SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #14

This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Account Creator
The new Account Creator is now available in the Tools section:
Claiming new accounts
If you have enough resource credits (RC) available (currently ~ 5000 SP required) you can claim an account simply by clicking the 'Claim Account' button. The pending claimed accounts are being shown above it.
After claiming an account the number will increase by one and your RC will be decreased by the required amount. In principal, you then already own a new account but its properties (name and keys) are just not defined yet. You can claim as many accounts as you wish (as you have RC) without the need of creating them at the same time. One pending claimed account can later at any point in time be used to create one Steem account.
Creating new accounts
Payment method
There are two different ways to pay for a new account:
- By using an earlier claimed account
- By paying the fee that is being set by the top witnesses (currently 3 STEEM)
Paying with liquid STEEM is not yet available but will be in the coming weeks.
After defining the name of the new account there will be a status text displayed next to the 'Account Name' field, that shows if the name is valid and there is no existing account with that name in the blockchain already.
To generate a random master key for the new account just click the 'Generate' button. The resulting private and active keys will be shown in the table below. By clicking on 'Create Account' there will pop up a confirmation dialog that asks if you did write down the master key to ensure that you will have control over the new account later. After confirming and providing your current private active key the new account will be created.
Update: Using STEEM to claim an account now possible
I uploaded a new version today and it is now possible to claim accounts by paying the 'account_creation_fee' in STEEM (currently 3 STEEM):
I moved the payment method to the claim process so that it's possible to claim accounts without creating them directly. In case of a temporarily occurring cheaper creation fee that's a better solution for users with < 5000 SP.
In the making
- Finding/Building a trustable open source solution for using private keys on SteemWorld (I won't use SteemConnect because it leads to a few accounts having active key privileges for thousands of Steem accounts in future. Something like @yabapmatt's Keychain would be a way better solution)
- Web service for loading the data in a more efficient way and for enabling me to add many cool new features in future
- Improved coming curation rewards overview
- Details for coming rewards (number of posts/comments, maybe a pie chart)
- Different views in the Posts Overview
- RC costs calculation
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Thank you for supporting my work!
Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much love,
Lieber Chiller,
hast du die letzte Zeit noch einmal etwas an den Kriterien des CSI geändert?
Ich frage, weil der gestern bei mir so abrupt auf 2.1 abgestürzt ist.
Ach, wenn ich gerade am Fragen bin. Ich wollte dich das schon längere Zeit mal fragen.
Liegt es an Steemit oder an deinem Server, dass es seit einigen Wochen recht lange dauert, bis ein Vote, das ich vergeben habe, in den Account Operations angezeigt wird?
Oft aktualisieren sich die Account Operations auch nicht. Erst nach einem Neustart deines Tools sieht man, dass doch einige Kommentare oder Votes hinzu gekommen waren.
Lieben Gruß, @double-u
Moin @double-u,
der CSI wird wie bisher berechnet und geändert habe ich daran nichts, ich habe aber eine Vermutung, woran das liegen könnte. Es werden (aktuell noch) immer nur die Votes der letzten 7 Tage betrachtet und das kann dazu führen, dass der Wert von einen auf den anderen Tag stark abweichen kann.
Wenn man zum Beispiel am Montag ganz viele verschiedene Accounts gevotet hat und den Rest der Woche dann vermehrt die selben Autoren und sich selbst, wird der CSI am darauf folgenden Dienstag den vorherigen 'super Montag' nicht mehr beinhalten. Daher möchte ich den Zeitraum in Zukunft auch auf 14 Tage oder sogar einen Monat erhöhen. Das geht allerdings erst, wenn ich meine neue API fertig habe, was noch ein paar Wochen dauern wird.
Die Sache mit den Account-Operationen hängt mit der Umstellung auf RocksDB zusammen, die auch noch nicht ganz abgeschlossen ist. Ich vermute, Steemit wird die Daten in Zukunft etwas mehr synchron zum aktuellen Block halten, aber aktuell sind es noch ein paar Minuten Unterschied. Ich hatte in einem meiner Posts mal erwähnt, dass ich mit meiner neuen API (und einem besseren Server) die Operationen von meinem Server laden könnte, wodurch es nur noch eine Abweichung von 30 Sekunden oder so wäre.
Dass gar keine Aktualisierung stattfindet, habe ich noch nicht beobachtet, vermutlich aber hat es auch mit der Umstellung zu tun und wird sich in den kommenden Wochen von selbst erledigen. Wenn nach 5 Minuten keine neuen Operationen erscheinen sollten, könnte es noch andere Gründe haben. Mal sehen, wie es ab Samstag aussieht, wenn die Anfragen an die Steemit-Nodes auf Hivemind-Instanzen weitergeleitet werden. Die Umstellung wird am kommenden Freitag (07.12. / 23:00 UTC) stattfinden.
