Camera Obscura - The first camera

Hello Steemians !
You already know I am art street photographer. I could not pass the history of my tools I use.
Camera Obscura also known as "Dark Room", was nothing more than an empty box, with a hole in one side. This works with a natural optical phenomenon were you can see the image from the one side of the hole, be projected (up side down) to the other side. To have place this phenomenon the one side must be really dark, and this is the main reason why historical camera obscura were performed in dark rooms.
The historical line of this phenomenon was first understood from Aristotle when he was working upon the sun's eclipse. When the sun was closing to be back from the moon, he noticed that he could see the shape of the sun. Not up to the sky, but in front of him. Inside from the leaves of the trees, and to the ground in some bling (dark) points.
«Το φως του ήλιου που ταξιδεύει μέσα από μικρά ανοίγματα ανάμεσα στα φύλλα ενός δέντρου, τις τρύπες από ένα κόσκινο, τα ανοίγματα από αντικείμενα καλαθοπλεκτικής, ακόμη και τα διασταυρούμενα δάχτυλα, δημιουργεί κυκλικές κηλίδες του φωτός στο έδαφος» Αριστοτέλης
"The sunlight traveling through small openings between the leaves of a tree or the holes from a sieve, the openings from baskets, even the crossed fingers, creates circular spots of light on the ground" Aristotle
But Aristotle never found the answer. The answer years later will try to give english philosopher Roger Bacon, but with no good ending. This because he falsely argued that light travels in spherical waves so it can not keep his shape after trespassing other objects.
Many years passed, and one of the best artist studied the old works about Obscura and wrote the oldest known clear description of the camera obscura.
Da Vinci: Let a b c d e be the object illuminated by the sun and o r the front of the dark chamber in which is the said hole at n m. Let s t be the sheet of paper intercepting the rays of the images of these objects upside down, because the rays being straight, a on the right hand becomes k on the left, and e on the left becomes f on the right.
The year 1797, Venturi deciphered and published Da Vinci's diagrams of the camera obscura.
" The oldest known published drawing of a camera obscura is found in Dutch physician, mathematician and instrument maker Gemma Frisius’ 1545 book De Radio Astronomica et Geometrica, in which he described and illustrated how he used the camera obscura to study the solar eclipse of January 24, 1544 " source
This was the beginning of what we know today as Camera. From 1544 and then there were many scientists who managed to solve the known problems of Obscura, sicilian mathematician and astronomer Francesco Maurolico solved Aristotle's problem about sunlight and the form of light.
Johannes Kepler discovered the working of the camera obscura by recreating some parts and adding different lens at the main hole.
French mathematician Jean-François Nicéronwrote about the camera obscura with convex lenses. He explained how the camera obscura could be used by painters to achieve perfect perspective in their work. He also complained how charlatans abused the camera obscura to fool witless spectators and make them believe that the projections were magic or occult science.
The next models had changed from base till top. There were mobile cameras, with different lens, with filters. One was for sure, this is the birth of new era.
Those are my sources, the post was converted from parts of my sources plus mine work.
Aristotle, Problems, Book XV / camera obscura
A History of Photography Part 1 : The Beginnins
Wolfgang Lefevre - Inside the Camera Obscura {The Book}
At this point I want to write a big THANK to my teacher who gave me this book... (the link) Makis Faros. He is one of the best Greek video artist (I am sure you know the Athens Olympic Games. There was an interactive installation titled Tabern)
Hope this post helped some of you as it helped me to understand what I got to my hands and not only "Oh its a camera"
Thank you for spending some of your time and read my post.
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Very good job . Well done
Thank you very much!!!!!
I tried to convert all my sources and knowledge, I hope made it.
Very good job @otsouvalas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You did a great job combining all this information to a comprehensive and well presented article :)
Thank you for sharing :)
Thank you very much. I know there was no creativity from me, butyou cannot change history. Although i believe those info about camera is the main parts of it an critical too.
just wrote an article how to transform room in to camera obscura and then searched what else about it is on the steemti. nice info. if you are interested check it out