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RE: Steem again in a dive

in #steemuper6 years ago

no friend, I have followers in these three languages and I do not want anyone to be offended by having put less interest in a post associated with their language and placing the various languages in a single post would make reading cumbersome, the only beneficiary would be the first language used, in practice I do not think it is didactic. anyway thank you for the suggestion!


So why buy all these votes? It obviously does not bring in people to comment. All your comments seems to be from the bots. You build a following by engaging with people, not by buying votes. That just looks like greed and will not win you friends. There is only so much in rewards to be shared out.

But you are here, you read and left your comment, if the post had no reward you wouldn't have bothered to read and comment. If I hadn't written it in English you wouldn't have been able to read it to see what it's all about. I suppose that answers your questions!

No. I found it as it was mentioned as possible abuse in the Steem Flag Rewards discord. I can easily get a translation of a post from Google, und Ich verstehe Deutsch ebenfals.

Then you can tell me what abuse I'm committing since I can't see it. If you show it then it can be corrected.

Abuse is a matter of opinion. Steem Flag Rewards has a category of 'bid bot abuse' that may be considered to apply to your posts.

As I mentioned you are taking a lot of rewards for some posts that not many people seem to read. There is a limited pot of Steem to be shared out. I know it is taken as normal to buy votes, but it is optional and does not guarantee readers. Better to build a following by other means such as commenting. I have not flagged you and could only take a few cents off anyway. If you were doing this on a daily basis as some people do it would be more of a concern.

You have been on Steem a while, so you should have some idea of what actually works. It is up to you how you proceed, but given the state of Steem with a falling price and people not sticking around it is worth thinking about how you can help improve matters. I do it by supporting others and I get some support in return.

I think you've been very accurate on many points, the first is that abuse is a matter of opinion (in some cases). The most important and why I consider that I am not abusing bid bot (in my opinion) is that my average number of articles per year is less than one article per day and I have been here for almost two years. If I use bid bots it's because I've noticed that articles that achieve a certain reward value are more viewed (even if no opinions are obtained). I have recently invested trust money to buy steem despite the current downturn and the bad looks of it all, a friend has helped me buy it and I have done so because I have faith in steem, I want this to improve but here you will find something unfair and it is that the high rewards do not depend on the articles written but on who writes them no matter how good that article is. If I invest in steem I think I deserve some of that reward that is distributed daily but as you can see it cannot be considered abuse if I use my investment to promote my articles which average less than one per day. If you check the high SP bid bots you will notice that there are people who publish more than 3 articles a day without anyone complaining, but someone thought that the fact that I have invested and used that money to promote my articles is an abuse and I report myself, that's why we are having this conversation. I understand that bid bots are not forbidden, and the frequency with which I use them could not be considered abuse because if it were so, everyone who uses bidbot would be abusing (an average of less than one article per day). Should I stop investing in steem? I know how things are here, it's hard to get good votes if you can't return one equal or superior in return, no matter what you publish and that's the real reason we're going through this bad time, I admire a lot how you've handled me in this case and if everyone thought like you we'd really be the community dreamed of.

edit: I have written 115 articles in 570 days for an average of 0.2 articles per day which is the equivalent of one article every 5 days and not all of them I have used bid bot. How can that be an abuse?

As I mentioned you are taking a lot of rewards for some posts that not many people seem to read. There is a limited pot of Steem to be shared out. I know it is taken as normal to buy votes, but it is optional and does not guarantee readers. Better to build a following by other means such as commenting. I have not flagged you and could only take a few cents off anyway. If you were doing this on a daily basis as some people do it would be more of a concern.

I am clear about where I am, if you can please take some time to read this article that I published some time ago and incidentally tells me if the reward is fair (subtracting the obtained by the bid bot of course)