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RE: Steemvoter News: Anonymous Attacker and Security Guilds (Part 2 of 3)

in #steemvoter8 years ago (edited)

I am not entrusting any "protection" service to ultra-troll @MarcGodard. Get real!


Are all those accounts upvoting you here and downvoting our other accounts yours as well?

Hey guys, I've been a supporter since day one. And I still believe in the project. Comments like this are too inflammatory though. Better to not say anything than to make veiled threats. I know @noganoo and that he stands for integrity. His concern should be considered carefully rather than what we're seeing here. Good PR would be to prove your detractors wrong with your actions rather than engage in playground brawls.

threatening, whining, and begging. Just let the people who want to use his service pay for it directly.

no they are not, he has about 30 bot accounts but those are not those

you seem to be downvoting our comments with the noganoo account and mentioned in chat to people that the anonymous account won't be effective to curate anyone's posts anymore.

Think whatever you will @thecryptodrive. You lied to me in Rocket Chat, avoided many questions I had and you ruined your own business by acting like a snot in front of the whole community and defending @MarcGodard's spiteful comments towards my fellow Steemians. You better get your act together or you are not going to be successful here much longer. I'm not behind the @anonymous or @the.masses accounts. I flag you openly under my own account. I don't like what you are doing or your attitude. And if you dare start a "police force" with Steemvoter we will shut you down instantly.

I second this nog. The second I see downflaggin' come from any of these services collecting peoples posting keys used without their 100% consent on the matter "flagmaggedon" won't be the issue..

It won't be with flags either that the services are shut down with. Flags are an on-chain method to make comments / posts less visible. However given the power these posting key sites have the second it's started to become abused extreme measures will be taken against them.

With great power comes great responsibility else comes corruption.

Agreed. We don't need some mean tempered mofia style flagging service that obviously has whale backing;

Mafia? lol "Steem Flag Mafia" Kinda sounds scary, I guess.

In the end it all comes down to popularity vote and who can deploy a DDOS faster in the event things gets out of hand. Which it very well may.

And if it does, A number of folks are ready to hop on that situation to take away the threat. Certainly wouldn't expect anything less.

One of the only constants throughout human history is war, to expect anything less regardless of the medium or weapon used is silly.

You were never lied to, your messages were all answered, not all timeously but they were answered. Some questions weren't related to steemvoter and not relevant to this blog post.