Valuable women, smart women.

in #steemstem7 years ago

Those who study in some Faculty of Engineering do not have to have observed much before noticing this reality: there are not many women who study careers in engineering, science, and technology. What is this about? There are several reasons that can be given, ranging from socialization and environmental support to employment discrimination.


There are several countries in which women outperform men in school performance in math and science but, nevertheless, we still do not decide to embark on a career in the area, we prefer careers in the area of health and humanities. Engineering has always been seen as men's careers in which women do not have more space, hen we are children and gender roles are imposed on us they also teach us that girls aspire to be doctors, teachers, and dancers, while children to be builders, engineers, and military.

This time I wanted to highlight in this publication, the role of women in Industrial Engineering. Possibly engineering is one of the professions that since its inception has been less attractive to women or rather, it has always been considered that they were men's professions. This said, it can be alarming for anyone of the last professional generation, but let's not forget that the first female industrial engineers are from the second half of the 20th century. Fortunately, the trend has changed. Without equaling the percentage of men and women, the rhythms of incorporation of women into Industrial Engineering studies and then to the profession of industrial engineer are increasing.

The main reason why women study engineering is the vocation.

Companies like Google provide huge special scholarships for women in other parts of the world, as well as various universities. Even the model Karlie Kloss created a scholarship known as Kode Karlie in conjunction with the Flatiron School in New York, which awards 20 girls who enter to study Software Engineering and which began to be delivered in 2015.


In spite of everything, it is necessary to see the good side: years ago hardly 1% of the future engineers were women but at the moment the figures are an increase. We hope that the figures continue to increase in the coming years and the institutions will put the batteries to achieve this.

How do I see my profile as an industrial engineer for the year 2020?

The increase in degrees that carry the word engineer (between degrees and masters are more than four hundred) are leading to a degeneration of a race so worthy and difficult is the profession of engineer. This diaspora of universities and degrees is causing confusion among students and employers and deceiving society. For that reason, I think that the industrial engineer of the future must preserve those aspects that have allowed him to be one of the most demanded professions. In this way, these aspects will continue to be those that give industrial engineers an employability and demand well above the average.

The industrial engineer must have a solid foundation in physics, chemistry, and mathematics applied to engineering, incorporating these subjects into the first courses, which is where the basic pillars of the engineers' training are structured. The key to the success of the degree of industrial engineer lies in its multidisciplinary and generalist nature, with solid knowledge in basic disciplines such as mechanics, electricity, energy, organization and business management.


Let's not lose sight of the fact that, on an international level, the industrial engineer has triumphed in all the countries to which he has turned professional, which means that his preparation has international standards that many of the engineers in other countries. This leads me to think that things are reasonably well done but that, at least from the colleges of industrial engineers, we have to demand that these levels do not fall. In this, we will be very vigilant.

Women Pillars in the Engineering Profession.

Would you be able to mention the name of an engineer that has changed the world we live in? How about Margaret Hamilton? When Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, it was thanks to the code that Hamilton had written. Or Emily Roebling, technical leader of the Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most emblematic buildings in New York. Or Beulah Louise Henry, who was nicknamed Mrs. Edison for her frantic inventive activity, which led her to accumulate more than a hundred patents throughout her life.

Margaret Hamilton

In 1969, the code of Margaret, a pioneer in the computer world, was necessary for Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to set foot on the Moon.

In the photo, we see her at 33 years old with a mountain of the software listings of the code she had developed, along with the team to which Margaret was in charge and which served so that Apollo 11 could fulfill its mission.


Emily Roebling.

She was the first female field engineer and technical leader of the Brooklyn Bridge, assuming the duties of Head of Engineering, including daily supervision and project management. The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883 and has a plaque in homage to Emily and her husband who also participated in the project.

640px-Emily_Warren_Roebling_plaque_-_Brookling_Bridge,_New_York_City (1).jpg

Beulah Louise Henry.

She was known in 1920 as "Mrs. Edison" due to a frenetic activity of inventions and patents. Among them an independent coil machine for sewing with stitching, the refrigerator, the wrist with flexible arms, the doll with built-in radio and a typewriter that made copies without carbon paper. He has accumulated more than a hundred patents.

Among them, a refrigerator, colorful eye dolls, sponges with soap for children and a typewriter capable of making four copies of a document became very popular.

Valentina Tereshkova.

Russian Cosmonaut and the first woman who traveled to space in 1963 aboard ship Vostok 6 with 26 years. His code name during the mission was Chaika (Чайка) which means seagull.

Valentina was selected from among more than four hundred candidates and five of them were selected: Tatiana Kuznetsova, Irina Soloviova, Zhanna Yérkina, Valentina Ponomariova and Tereshkova a group of female cosmonauts that was dissolved in 1969.
Since Valentina traveled to space, it took 19 years for another woman to follow in her footsteps, she was Svetlana Savítskaya.


Herdy Lamarr.

Her impressive physique earned Hedy Lamarr the nickname "the most beautiful woman in film history", although her real name was Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. Actress and spy passed information about the Nazis and after fleeing her husband invented a system of secret communications based on frequency switching.

Few know that this beautiful Austrian actress of the decade 1930-40 had a movie life and invented a remote control communications system for the US military during the Second World War. His invention now serves as the basis for modern communication technology such as Bluetooth or WI-FI network connections.


Women have gone a long way to achieving a minimum equality in the labor market, still incomplete and imperfect. Technologies can make us go back a part of the way we walk. Many things are necessary so that this does not happen, among them that companies change their culture with respect to working time, to the value of the conciliation between professional and private life. But we can start by trying to convince the younger ones that it is worth studying engineering. Gifts are approaching. So let's start that task thinking about the roles assigned to the toys we buy. Let's not let our girls take care and our children build. Let us both play both. It does not seem that way, but we will have taken a significant step towards equality in the labor market of the future.


  • All the content exposed in this post is a compilation of different sources besides my knowledge in the subject.

For more information:

This publication is the most current, I would like to re-publish it to make it important today on International Women's Day, I hope and do not bother the great community of #steemstem and I hope your support, in the same way, I leave you the related and dedicated publications to our feminine gender and what we have done throughout the history of science.


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