SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #31

This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
I should definitely stop telling you what I'm about to work on in the coming weeks, because my predictions were not really accurate the last times. Every week at least one or two new problems spontaneously joined my ToDo list, which needed to be taken care of first.
As many of you have seen in the past weeks, the shown USD prices on SteemWorld deviated hugely from the real market values, because the price API I was using ( didn't calculate the STEEM price based on all available exchange rates anymore and they seem to use only data from Bithumb currently.
In the end I needed to look for a new provider and change the price discovery and caching methods on my server again. I switched to a few months ago, because CoinMarketCap is no longer free and I can't afford to pay for a contract that covers the current number of requests coming from my server.
Let's try the next one and hope that Binance's API will work for us... Did you know that they are listing hundreds of coins but our SBD is not in their list? That was a tricky one and took me quite some time. Now my server receives the SBD price from a different provider and adds it to the normal request result.
As Binance returns the prices based on USDT (Tether Dollar), I needed to implement a currency converter in my Ticker Class. The good thing is, that you now can choose between 164 different preview currencies in the Settings:
Market Info
Fixing the price issues on the site and implementing the new APIs enabled me to add a few great features, which were not really planned at this point in time.
I renamed the 'Steem Info' tab to 'Market Info', because there are now a few more market related data inside. The first section shows the STEEM and SBD prices etc. as before:
I think it would make sense to have the STEEM-BTC price in here too. Maybe instead of the EUR price or in a new row. I will see what I can do...
Crypto Pairs
Here we have an overview of many available crypto currency pairs. The column headers can be clicked for sorting the data (in this image it's sorted by volume, descending).
The filter row can be used to filter the results:
The USD and USDT prices for some coins are still missing (not being delivered via their API), but I will add a function to calculate them on my end soon.
Currency Rates
Nothing special, but I like to have an overview for these:
Ignored Accounts
Thanks to @themarkymark for the idea! His posts are getting spammed with thousands of comments every day and SteemWorld has become very slow for him because of the huge amount of incoming operations.
Therefore we now have a new setting to define ignored (blacklisted) accounts in Settings:
I still need to make a few changes to get it working for all features on the site, but the relevant account operations are already getting filtered.
Have a wonderful week!
In the making
( A )
- Post Viewer and Editor
- Starting a witness node
- Steem Data Service (SDS)
- More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts and comments, pie charts)
- Improved Coming Curation Rewards
( B )
- Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
- Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
- Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
- Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)
( C )
- RC costs calculation
- New responsive SteemWorld that can be run locally (Open Source)
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Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much love,
What is deepcrypto8? Is it some kind of exchange wallet?
Yes, it's Binance ;)
Phantastisches Update! Darauf habe ich gewartet um meine curation zu verbessern! Ich vermute mal du schreibst gerade den Post darüber.
Eine kleiner Verbesserungsvorschlag wäre die wichtige Kennzahl durchschnittliche Efficiency bzw. gesamt efficiency (7tage)
Danke für Spende und die geniale Idee! Habe gerade die 'Avg. Efficiency' hinzugefügt. Bin super müde und schaffe meinen Post heute wahrscheinlich nicht mehr. Morgen aber auf jeden Fall am Start.
Das mit der avg efficiency scheint etwas Performance gekostet zu haben. Vllt wäre es besser, wenn er diese erst berechnet, wenn er alle curation posts berechnet hat und nicht ständig aktualisiert und neu hochrechnet?
edit: Nach einer gewissen zeit hat er automatisch die node geswitched und dann ging es schneller.
Die Berechnung davon würde mich interessieren. Addierst du alle Prozente auf und teilst sie durch die Anzahl?
Ja, einige Nodes sind seit gestern ziemlich langsam geworden. Leider haben wir nur zwei wirklich schnelle zur Verfügung und die schnellste (@ausbitbank's hat gerade Probleme die Account History zu laden.
Die Prozente werden ganz normal addiert und dann durch die Anzahl geteilt. Ich ahne schon, dass du eine Art 'weighted average' haben möchtest :) Also aktuell geht ein 5% Vote zu 100% mit in die Berechnung des Durchschnitts ein, was natürlich nicht die genaue Effizienz der genutzten VP darstellt. Man könnte natürlich einen 5% Vote auch nur zu 5% in die Gesamtsumme mit einfließen lassen.
Habe das gerade mal mit deinem Account getestet und das Ergebnis gefällt mir besser. Mit der alten Logik hattest du 66.79%, mit der neuen Logik hast du 58.16%.
Danke für die Erklärung. Hätte ich mir eigentlich denken können, dass nicht alle nodes gleich schnell sind.
