🐋 Introducing Steemy The Steemwhale - My First Cash And Prize Giveaway 💰
As lot of you may know I recently was gifted with a 3D Pen from my partner @ausbitbank, since then I have been going a little craft mad here and I have been busy working away on several projects - while I await my new shipment of filament (hopefully tomorrow).
So far all of the costs have been covered by our steemit earnings, which on it's own is hard to comprehend - because that means it was all made possible from the support we have received from the community.
Without upvotes from my followers and those who've just stumbled upon my post as they browsed, there is no way any of this would have been possible - we owe so much to this amazing community and how they have rallied behind us in any way they can.
So as my own little way of saying thank you to all of my supporters, I have decided to offer my first ever giveaway!
This is just my little way to say thank you to all of those that have supported me along my journey, you helped make this my reality and I want you all to know I truly appreciate it.
When I unveiled my first 3D pen creation I asked my readers what I should attmept to make next time - there was overwhelming support for the next project to be a whale.
Since the suggestion, I have spent countless hours working on Steemy the Steemwhale trying to perfect it - so here he is in all his glory Steemy the Steemwhale!

For your chance to own Steemy the Steemwhale or to enter the competition, simply upvote this post, follow me and comment why you want Steemy or why you think you deserve him or the cash!
As I have become rather fond of Steemy during the time we have been together, I want to ensure he finds himself a safe forever home - so I will be personally choosing the comment I feel deserves and truly wants Steemy as their own (I will also cover the postage costs for Steemy to anywhere in the world).

Now this doesn't mean you can't just enter to win something, I have also decided to have a little competition as well to help spread the love and appreciation around - even to those who know Steemy will have a happier home elsewhere in the universe.
I am also offering 3 X cash prizes to commenters who meet the conditions of entry listed above.
- 1 X $100
- 1 X $50
- 1 X $25
The more creative, funny or interesting comments will receive an extra entry - as an added bonus you can enter multiple times but only quality comments will be included.
When this post closes in a week I will gather all valid entries and use random.org to choose three lucky steemians in addition to Steemy's new mate.

Please feel free to opt out of the Steemy giveaway if you would prefer to only enter the cash competition, this will help me keep track of who want's to be included in the giveaway as well as the competition.
Steemy is heavier than you might expect, he is quite sturdy as well - I chose to make him in a minimalistic style as I am new to this and didn't want to stuff him up.
He isn't perfect (I am rather new at this) but I think he has some serious character and potential of being a Steemy paperweight.
He doesn't have a lot of defining features so when the winner is drawn, they can decide if he gets a set of googly eyes - because everything is more awesome with googly eyes!

Help me choose a guardian for Steemy, by voting up the commenters you think deserve Steemy's love and protection!

Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
@krystle That is amazing. I am the CEO of a leading 3D printing company in the middle east ; E3D
Give me STEEMWHALE and I will make him the most famous whale in the middle east. XD
Just so everyone knows I am intentionally not commenting back or voting on comments, because I want to see how this plays out without my influence - at least for now :D
I wish you all the best of luck, get creative this is about having fun and thanking my followers - and don't forget you can also say why you deserve the cash!
Enter as often as you like (quality is key here), just remember to follow the rules and you never know you could win.
Edit: Well these comments are just too good not to at least try to reply to you guys, keep it up and share it around help spread the word - make sure everyone has the chance to win steemy (he will be getting more friends soon!).
Oh noes! What happened here. 🐼
Steemy McSteamwhale can help prop up wobbly panda, to ensure against future mishaps
Hahaha I love it! :D Perfect idea - now I need a 3D Printed panda!
PMSL... Can't beat that.. I vote for @fatpandadesign Ive been to Chang Mai and seen the water in the drains.. which he would have to resort to collecting - the dude is suffering! Better send him some Steemy love!!

