SteemWorld Update / New Tool Available / Copy Other Curators Votes

There is a new tool called 'Copy Votes' to be found in the Homescreen on SteemWorld (also directly reachable via
I always wanted to have a tool that gives me a nice possibility to copy other curators votes in times when I'm too busy with other stuff for manually curating peoples posts. So, here it is:
In the Content Type
field one can choose to only search for root posts, comments or both. The Voted Time
criteria can be used to search only for the newest or also older votes (from last 12 hours to 7 days).
The Voted Weight
fields define a range, so that only votes with the desired weight are being considered. The default setting (0-100) should work for most users. Starting from 0
ensures that no downvotes are being copied. By setting it to 75-100
only posts that have been voted with a minimum of 75% will be returned.
With the Payout Amount
fields one can filter out posts whose current total payout amount does not fit in the defined range.
If the option Copy Voted Weight
is checked, the original vote's weight will be used for voting the posts. Otherwise the value from the field Vote With Weight
will be used.
By clicking on Find Posts
the tool begins to search for executed votes by the defined curator and filter the found posts based on the given search criteria. A table with the returned posts will be displayed:
The checkboxes in the column Vote
are editable for each post. So, it is possible to uncheck specific posts that one does not want to vote. After checking up the list and clicking on Vote Selected Posts
, the batch process will be started and the votes will be executed accordingly.
Have fun and Steem on!
If you like what I do and you want me to be your Steem witness,
please vote for @steemchiller on or
Wieder mal erstklassige Arbeit, vielen Dank! 👍🏼 Das ist eine sehr gute Idee und eine wertvolle Ergänzung zu den Curation-Trails.
Ein Problem hatte ich vor einigen Wochen: In der SteemWorld stimmt die Uhrzeit idR nicht mit der Zeit auf steemd überein, wo anscheinend die Blockchain-Zeit (UTC) abgebildet wird. Da ich in Georgien bin, habe ich 4 Stunden Zeitverschiebung zu UTC. Und diese Ortszeit wird in der SteemWorld angezeigt, jedoch nicht als solche deklariert, wodurch eventuelle Zeitdifferenzen nicht offensichtlich sind.
Da ich bestimmte Blöcke gesucht habe, fiel mir diese Diskrepanz auf, da ich dadurch erhöhten Suchaufwand hatte. Sogar bei System-Umstellung auf WEZ (GMT) hatte ich fallweise eine Stunde Differenz wegen der Sommerzeit. Es wäre hilfreich, wenn du darauf hinweisen würdest. Ideal wäre folgende Wahlmöglichkeit bei allen relevanten Daten:
Eventuell kann ich eine Einstellung dafür hinzufügen, damit man fest auf UTC umstellen kann. Werde ich mir demnächst mal genauer anschauen ;)
Hey @steemchiller have you time that we could write in private 😋 pls
I don't really have time, because there is a lot to do for SteemWorld and my planned SDS project. If it's super important, you can just send me an encrypted memo on Steem and I will answer.
In case it's related to development jobs: I'm not interested in working for other companies/projects. I'm already way too busy with my own stuff... ^^
Bright future ahead!
Have a nice week ;)
Okay then it's done. Was about help somebody to create a similar page to steemworld ( but as you said your busy with SteemWorld 😉 thanks for replying
PS: Je nach Einstellung müsste auch die Abgrenzung zwischen den Tagen bei den Account Operations umstellen.
Awesome! It's a clever way to copy a curators votes since I can still manually check the contents and not just blindly following a "trail".
Good job man!
Thank you! Yes, that was exactly the reason for building it. I also prefer to be able to check the posts manually before voting. It can even be used to find interesting undervalued or downvoted content.
I think it is an excellent tool, work speeds up, it helps especially on the days when I run out of internet access.
Thanks for a great job.
Ich denke, es ist ein ausgezeichnetes Werkzeug, die Arbeit beschleunigt sich und es hilft besonders an den Tagen, an denen mir der Internetzugang ausgeht.
Danke für einen tollen Job.
You got censored from Steemit, hypocritically now run the retard version of steemd (you seem to think you have to? lol), can't get enough community support to get above me in the ranks (after I reliably missed blocks for a long time) and can't even get a vote from your daddy Justin Sun. Who is a child as you accurately mentioned, so what does that make you?
You even haven't even noticed this blockchain is a pointless centralized inefficient database yet. Read a blockchain white paper or two (not Tron's though :) and figure out why they're pointless with a single person controlling consensus, much less a child.
Awesome tool, your continued hard work is greatly appreciated. any plans on a similar Hive tool?
No. I'm with Steem and I always will be.
fair enough
there are already steemworld clones for HIVE :)
I just saw the little space you are experimenting with as promotions for posts and such and I love the idea. Please let me know how I and others can take part. Would be happy to pay for it as many others would as well.
search settings are not saved for some reason
Yes, because I don't save them :) Will see what I can do.
It would also be great to swap "Stats" and "Ballances"
Settings are now being saved per account ;)
Why do you think that it would be a good idea to swap 'Stats' and 'Balances'?
for economy 1 click:)
Spent on transaction 9!
want 1
Great work 👍
This is surprising to me and its a great benefit to reduce time against manually doing copy vote, just impressed with the creativity and updated.
Great tool~ as always!