Introduction to renewable energy part:1
In order to fulfill the energy demand of the mankind, it is obvious that a renewable energy source must be utilized. Renewable energy can be a efficient solution of need for developing countries. renewable energy are many types such as
Solar Energy: Solar energy is free, infinite resource and it is a great idea. The earth can receives enormous supply of solar energy. The sun can deliver enough energy in one minute which can fulfill world's energy needs for one year. The solar energy was first introduced by a Swiss scientist, Horace de Saussure, as he built a thermal solar collector in 1767. Now days the need of solar energy is at the peak of his best. In this part i will discuss the status and prospectus of photovoltaic technolgy. 
In Fig the global growth of PV modules in recent years is shown. The vertical axis shows the yearly production expressed in the total produced power capacity in MWp. The letter p mean peak power, this means the maximum power a PV module can provide if it is illuminated with the standardised AM1.5 solar spectrum. On the horizontal axis the time is shown. We see that the production of solar cell is increasing more than 40% every year, which is exponential growth.
the figure shows all the results of last decade.