SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #8

in #steemworld7 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1

Continuing undefined journey into better worlds...

Don't ask me how I ended up here but I'm currently in the process of implementing an own STEEM Market on SteemWorld. It's really exciting to get back into HTML5 Canvas development as I did a few years ago when I was building Android apps and later starting to convert them to HTML5 browser games. There seems to be something in that direction planned in future but that's all still kind of a SteemWorld secret... :)

The orderbook component is being drawn on a normal 2D Canvas context and I'm going to add a few additional functions to it in the coming days. It is already available on the site but the buttons for creating and removing market orders are still disabled, because I need to test the whole thing before it is ready to be used.

Default view

Zoomed view

The visible range depends on (real) available market data. That's why it looks a bit different than the orderbook in the Steemit Market. After I was thinking about it for a while I came to the conclusion that the orderbook on Steemit is misleading and should definitely be revised.

Here is a screenshot of the current orderbook on Steemit:

Nothing special and all fine? Looks flat like a pancake and one might think that there are not many orders on the bid side in the internal market, but...

Take a look at the fascinating, hidden reality:

(the blue area in the image is not 100% accurate and it is just an abstract drawing of how it should look like, nevertheless it is still more correct than the existing orderbook view)

There are a few issues regarding displaying a correct/usable orderbook with the Steem API. There is a limit (1000 each on the ask and bid side) for the number of orders that one can receive from the public nodes. For Steemit's own nodes the limit seems to have been changed to 500. Both limits are way to low in my eyes. The more orders are sitting on the same/near price levels the flatter the rest will look. The biggest problem is that the flat area eventually should look like exact the opposite (more orders -> more higher tops).

Seeing it from an external perspective an investor could ask himself something like: "Is Steem dead or why are there so few buyers in the orderbook?" Hmm... No, they are just not being displayed in there.

Maybe that's one reason why I'm here...

In the making

Orders / Market

I want the open orders to be displayed directly in the Orderbook, so that they can be moved to a different price per mouse and they then will automatically be cancelled and reopened at the new price. Some minor changes to the layout may still come in the next days. As soon as I've tested all functions and I'm satisfied with the result, the disabled buttons will be enabled and the Market will be available.

Hardfork 20

Preparations for coming changes in HF20, especially curation rewards calculation and support for new operation types.

Healing my broken foot

I wouldn't have thought that it could take so long for my injury to heal completely, but it's getting better and I can walk again normally. Feels still a bit strange and not stable for any jumping actions, but I'm on my way I guess... Be glad that I don't have to program with my foot ;)

Recent Updates

As I'm currently putting all my time in the new market features, there are not many other major changes on the site that need to be addressed here.

Just a small one in Settings:

Account Operations - Show vote amounts for outgoing votes:


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Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. We are the creators of our world.

Much Love,


Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

Would you like to order pancakes?

Please upvote this comment with your order:

$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Das ist ja eine witzige Anwendung um Blog Beiträge zu kommentieren 😃👍

Nice job bro @steemchiller... loved the market session. It would be good to have a candle graph as well if possible.

Thank you so much one more time for your effort on building this awesome tool for #Steemit!

@steemchiller, your pancakes are ready!

Wo what is this? A bot service? I want some yummy, profitable pancakes, keke.

Yo, but you need to add the ! in front of the word ;) Just like !popcorn

Oh haha, i understand that I need the ‘!’ In front of pancakes, but I didn’t want to call the pancakes. I just wanted to know what is the purpose of it and popcorn?

It doesn't really have a purpose, just for fun and because we can... ^^

Oh haha. That’s cool! How about some ice cream too? I scream for ice cream.

Thank you for posting this update...very thorough as well....including an answer to the query we all had concerning your foot.....glad to hear it is coming along nicely @steemchiller.

You know you needed at Whaleshares.....have you any plans in that direction?

I do have another you have a post concerning delegations through Steemworld?

The query is this..... How does one end the delegation?

All the best to you.


