SteemSTEM Distilled #62
Welcome to the 62nd issue of SteemSTEM Distilled, a curation effort by the members of the @steemstem team.
SteemSTEM aims to make Steem a better place for STEM, a task which we believe crucial for the long-term development of the blockchain. Our goals consist in invigorating and inspiring the minds of a community of STEM aficionados on Steem, targeting on the long-term the upgrade of SteemSTEM as a real platform for science communication. In the meantime, this goes through the support of quality, interesting and cutting-edge STEM content.
For more details, a recent update on the SteemSTEM project is available here. If you want to discuss with us, please do not hesitate to join the steemSTEM discord server.

In order to support the best STEM content on Steem, our team scours the blockchain and read more than a couple of thousands of STEM-related posts per week. We hence support about 200 of these posts, and present in this distilled our top 8 handpicked choices for the last Thursday-Sunday period.
Poor Misunderstood Exponential Curve. It Gets Better

Who would like some mathematics for a starter? @flyyingkiwi wrote a fantastic post on the exponential curve you'd definitely love to read!
Journey through the understanding of particle physics - Four

From maths to physics and another wonderful piece, this time by @irelandscape who tries to teach us particle physics. Don't miss this one!
Energy, Power and Intensity of Light - High School Physics

Have you heard of the Open School initiative? Well, in case you haven't, this is your chance to see what these people are doing, @openschool tries to bring knowledge by storing lessons on the blockchain. This post discusses Energy, Power and Intensity of light through our lovely @muphy's videos. Go on, click on that link and don't hesitate to contact him if you want to join!
Official Steemit Account of the MSc in Digital Currency by University of Nicosia

This is not a science post, but this new entry in the Steemit waters is big news! The University of Nicosia has made an official Steemit account and awaits all of you who wish to learn more about the world of digital currencies. Interested in crypto-economics? @mscdigital offers a free course. Enroll now!

An amazing post on the technology of live broadcasting is here by @lawkay. Well-written and extended, it will surely teach you a lot!
The Versatility Of The RNA Strongly Suggests It Should Take The Centre Spot In Molecular Biology

@kingabesh is here with an excellent post that is trying to bring the RNA into the spotlight. A piece you will regret not reading!
Medical Mysteries: The Dance Epidemic of 1518

@mike961 has written a great post on the weird case of the Dance Epidemic back in 1518. Give it a read to find out more!
Understanding The Science of Parachutes (Part 1)

Another beautiful piece by @eurogee! The first part discussing the science behind parachutes is here, read it before the next one comes out!
For some time, the editorial team behind this distilled series is made of a one-woman-team, @ruth-girl, and she chooses her favorite posts (potentially discussing with other curators and/or the management). Posts written by the SteemSTEM team are excluded from the nomination process.
Please do not be discouraged if you did not make it on this issue. We are picking up in total 14 posts a week out of more than 200. The chances are thus low ;) In the meantime, you may wish to check these guidelines for extra tips on how your writing could be more effective.
In the spirit of being transparent about our actions that are now supported by @utopian-io, @curie, our delegators, our trailers and our manual curator supporters, we release every week the list of authors who have caught the attention of the @steemstem curation team.
From June 17 to June 24, we rewarded 149 different authors who have written a total of 188 different articles. The 125 authors who received votes from @steemstem, @utopian-io and @curie all together that week are:
@abdulmath, @abigail-dantes, @abumaryam, @adetola, @agbona, @ajpacheco1610, @akiripromise, @albatar, @alexaivytorres, @alexdory, @amazonaesh, @amestyj, @anaestrada12, @anomalogy, @anyes2013, @ari16, @astrophoto.kevin, @chloroform, @clement.poiret, @conficker, @cristi, @crokkon, @cyprianj, @damzxyno, @davt014, @dber, @dedicatedguy, @dragibusss, @drifter1, @dysfunctional, @egotheist, @eleonardo, @eliaschess333, @elith, @elvigia, @emiliomoron, @emperorhassy, @endopediatria, @eniolw, @ennyta, @eurogee, @fancybrothers, @felixrodriguez, @filotasriza3, @flyyingkiwi, @fredrikaa, @funmiakinpelu, @gerardoalfred, @germanmontero, @gidionline, @giftessiet, @giornalista, @henrychidiebere, @herbayomi, @hohesc, @humbledeen, @ibk-gabriel, @iptrucs, @irelandscape, @isarmoewe, @jimmassa, @joelagbo, @joseangelvs, @josedelacruz, @joseg, @katerinaramm, @kelos, @kemycares, @khrisaeroth, @kingabesh, @lawkay, @laylahsophia, @lemony-cricket, @leonid96, @lordneroo, @markgritter, @marymik23, @masterwriter, @menoski, @michaelwrites, @miroslavrc, @mountainwashere, @mrbreeziewrites, @muphy, @nonzerosum, @obamike, @olajidekehinde, @oluwabori, @osariemen, @osmy07, @pangoli, @phage93, @procrastilearner, @rareghost, @rharphelle, @rifkan, @rossyholg, @rubies, @rufu, @saintgentle, @samminator, @saracampero, @sarrie, @scarletmedia, @snurk, @sooflauschig, @soofluffy, @spbeckman, @star-vc, @steematlas, @steepup, @stembuzz, @suviseth, @teekingtv, @temitayo-pelumi, @terrylovejoy, @thurllanie, @tking77798, @toddrjohnson, @trumpman, @ufv, @viannis, @vladimir-simovic, @ydavgonzalez, @youssef.sed, @zest, @zonguin, @zyx066

[Credits: @elvisxx71]
All curation rewards earned will be used to fund @steemstem project functioning and activities.
See you all next Thursday or Friday!
Wow! How humbled I am for being featured amidst the great mind! Thanks @steemstem! Congratulations to all authors!
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
You deserved it @eurogee!!
Take care! :D
This distilled arrived in due time.
Awesome authors featured yet again. It can only get better.
Congrats to all the featured authors and everyone that got voted.
Thanks to the entire management of SteemSTEM, and to the one-woman editorial team @ruth-girl.
Go SteemSTEM!!
Thanks a lot birthday boy! :)
Great to see a real university is now on Steemit. Academia FTW!
I enjoyed reading @lawkay's post, happy to see that it made it here. Congratulations to all the featured authors. Good job team :)
Congratulations to all featured authors for their wonderful contributions! Much respect to all members for their hard work. Special thanks to our one-woman-team @ruth-girl!
Thanks a lot my Lord!
We love to have you here! :)
Fabulous work once again by darling @ruth-girl.. Thanks for always giving us a nice read....
Congrats to all featured authors and every other members of the great family....
Let's keep doing this...
@lawkay, @kingabesh, @eurogee, I sight y'all.. Come'on, let's keep it coming!
Cheers everyone
Thanks bro
Woww!! nice one steemSTEM
special congratulations to all the STEMng members that got selected. I see you guys @eurogee and @kingabesh
steemSTEM rocks!!!
Thanks bro!
Thanks fam
Thank you!
Kudos @akiripromise! :D
Grazie per il supporto!
Interesting to see a mooc course offering and a video lecture in the mix! Nice!