Du hast sofort verstanden was ich wollte ohne das ich es ausformulieren musste :D
Aber wenn ich kurz drüber nachdenke macht ein weighted average gar keine Sinn.
Lass es ruhig so ohne die VP mit einzurechnen.
Ich schwanke auch gerade hin und her mit der Logik. Habe jetzt erstmal die Berücksichtigung der VP wieder rausgenommen. An sich geht es ja um einen Durchschnitt der erzielten Effizienz pro Vote und man dürfte daher keine anderen Werte mit einfließen lassen. Vielleicht irgendwann einstellbar.
Damit bist du wieder bei ~ 67%, was übrigens eines der besten Ergebnisse ist, die ich bisher gesehen habe ;) Kleinere Votes erhöhen die Chance einen guten Treffer zu landen, weil man mehr davon abgeben kann. Eigentlich könnte man einen sehr effektiven Bot dafür basteln. Am besten sogar mit Berücksichtigung des optimalen Vote-Zeitpunktes pro Autor (einige Leute müssen grundsätzlich sehr viel früher gevotet werden)... :)
maybe @coingecko ?
Wie immer vielen Dank für deine grandiose Arbeit! Mach weiter so 👍
Thank you very much for your work you are doing for STEEM.
I have only one suggestion. I think it would be good to add a percentage of profitability of upvotes in Curation Rewards.
Hello there.
Fist of all, I thank you for all your hard work! SteemWorld is a marvelous tool!
But I have a question. Yesterday I tried changing my Master Key using SteemWorld + Steem Connect and I always encountered an error. SteemConnect never accepted the command. Do you know why?
I had to change it through
If SteemConnect shows the 'Continue' button after starting the process on SteemWorld, the operation was checked on their end and should be valid. Did there pop up any error message on SteemConnect? Is it even possible to broadcast operations with SC that require the owner key? I'm not sure about that...
Yes, the error happened after trying to confirm the operation in Steem Connect. Maybe Steem Connect needs my Owner Keys Permissions before doing such a change?
I confirm this @steemchiller... it might be the key being parsed incorrectly as the wrong type. They should not be able to work with a master key if I am not mistaken. Only owner, active, etc...
Although I got (in the past) the same problem sometimes changing the recovery account, and after using directly the correct key, it works.
Ah, I think I get it... So, I should have used my Owner Key instead? And not the Master Key?
Supposedly the Master key should never be used... as it derivates ANY other keys. So basically... anyone with it has the same or even more power as the owner key.
This is "one" of the reasons why Steemit is now separating the steem wallet thing... so people understand that they should use the voting key instead of the master key.
Master key should never exist in my view... And it is something "deprecated" on the newer (same type of) blockchains as the EOS for example. Simply because it goes against the security methods of changing ownership of actions. If you can derivate master key from owner key, and vice versa.. then owner key is the master key and the master key is all keys.
It's a security problem that STEEM has to solve in the future... not a big deal... but something EOS has already resolved.
More to come! I guess.
Ah, thanks for the explanation. :-)
Well, now it's done... and my keys are changed. Next time, I'll be sure to use only the Owner Key.
Hey @steemchiller, thanks for your consistent effort to make your magnificent @steemworld better and better!
I found an issue with Totals in Transfer Search:
Could you fix the bug?
Finally, do you have a preferential channel for bug reports and suggestions?
Thanks for the bug report! It's fixed now ;)
Not really, but I like to reward users for finding bugs, so I think it's a good thing to handle that with normal comments on Steem. Maybe I should create an extra posts for bugs and suggestions...
If there is something important that should not be posted on chain, you can also reach me via
I love your efficiency and your effectiveness!
Thank you very much!
For the blacklist feature, can you make it on a per user basis? One man's trash is another's treasure.
Good point. Will see what I can do ;)
Two thoughts: My brain works in a chaotic manner (which helps me fish for new ideas for my stories, whereas yours must be so ordered to be keeping track of all you have done and wish to do, that it would be completely alien to mine - ahh, that is why you name yourself Steem Chiller, you have a program for keeping the temperature of your hyper-active brain cool. :)
Second thought:
If you can add what was asked for (and it makes sense) why not add an ignore option for comments that do not affect our Rewards calculations (0 value). Otherwise they make the Rewards page long, without reason (for me).
Thanks for your hard work - and I hope you did not mind the bit of humour displayed.
Wow, I’m impressed seeing what you’re passing through just to make sure that we the masses are feed with right informations, I’ve been using your project brother, it’s awesome! Thanks for such a tremendous sacrifice in steem blockchain. Hope one can vote you for a witness?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you! I'm not a witness yet, but I will start a node soon ;)
Do that asap. I am glad that you finally consider it. Many people will support you with their vote. I will do a post about it once your witness node is live.