware. This means that anyone who ventures onto these sites should follow the advice of those who access the Deep Web regularly – many of which claim that Tor guarantees some degree of protection. As well as offering protection, it also allows you to access the other parts of this third layer. With Tor you already gain access (if you can find the sites, of course) to several more advanced materials. There are those who say that there are extremely technical forums on the most diverse computational subjects, including data on cosmology.

The secret subjects of Mariana’s Web?
What is so secretive about Mariana’s Web that it needs to be hidden?
There is no 100% correct answer to this, so there is no way to pinpoint exactly what kind of information can be found there. What is known is based on reports from experienced Deep Web users and specialized forums. According to them, several truly macabre sites can be accessed on the Mariana’s Web. As encryption levels are more advanced, some people feel more comfortable offering their services.Some people point out sites that make hitmen available. Companies specializing in the sale of banned and strictly military weapons could also be found in these farthest layers of the network. In the most sinister reaches of the web there may even be the trade of human beings, rare animals and organs.
There are also “non-bizarre” parts within Mariana’s Web. Some sites and forums controlled by the Chinese Pirate Party, a group that advocates freedom of expression within the country, are supposedly active in these parts of the Internet. The exchange of information from an army of hackers joining in the fight against online pedophilia, something very common within Deep Web, would also happen in these deeper layers with specially created forums built to deal with the subject. There are those who believe that some of the most famous conspiracy theories on the internet may have been born on Mariana’s Web. Among the speculations are, for example, that Haarp would be a weapon of the United States Army able to control natural forces on our planet.

Others talk about the use of quantum computing by powerful governments across the globe, while there are those who say there are secret books written by Nikola Tesla that could bring information about incredible methods of obtaining and controlling electricity.

What is the size of the World Wide Web?
The Indexed Web contains at least 4.23 billion pages. The estimated minimal size of the indexed World Wide Web is based on the estimations of the numbers of pages indexed by Google, Bing, Yahoo Search. From the sum of these estimations, an estimated overlap between these search engines is subtracted. The overlap is an overestimation; hence, the total estimated size of the indexed World Wide Web is an underestimation.
Since the overlap is subtracted in sequence, starting from one of the four search engines, several orderings (and total estimations) are possible. We present two total estimates, one starting with Bing (BG) and one starting with Google (GB). The figure reported at the top of the page refers to the GB estimation. The size of the index of a search engine is estimated on the basis of a method that combines word frequencies obtained in a large offline text collection (corpus), and search counts returned by the engines. Each day 50 words are sent to all four search engines. The number of webpages found for these words are recorded; with their relative frequencies in the background corpus, multiple extrapolated estimations are made of the size of the engine's index, which are subsequently averaged. The 50 words have been selected evenly across logarithmic frequency intervals (see Zipf's Law). The background corpus contains more than 1 million webpages from DMOZ, and can be considered a representative sample of the World Wide Web.

When you know, for example, that the word 'the' is present in 67,61% of all documents within the corpus, you can extrapolate the total size of the engine's index by the document count it reports for 'the'. If Google says that it found 'the' in webpages, an estimated size of the Google's total index would be 23.633.010.000.

The overlap between the indices of two search engines is estimated by daily overlap counts of URLs returned in the top-10 by the engines that were returned in a sufficiently large number of random word queries. The words were randomly drawn from the DMOZ background corpus.
Feb 1st 2017
Over a five week period, the pair found 5,205 live websites, 2,723 of which they were able to classify by content. Of those, 1,547 hosted illicit material—around 57 percent.
About 35,000 unique .onion addresses existed at the time.

How Can You Protect Yourself from the Dark Web?
People often aren’t worried about the dark web until something like a data breach happens and they’re notified their information was stolen. There’s no fail-proof way to keep your information off the dark web because hackers are always trying the latest new thing to get your information and sell it to those looking to pay for it, but you can be vigilant about looking for red flags that your identity is in someone else’s hands, including:

Monitor your accounts and statements for any information that looks off
Check your credit report regularly to see if inquiries or new accounts appear that you don’t recognize
Use strong passwords, and change them often
Consider an online product to help you protect your identity and monitor your credit.
Know how to respond immediately to suspicious activity
By staying on top of potential issues, you can help minimize the impact if your personal information does fall into the wrong hands.

That's all I have for tonight. I hope you enjoyed the post and if you more interested in more Mariana's web and Dark Web posts make sure to check out there is other posts about private networks and safety.

How to stay safe online and around sketchy links

The Truth of Mariana's Web

Beyond Layer +9 : Enter the Deepest Darkest Abyss


Just another DeepWeb A.I Fantasy Story... Or is it?



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It seems like this fascination with parts of the web that are hidden is becoming more prominent.

Is there a fascination? I just like showing what I know for those who are confused.

Wow... Very Insightful. Thanks for sharing this with us @j1337 I used to think dark web was a myth.

You are very welcome thanks for checking out my post- loads more Dark Web Articles are on the page if you got time to read more.