Thank you! There are (now) two ways to remove a delegation:

  1. Click on the 'Edit...' button in the outgoing delegations table and set the amount to '0'
  2. Click on the 'X' button (a bit easier, new as of today ;)

Whaleshares? Nothing planned.


Thank you @steemchiller for the information and the 'new' X button....will have a look. is the link..

You will see loads of Steemians there.


Hi @steemchiller. Ist es bei Dir auch schon Abend? Jetzt ist es ca. 11:15 Uhr und meine SteemWorld–Zeit berichtet unter TODAY bereits von 19 Uhr.

Oben rechts findest du CEST und UTC zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme. Nun schau die Zeiten der letzten Blockchaineinträge für meinen Account!

Moin @afrog oder sollte ich 'Guten Abend' sagen? Bei mir sind die Zeiten in Ordnung. Für die Berechnung der Zeit wird UTC genommen und in deine lokale Zeitzone umgewandelt. Dabei scheint es ein Problem zu geben. Hast du die Konfiguration in deinem System geändert? Mich wundert, dass oben in der Leiste UTC angezeigt wird...

Ich werde das nachher mal mit VM und anderer Zeitzone testen. Auf jeden Fall habe ich nichts in dieser Richtung geändert in den letzten Tagen.

Gerade gesehen, dass in der Leiste auch CEST angezeigt wird. Deine Systemzeit ist also wahrscheinlich CEST. Merkwürdig, aber ich schau mir das nachher mal an.

Natürlich ist meine Systemzeit CEST. Die UTC–Anzeige habe ich nur in die Leiste gepfriemelt, damit ich mir nicht merken muss, wie weit die UTC von der CEST entfernt ist.
Ich schätze mal, dass es gar kein Problem der SteemWorld ist. Schließlich bist du einer, der weiß was er tut. Außer beim Fahradfahren, etc.

Viereinhalb Tage vor der Hardfork, nach einem Blackout ist es sehr viel wahrscheinlicher, dass die Steemit Inc. mal wieder Pfusch auf der Blockchain treibt. Späterhin werden sie es selbstverständlich als heroischen Erfolg abfeiern. In den offiziellen Steemit– Verlautbarungen grüßt uns ja immer wieder das positiv glucksende Murmeltier altkommunistischer Schönfärberei. Falls von denen überhaupt jemand entdeckt, dass sie gerade wieder Pfusch treiben. Seit 8 Uhr UTC hat niemand was gemerkt. Man feiert noch den Sieg, einen Blackout nach 11 Stunden behoben zu haben.

Die Blockchain arbeitet nur mit UTC, daher ist ein Node-Fehler eher unwahrscheinlich. Für die Berechnung der lokalen Zeit nutze ich Moment.js. Ich habe gerade nochmal auf die neueste Version aktualisiert, aber vermutlich wird das nicht viel ändern (du könntest es jetzt per F5 nochmal damit testen). Hast du einen neuen Browser oder irgendwelche Systemeinstellungen bzgl. der Zeitzone geändert? Steemnow zeigt doch nur die UTC-Zeit oder wird dir da die richtige, lokale Zeit angezeigt?

Falls das Problem noch bestehen sollte, werde ich deine lokale Zeit irgendwo auf der Seite anzeigen oder ein Log in der Konsole hinzufügen. Bei mir ist nach wie vor alles in Ordnung. Habe eben nochmal den Zugriff auf die Seite von Hawaii aus getestet und die Zeit war ebenfalls ok.

Jetzt habe ich UTC im Panel abgeschaltet. Nutzt aber nichts. Ist ja auch egal ob gestern, oder in der Zukunft. Solange ich weiß wo das Jetzt ist, erscheint mir der Rest gleich.

Für mich als Entwickler ist das Problem natürlich noch nicht vom Tisch. Bisher hat zwar noch niemand außer dir diesen Bug gemeldet, aber irgendwas scheint da ja zu sein. Wir können ja mal bis morgen abwarten und dann, falls es noch auftreten sollte, nach einer Lösung suchen.

