
our next goal are colonies on Moon and Mars, first we must be able to colonize our own moon. when that is done, the next step will be mars. it is the best planet with the best conditions next to our earth, to experiment with faster space travel, faster communitikation in space and with the abilities of terraforming, implending life, colonize mars and then with the colonisation in our solarsystem. when we get this, we will be able to jump to other solarsystems.

of course, when we find an liveble exoplanet in the habitable zone, the sun must similar to our sun. the reactions and rediation must be similiar. otherwise, our bodys and our life will not blossom. for example: our bodies produce vitamin D with the shining of our sun. researcher thinks now, that this production of this viamin is only possible because of our suns inner reactions. the question is, ill our bodies also produce this important vitamine with a sun with other compositions? or will we humans will have problems then? with our health? or will the shine of a sun with other compositions make our bodies produce other things, so that we get cancer? mutations? get ill?

i have never heard about the idea of cloning a planet. i will search for it @pangoli

lol. Interesting viewpoints sir. I hope to read more of your blogposts on here.

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