saac Newton's inventions: the simple, strange and complex

in #steemstem7 years ago


Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most important geniuses in the history of science. In addition to being "the apple type and the law of gravity", Newton brought tremendous advances in the fields of physics, mathematics, philosophy and theology, being also an alchemist and one of the greatest inventors.

With such a file, it is inevitable to stop over the figure of this teacher. So then, we invite you to know some particularities about this genius, some of his discoveries and several inventions of Isaac Newton, from the most important and complex to the most simple and known, but all of them are simply spectacular.

The orbital cannon:


In his first publication, in 1687, Newton elaborates his theory on the law of universal gravitation. There he describes that all particles exert a force that gravity, being affected by mass and distance, universally commands the movements of all things, from the rain on Earth to the orbit of the planets. Later A.Einstein would update some details in the vision of Newton starting from a modern but solid base, in order to better understand the gravity.

To test this theory, Newton invented the orbital cannon in a very simple experiment in which, in theory, seeks to demonstrate that one object orbits another. Depending on the amount of gunpowder placed on a barrel, upon being fired, the bullet may fall back to the surface of the Earth or float in outer space.

Doors for pets:

That's right, Isaac Newton was the one who invented the doors for cats and dogs, so if you ever asked him about it but it seemed too simple for you to investigate, here it is. Apparently, when the great Newton was not thinking about space cannons or how the universe keeps orbiting, he managed to think of the comfort and well-being of his numerous pets.

Isaac Newton never married and was never an outgoing person, had a few friends (humans), however, had a lot of pets (dogs and cats) and even a whole room dedicated only to these. Although there is some discussion as to whether this is true or not, Isaac's room at the University of Cambridge, where he studied and carried out his experiments, had a hole designed for the cats at the bottom that Isaac himself had ordered do the Cambridge carpenter.

The 3 laws of movement:


Leaving aside the question of their pets, Isaac Newton was undoubtedly one of the greatest proponents of physics. Not only established the law of universal gravitation in 1687, but also investigated to reach the very roots of the movement establishing its fundamental principles, the 3 laws of motion:

Inertia: every body preserves in its state of rest or uniform rectilinear movement unless it is forced to change its state by forces printed on it.
Force: the change of movement is proportional to the printed driving force and occurs according to the straight line along which that force is printed.
Action and reaction: with all action always occurs an equal and opposite action: that is, the mutual actions of two bodies are always the same and directed by opposite direction.
Clear, simple and concise, they have been of vital importance for hundreds of years. They are also similar to those posed by the French philosopher René Descartes, especially the first and the second, except that he identified God as the main engine, while Newton needed nothing more than his reasoning.

The recipe of the philosopher's stone:


As an alchemist and philosopher, Isaac Newton, for years he studied different myths, stories, texts and research on the so-called philosopher's stone. As a man of science, it may be surprising that Isaac was devoted to this type of studies, however, the vast majority of texts related to the alchemy of 1600, were really the appetizer of chemistry.

Newton wrote a text (or something like a chemical recipe) in which he explained how to create a philosopher's stone, a stone of fantasies with properties of magical transmutation. The certain thing is that Isaac finally created it although, obviously, it did not have any result. In 2005, with these notes of more than 300 years, modern historians recreated the stone, although no type of transmutation or special property occurred.

El arco iris y la refracción de la luz:


In 1704, in his work entitled Optics, Newton changed the way in which one speaks and works on light, as well as the phenomenon of refraction. Although the scientists of the time already knew how a rainbow is formed (by reflecting and refracting the light in the raindrops) they did not know what these striking colors were due to.

Starting from there and using a lamp and a prism, Isaac experimented through the white execution on a prism and this separated into a rainbow of various colors. Reflecting the colored rays in a new prism, the colored light was now white, so Isaac verified that colors are actually a characteristic of light.

Other inventions of Isaac Newton:


. He invented a theory about the apocalypse and the end of humanity by studying the Bible and other documents under his character as a theologian, defining the date of the end of the world as for the year 2060 or later.

· He invented a theory about the state of cooling with a series of experiments in the year 1700 that today, allows the cooling of absolutely all things and that we use daily in our refrigerators, even in nuclear safety reactors and in ships of space exploration.

. He invented coins that could not be faked. Counterfeiting was a very big problem in England in the late 1600s and even affected the economic crisis in the country.

. Developed new models of telescopes and made enormous advances in the use of lenses in telescopes.

.He invented the calculations, like many other scientists of his time, he believed that algebra and geometry were not enough and the mathematics of the time, did not have the development that Newton needed, so he created the calculations, originally with the name of "the science of fluxions", so you know who is the culprit.