NEW POEM! - She Hurt (Us) & Attracting positive energy (THE FUNK)

in #steemthought7 years ago

SteemIt, I have been through a series of serious 'funk's' as of late. 'FUNK' - A word I use to describe a state of mental space. Example, 'Ive been feeling so low lately, I cannot seem to shed myself of this anxiety. Im just in a 'FUNK'.' They could last a day, four days, Four weeks, a year or however long it takes for the 'funk' to finish its job. For me I can now acknowledge these states of emotion (or lack there of) and I can tell when my mentality is coping with life and the situations that occur on a daily. This will change for everyone personally depending on what you find a negative in your life, or what you could be seeking but cannot seem to find. I.E a career or a lover or lets go deeper than that and say you're sick of yourself and you're routine. You're sick of depending on others instead of yourself. You're sick of always feeling like you've fallen short when all you've been giving out is love.

Acknowledging the 'FUNK'. Signs & Tells.

Lets not get confused between a 'FUNK' and been depressed. As I said in my first post, I am not negative. I seek, breath, give love and after years of feeling the simplest beauty from a blue sky or a tree my brain is now wired to find love in everything. So, just to be clear a 'funk' is something more than depression, more like a self realisation which just takes an amount of time in order to process, therefore you can perceive and develop. A wave of energy from the universe cast upon you for a divine reason you won't know unless you search deep, deep within yourself and within your conscious. Signs for me include; feeling a higher sense of self (questioning my decisions more than before, seeing where I could be and where I am in the present which leads to a feeling of 'I must control my life'.) ; getting rushes of emotion, including happiness, sadness, relief, devastation or just pure bliss. A few weeks ago I was on a train by myself, surrounded by all kinds of other human beings and I started crying. Out of nowhere for the first time in four months. It felt so overpowering and the energy that forced those tears told me I need to show more positive emotion. Other signs include moments of still and quietness (listen to these moments, as been still by yourself is the purest form for self development) I would find myself making plans for every night of the week which would keep my mind and spirit from being able to accept the messages the 'funk' was trying to communicate. All it did for me was make me a quieter person around my friends, more anxious for trying to push it away and very, very tired. We all need self care. Even if we have become a little scared of being alone.

Don't be afraid to feel low frequencies.

As I have said a 'funk' can come in various feelings. For much of my early 20's I felt so happy, so in control of my life and so free. I didn't know that I was infact just blocking the 'funk' from making progress. I used to say to my friends and family "I need to hit rock bottom before I can feel anything, before I can make 'it'". No one understood me. I couldn't explain it back then. What I meant was I needed to feel sadness, loneliness, brokenness, desperate, lost and uncontrollable because just like the times when you feel bliss, uplifted, in control, happy, joyous and free, beauty and revelations are found there. There is moments in the darkness that would be invisible if you never looked there! You need to find the darkness, get lost in that darkness and climb out of that motherfucker with a story to tell and an experience to show. However long it takes, the 'funk' will bring you back to your true self, however this time you'll be a more evolved version.

Feel free to contact me if you're feeling affected by a 'funk' of your own or if you need someone to talk to. Each post I make will mention tales of my brain so please don't hesitate to share yours with me. We are all human and we all feel something!

Now, the poem that I wrote! I won't tell you what its about because that will take out the fun of poetry.

You never knew that her heart grew.
you never did seek any guidance for who,
you was becoming, who you lied to save.
She will try, she will plead.
she will kill for your protection, for your shade.
Fury in us.
Fury in us.
She hurt your ego, abandoned our trust.
Fury in us.
Fury in us.
In fury there is heartache, in heartache lays lust.