Plus I wanna see Steemy skydive... is he insured?
He is not insured at least not yet, also not sure how he'd go if he didn't stick the landing though...
Yeah @ausbitbank's alright I guess :P
Awesome comment sounds like Steemy would have a very active life with you, good luck :)
Haha he's awesome, and he's definitely helped me out quite a bit on some of my posts. I appreciate him and everything he does for the community as a whole - great guy!
I would love to have Steemy come adventure with me :D
@krystle this is brilliant! and with your 3-D pen, innovation on innovation. I am inspired by this greatly. As a songwriter I search for inspiration like gold, and find it mostly in other people truly believing in themselves and there unique gifts and talents, whatever they may be. Freedom is what comes to mind with this, and emotion. Inside my studio I cover my walls and shelves with things that inspire me, things I made my children, friends and artist that inspire me. All these items remind me of life in all its varieties and people in all there varieties. Steemy wants to come home with me and join a loving family of art in an artist house where he will inspire many great songs and musicians who enter inside the walls of the Sound Legion Studio!!
Huge love girl you are amazing!!!
Oh wow hun your so lovely (flattery will get you everywhere lol) your words as always are beautiful and timeless like the lyrics in your songs :)
Steemy sounds like he'd be in an amazing creative space to witness truly amazing things take place, could be an amazing adventure for our little friend...
Good luck! and thanks again for your super sweet words lovely :D
i would take great care of him and take pictures of his new place for you to see and make a post about it as well to share with the steem community. I love stuff like this... very very life filled
I'm sure Steemy would have a safe and happy home with you, I love the idea of sharing his journeys with the community as well.
I have been thinking I might make a sibling for Steemy, that can travel the world visiting as many steemians as possible - along the way people share the time they spent with him with the community, could be really awesome :D
Holy cow, you did that with a 3d pen!?!
That's mighty impressive!
Thanks so much, it took a while but hey Steemy was worth it :)
I don't deserve Steemy. You should not send him to me.
But my uncle's house would be perfect for him .. or more like ...
He would be a perfect companion for my uncle.
To keep him safe at night.
To have someone to talk to.
And to show him that there are ways of getting your contributions rewarded..
Through Steemit.
He is struggling last two years or so trying to figure out a way to make a living to feed himself and his family. He is even falling for some silly things as he's becoming quite desperate. Though I would love him to join Steemit and if nothing would come out of it he would at least not waste time doing some silly things - and maybe he would also get a bit of pocket cash for food, etc.
And if he received something tangible he would not think of this as some fancy internet money and would consider it more real.
So, Steemy would be there to protect him from making some stupid mistake and getting involved in some scam and hopefully at least make him be an active member here.
So maybe, just maybe, Steemy can save my uncle.
You make a kind plea for your Uncle's case, he might see the cash as a bigger encouragement though?
Yeah, for sure. But it's easier to send something "tangible" as a 3d-Whale then some imaginary cash. Plus currencies are different everywhere. Or sending him "magic internet money" would not work as that would not be tangible and it would still be "magic".
Plus if Steemy is with him he'd not be far from sea as he lives in Spain. So they can always go for a swim, etc. :).
Hopefully I should see him this weekend on my cousin's wedding (no clue if they will manage to come all the way from Spain. They manage to get finances for coming back just every other year) so I will sell him the idea of joining Steemit again and to start producing. Or at least curating.
It's worth a shot, given that you entered though if you did win the money it would go to you and then I would assume you could transfer it and make it real tangible money for him, to show him it's not imaginary internet money.
Either way you're in on both counts, it can be hard to get people on here but once they see the reality they tend to get on bored rather quickly.
True, that would be pretty damn cool :).
Though I'd try to make him join anyway and write at least 10 posts.
Though he doesn't speak English so I hope there are some good resources here in Spanish :). (I doubt that are any in our language :D ).
We'll see. Basically, thank you for inspirin an idea in me :)
And those googly eyes would be watching him to keep him on point.
This was in so quick, I commend you on your googly eye placement :)
Good luck!
I will lay my case for why I would love to be steemy's new mate:
Last time a whale was in İzmir -the city I live in- It was February 9th 1995.
It was a young sperm whale who got lost while migrating and ended up in İzmir.
We took good care of her for couple weeks until she decided to leave.
Would love to host another one in İzmir after 22 years.
Well it has been a while since you had a whale visit you never know, either way it sounds like the people of Izmir have some experience with whale watching :) Good luck with the comp!
I need Steemy so I can look at it everyday and keep reminding myself of my goal to become a whale :)
Steemy is a great motivator - I'm sure wherever he ends up he will be a muse for his new owner.
Good luck :)