LG, Chiller
Vielen herzlichen Dank für deine umfassende Auskunft!
Wieder mal eine erstklassige Arbeit! Deinen Account Creation Claim Button habe ich schon ausprobiert. Natürlich hat er funktioniert. Du bist so eine ehrliche Haut, dass ich deinem Tool sogar meinen private Key anvertraut habe. Aber wie ich gelesen habe, baust du bereits eine noch bessere Lösung als das kindliche Vertrauen in den großen Meister :-)
Herzlichen Gruß und Dank aus München!
Thank you for creating SteemWorld: my on ramp to @Steemit & for explaining how to create new accounts. @SteemChiller

Super Arbeit, weiter so 👍
I use your tool every day and I'm very grateful for all that you have done.
I don't have enough SP to claim an account, yet... When I can pay with liquid Steem I will buy one and see how it works, I have a great idea for an account name hehe.
I live that in Steemit devs work together and support each other to create better versions of their tools. I'm excited about the present of this platform and also about its future. People like you make it a better place!
I uploaded a new version today and it is now possible to claim accounts by paying the 'account_creation_fee' in STEEM (currently 3 STEEM):
I moved the payment method to the claim process so that it's possible to claim accounts without creating them directly. In case of a temporarily occurring cheaper creation fee that's a better solution for users with < 5000 SP.
That's awesome I will try it out soon!
Posted using Partiko Android
so people claim accounts,, why? to use them for apps later? pardon my ignorance
You can also give them to a friend that is having problems with the verification/approval process or just doesn't want to wait.
Posted using Partiko Android
Happy to stop by with a vote! I love Steem World and use it every day. Such a handy tool to quickly check my vote status, rep score and all sorts of fun things. Thanks for developing this awesome product for us!
Agreed! daily stop for me also!
Posted using Partiko iOS
100% vote as always. Delighted you are considering @yabapmatt's Keychain.
hey there you! hehehehe nice to see you here ;)
and another certain app is keychain ready too :) woo hoooooo
It is weird to think of this person sitting by himself, somewhere, creating a multi-faceted complex program so as to make life easier - or maybe at times, just more interesting, for countless persons who start off using the program with pleasure at all it does for them, but then, time rubs the sharp edges into dull, smooth edges, as we start to take it all for granted.
This little post, at rare times it informs, but also, it reminds us that there is a person devoting himself to creating and improving a tool for us, with only a rare 'thank you' given in return.
In the hope that I never forget to be grateful (and say) thank you, I look forward to hearing from you again and learning of the new little gems of usefulness you've added.
Thank you
As always, thanks for the great update @steemchiller!
According to @yabamatt’s post:
I’ve looked into this before and have always been “locked up” at this point. I do not claim to be a developer, but I really do everything I can to stay away from Google. Not easy to do, but I make every reasonable effort …
Would they ever consider putting in the effort to have an extension to the Brave browser? If think that idea might have some merit, at least enough to discuss it and if you have any sway with the principals on this Keychain project @steemchiller, you may wish to suggest it.
The only other input from me this month is selecting a value other than 5 in the number of posts dropdown box does not hold. When I come back, it has always reset to 5. Not a big deal to me, but thought I would bring it to your attention, in case you are ever bored with nothing to do … 😉
All the best to you, even in this dreary market, until next time!
I know exactly what you mean and the same goes for me. I deleted my FB and G accounts lately, rooted my android device and disabled all G services. The app store can then no longer be used, but there are already alternatives available. I don't use many apps anyway and those I use are open source and the APKs can be downloaded directly.
Brave and G Chrome both are built on top of the Chromium web browser and therefore support the WebExtensions API as Firefox and Opera do. I'm not sure if the process of registering these addons without having a G account is possible, but I can tell you more in a few days ;)
All the best @roleerob and thanks for your bug report regarding the posts limit!
Excellent feedback @steemchiller ...
... as I did not know this. Now I know why you "get paid the big bucks" ... 😉
Seriously, I am heartened to hear we are like-minded on this critical topic in our time. While it may be "resistance is futile," I am not willing to go along with it, without doing what I can ...
Conceptually, at least, this topic is a very important (to me) reason why I decided to "jump in" to the "cryptosphere" in general and the "Steemisphere" in particular, as I had not been online, prior to May 14th ...
Until next time, keep "fighting the good fight" @steemchiller! 💥👍😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you. Your view of community and voluntary actions is an inspiration, trusting enough of us using your valuable tool will compensate you enough despite the many who will not support this despite using it and being able to use their share of the reward pool to do so.