Living Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the new science applied to many fields of research. It consists of the study, analysis, structuring, training, design, and operation of materials at molecular scales. Nanotechnology has been an important complement to the evolution of science in the last 20 years because thanks to the advances of microscopic study, a medical enigma has been discovered and "Micro" problems with "Macro" consequences solved. In other words, small problems with large consequences.
It is important to note that nanotechnology requires the participation of various fields of knowledge, such as chemistry, molecular biology, computer science, and medicine, among other sciences. Each one contributes the theory and the practical work necessary so that the others can start from a base on which to research and develop, the reason why this technology is called convergent.
Nanotechnology in medicine is one of the most anticipated because it has had an impact on daily life, mechanisms of microscopic observation and tactile evaluation have been designed, which propose solutions and responses at the atomic, cellular and molecular level, one of its applications is the development of nanometric robots, which were able to enter the human body and repair fissures in bone tissues and complete various activities, such as the destruction of cancer cells, which have made important advances in the fight against this disease that today many patients have died from this disease.
The nanorobotic is considered the most sophisticated technology that exists today because the impressive result of the making of elements to form a structure with a certain function at such a minimum scale. Like these basically gold and Micromero polymers, the robots at minimum scale are used for the creation of a scale of nanochips, for the telecommunications and computer industry.
When we mention nanorobotics we ask ourselves where this type of technology is manufactured, it is more to say that in developed countries, which have the capacity to cover the high cost of manufacturing, however in the third world countries it is needed more the application of this science, especially nanomedicine, which would help fight diseases generated in the Caribbean and the African continent.
We know that large companies such as IBM, Intel, and NEC, among others, invest millions of dollars every year in their Research and Development departments, which affects the characteristics of the components they manufacture. Worldwide, the number of laboratories that allocate significant percentages to the investigation of this type of technology, around three hundred companies carry the nano prefix in their names, although this is not reflected in the offers of products available in the market.
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Hey nice introductory post of nanotechnology, I'm also writing on nanoscience, you may find them interesting too.
Looking forward for your next post.😃
cf. "There's plenty of room at the bottom" by Feynman.