SteemSTEM Distilled #6

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the sixth issue of SteemSTEM Distilled, a curation effort by the members of the @steemstem team.

SteemSTEM is a community driven project which seeks to promote well-written and informative Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics posts on Steemit. The project involves curating STEM-related posts through upvoting, resteeming, offering constructive feedback, supporting scientific contests, and other related activities.

For more details click here.

Our team scours the platform for original and quality content.After working through thousands (literally!) of STEM-related posts and upvoting more than 200 that we deemed to be worthy, we proudly present you our top 7 handpicked choices:

Monday - Double-Blind Violins: Towards A More Objective Selection

Most violinists believe that old violins are totally superior to the modern ones...But is that really true? The results might surprise you!

Tuesday - The Amateur Mycologist #24 - Grifola frondosa - The Hen Of The Woods/The Maitake.

A thorough post from our fungi expert, @dber, this time on the Grifola frondosa mushroom, commonly known as the hen-of-the-woods, ram's head and sheep's head.

Wednesday - Why We Suffocate On Mars... And Possible Solutions...

There are many problems a future manned mission to Mars will have to face.. In this series, @pratik27 will cover these problems along with some potential solutions. In his second episode part, he tells us more about why Mar's atmosphere would kill us and shares more solutions for this particular problem...

Thursday - Science in Hollywood: I Origins (2014)

In her post @irime gives us a short review and a thorough explanation of the science involved in the movie Origins. This girl sure knows how to keep our interest on every time! Don't worry, no big spoilers included ;)

Friday - Con artists among the ants: deceptive beetles and convergent evolution


Another well-written and surely interesting post by @zycr22 shows us how a certain species of beetles deceive ant predators. The con-beetles are so good at it that get to sneak in the ants' nest and pretend to be one of the workers. Really, you need to read this one!

Saturday - L"Singapore Math" : The Cows and Goats Problem

Have you checked this alternative way of thinking and solving math problems with Singapore Math? In this post @tradershape helps us find a solution to a complex problem, more like a brain teaser I'd say. Go on, read the problem and try to solve it for yourself!

Sunday - #8 IQ overload: Arthur Compton

In his latest episode of IQ overload, @jakipatryk introduces us to another briliant mind Arthur Compton, best known for the Compton effect which demonstrated the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.

A few words about the nomination process

For the sake of transparency we feel we need to clarify how our nomination process works; each issue is compiled by certain members of the SteemSTEM community. This week's editorial team was comprised of @ruth-girl & @trumpman. A special mention goes to @locikll for helping with the markdown coding.

The editorial team chooses their favorite posts for the week and each issue is the result of their joined effort. In order to keep the process fair, posts written by the editorial team are excluded from the nomination process.

Don't be discouraged if you didn't make it on this issue. The competition is harsh and there is always a next time :) In the meantime, you may wish to check these guidelines for extra tips on how your writing can be more effective.

Authors That Received a Curie Upvote by the SteemSTEM Team

In the same spirit of being transparent about our actions that are now supported by @curie, we will release every week a list of authors who have caught the attention of the @steemstem curation team.

If you want to discuss this with us, please do not hesitate to join the steemSTEM channel on the Steemit chat or to follow our curation trail on Streemian. If you are not on Streemian, we have a plan B through a homemade voting bot. You can contact us on the chat in order to be added to its trail.

On week-41,from October 15 to October 22, we rewarded 64 different authors who have written 155 different articles. The authors who received both a @steemstem and a @curie vote that week are:

@abigail-dantes, @andrewgenaille, @asbonclz, @aximot, @azirgraff, @azman, @bachuslib, @bardonadam, @beesteem, @bigdizzle91, @booster916, @bubblingcolours, @carloserp-2000, @crazy-daisy, @cristi, @dber, @demotruk, @dkmathstats, @ertwro, @etcmike, @floxxy, @gra, @greenrun, @holbein81, @jamhuery, @jefpatat, @justyy, @kedi, @kekssideoflife, @keuudeip, @kharrazi, @kid4life, @kuku12170, @laylahsophia, @lennstar, @martinmusiol, @masterwu, @mcfarhat, @mcw, @mes, @mountainwashere, @mytechcrunch, @n3bul4, @natord, @nenio, @nikoleondas, @nitesh9, @physics-o-mania, @raviyanda, @replichara, @rtonline, @sonnyboy, @steeminator3000, @stumcm, @sustainablyyours, @sweetpea, @themda, @thinkit, @timspeer, @tradersharpe, @valth, @vortac, @zest, @zycr22

All curation rewards earned will be used to fund @steemstem project functioning and activities.

See you all next Monday!


This is a good initiative, science and technology really was being ignored on steemit before - thanks for your hard work.

You are welcome! Thanks to you for your kind words.

Have you seen this

Joe Rogan interview with Tom DeLonge - Partial transcript

Key comments from the interview show that Tom DeLonge does seem to know or at least is aware of some aspect of the coming revelations.

  • Antigravity
  • Conscious control of matter
  • On ElectroGravitic Propulsion
  • On origins of man
  • On why the existing technology has not seen the light of day
  • On over unity

I will try and this is done by hard work on steemit earlier

We are indeed more than happy to upvote any good article on the STEM topic :)

Excellent works out there!

I was very impressed about the article "Double-Blind Violins" - what a great research. Though it made me sad in a way ... sometimes a mystery to a thing makes it more enjoyable, even though I know that it's irrational to think that way.

Congratulations to all the others as well!

It is a matter of taste. Mysteries are interesting, but understanding how things work is even more interesting, in my opinion! :)

Thanks for your comment!

nice post. upvoted

Ah cool, first I've heard of this. Resteemed !! BLIND ME WITH THAT SCIENCE !!

Better late than never. We are actually around for more than a year now! ;)

Very proud, my post is always rated well, I keep trying my best. Again, thanks very much @steemstem

Thanks to you for your efforts :)

Thank you for the mention and the consistent support - I'll keep trying to add more empirical detail as time goes on.

Your post are constantly great! Therefore, we are constantly liking them (even if some of us, like me, could comment more ... ^^)

That's much appreciated coming from you @lemouth - and believe me if anyone needs to engage more socially its me, for real. Just been busy irl and spending a surprising amount of free time on mushroom related hunts and endeavors.

It all of us. We have a busy life and we do our best. This is what it is ;)

I'm glad I have been appreciated once again! Thanks #steemSTEM ;)

you are welcome :*

It is our pleasure to read all your articles (at least those not in Polish :p) ! Please continue ^^

Keep it up mate :)

Awesome work everyone as always. Hats off !

Thanks a lot! :)