RE: Climate Change: Heatwaves and Ocean Death
Actually the impact of animal agriculture on climate change is far larger than that of fossil fuels! Look at the UN climate reports and studies! Yes we need to stop using fossil fuels but the one thing we all can do now this second is to go plant based ...but so few want to do that because they want their flsh , milk and cheese no matter how it is killing everything ...
My facebook friend Paul Watson founder of Shepard writes some good articles on all the things killing the Ocean. Pollution (a great part by animal agriculture and plastic ), overfishing , fish farms ....
The predictions are dire possible Ocean death as soon as 2045 ...we all know what can happen if any biome loses balance it can turn ...well screw us because the ocean supplies 60-80% of our breathable oxygen. And with most of the remaining rainforests being chopped down for animal agriculture people might well have to pay for air to breath in future.
And those who can't ...oh well they will have to face the consequences of oxygen deprivation. Lower immune response , cognitive difficulties , children with defects ... And it is not only the rich bigwigs responsible it is every single one of us ...
I don't separate the two. Any input in our social means of production consumes fossil fuels as a means of energy. Raising a cow for slaughter in the Amazon requires energy at hundreds of points along the supply chain, right?
-fertilizers for the grains they eat
-shipping the grain seeds
-shipping the workers
-shipping the food to the workers
-running the plant that slaughters the animal
-shipping the corpses to markets
-shipping the containers for the body parts
The list goes on.
oh no if you put that into the animal agriculture sparta as well then it is even worse. I am talking pure methane and cow farts i kid you not