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RE: Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol. 58 - Rainbows Without Rain (Fogbows)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Whoa that fogbow in the first video looks like sorcery. Like some sort of portal to another dimension or something. I learned about moonbows in your previous post and now fogbows. Didn't know any of those existed. Thanks for the education.

Good work @ruth-girl!
See you around!


A portal? This is a lovely idea a magic adventure (I'm putting it down on my list, who knows what I might make of it in the future).

Thanks for the always good and encouraging words @lordneroo! :D
See you!

Oh yeah, that's what came to mind as soon as I saw that fogbow! Ooops I might have triggered some sort of imagination overflow there! Let's see!

Hehe! Take care and see you!