Ich sehe zwei Möglichkeiten:

  1. Die lokale Zeit wird nicht richtig ermittelt / vom Browser zurückgegeben.

  2. Einige Steemit-Nodes geben die Zeit nicht mehr in UTC zurück. Das wäre natürlich fatal und nicht sehr wahrscheinlich, aber vor Kurzem gab es etwas Ähnliches, wodurch auf SteemWorld jetzt tausendfach dieselben Operationen erscheinen (comment_options), da nicht der tatsächliche Wert aus der Blockchain, sondern ein zufälliger, numerischer Wert zurückgegeben wird. Dadurch kann mein Tool natürlich nicht mehr zwischen neuen und bereits vorhandenen Operation unterscheiden. Scheint auch immer noch nicht behoben zu sein:

Steemnow zeigt die abgelaufene Zeit seit Erscheinen auf der Blockchain. Das wird richtig angezeigt. Ich habe mir selbst geantwortet. Pfleger! Hallo Pfleger! Immer wenn man sie braucht, sind sie beim Essen.

Es wird immer witziger. Jetzt haben wir gestern miteinander über die Zeit geschrieben. Heute war so gut wie noch nichts los. Ist der Timelord in der Nähe?

Bei ist aber alles in Ordnung. Es scheint nicht die Blockchain zu sein.

Thank you so much for your work 👍
100% upvotet

I am really happy to support your efforts with a 100% vote, I really enjoy using what you have put together and you should be rewarded for it... keep up the good work

Hey, I just discovered the new Transaction Info feature, but it isn't entirely clear to me what number means what. That's an example for one of my transactions:

TitleBlock NumberTransaction IDTransaction number in Block???
Transaction Info26165320d0f71c4890f561da7d681f706fb08553b76d10e0320

What does the last number stand for?
The operation number in the transaction? If yes, I think it's flawed, since it showed 0 for all of the operations in a bundled transaction (I checked on that)

That's part of the coming transaction explorer. The order of the values may still change but they will be clickable and open the explorer to show all details of that transaction/op.

The last number is the field 'op_in_trx' and it comes directly from the account history plugin of the connected node. I didn't check if the number shows the correct op index, but I know that it can differ from node to node. And of course there are also virtual operations to be handled a bit differently. If it should not be possible to retrieve the exact op index I will remove it and use my own op hash sum to jump to a specific op in the explorer.

Hey @steemchiller, best wishes and Go on with your good work. I‘m looking forward to the results. You’ve got my support and I left a 100% upvote.

many things broken on, glad to have someone like you playing around with this stuff :-)

Thank you @steemchiller for your hard work, it is really difficult to imagine the life on Steemit without Steemworld. it is a navigator, compass, reflector of everything what is going on on platform, your own records and there is really everything what a simple user can wish .

From the point of program developer it is easy for you at one glance to see what needs to be improved and what is not ideal. As you may know the creators are never feel that their creation is perfect, like with painting (my main hobby is painting and creating Art) even when it is displayed on exhibition but not sold, then still we take them home and change7improve something. The painting never finished.

It is good knews to know that your heal is recovering and you are able to bear your weight. I do not know is it was a fracture and required operation or just simple strain or rupture of ligaments, but being a surgeon I know how tricky it might be with feet and hands injuries. I wish you good recovery and thank you for supporting Steemit with your wonderful program :)

Wow @steemchiller! Taking on building a Steem market?! You must've been bored with nothing to do ... 😉

"Maybe that's one reason why I'm here..."

Maybe. Definitely. Seriously, I for one am certainly glad you are here. And I am equally certain I am not alone in expressing that.

"Be glad that I don't have to program with my foot ;)"

Yes! 😉 Glad to hear it is on the mend. Hopefully next report you can let us know you are back to your old self (the one that knows when to stop ...)!

Until we "meet" again, all the best to you for a better tomorrow. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

This is absolutely awesome! Taking on the internal market now (the only one I think was handled at the front-end only on so far). What will be next? :)