The dark side of the moon - Study and discovery of a lunar mystery
For a long time, large studies were carried out in our solar system. In the Middle Ages, our satellite attracted our attention and the first experiences were made by the scientists Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon who noticed the magnifying effect of the optical glasses and began to develop the operation of the first glasses for the view to the moon
Like planets, satellites are celestial bodies, which have no light of their own and which revolve around a planet. The dimensions and orbits of these stars are very different from each other.
The satellites are classified in Major and minor, the most visible is the Moon, satellite of our planet Earth, But, By observing the sky with a telescope, we could easily distinguish the four satellites of Jupiter, one of Saturn and another of Neptune.
A Moon Trip
The first lunar voyage was carried out successfully from the United States in 1969 having the name "The Apollo XI".
This event marked a milestone in the history of mankind, which could contemplate on television the moon landing of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on the lunar soil.
Source - A trip made true
Before this great event, studies and research were conducted and, above all, it was necessary to achieve a very advanced "technological" development. Thanks to this, we currently know more about our satellite and our universe in general.
The moon, the inseparable companion of the earth, keeps spinning around her because of the attraction that our planet exerts on her. The satellite and the planet have the same age, approximately 4.600 million years, however, the moon has no water or air, there is no life in it, and although we see it shine, it does not have its own light, it receives it through the sun.
The surface of the moon
The moon is full of craters formed billions of years ago, that is, by meteorite impacts. There are dark areas, called lunar seas, which are large extensions of solidified lava formed just like craters, billions of years ago.
The faces of the moon
The moon has two faces, the hidden and the visible. This is due to the time it takes the moon to turn on itself, it is the same time it takes to make a full circle around the earth.
Source - The visible face of the Moon
The visible face of the Moon is dominated by large plains covered with lava while the hidden face is much more mountainous, the chemical compositions also show a great contrast between both faces. As a result, the same "Visible" side is always displayed while the other side is hidden.
This study goes back to 1959 when the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3º transmitted the first images of the "dark side" of the Moon. At that time it was observed that the hidden face of the Moon lacked "tides" but could not answer for what reason.
Source - The dark side of the moon
The fact of not being able to see the hidden face of the Moon is for many a dark mystery.
Why can we never see the dark side of the moon?
The last time the man was on the lunar surface was in 1972. Many people have created the theory that the dark side of the moon has something to do with it.
Studies have been carried out on the moon and science is responsible for explaining why we always see the same face of our natural satellite.
The Moon rotates on its axis once every 27 days, the time it takes to complete its orbit around the Earth. If it did with more or less speed, the other side of the Moon would be exposed, but since the rotation of the Earth and the Moon maintain a perfect synchronicity, we always see the same side.
The two sides of the moon are very different. On the hidden side there are no great seas like those observed on the closest side, that face is populated by numerous recent craters and mountainous lands. The few seas present on the hidden side are much smaller and are much more full of craters. On the hidden side, the lava does not seem to have flowed with the same amount and activity that it showed on the face visible from Earth.
Curiosities about the moon
- Did you know that a person weighing 70 kilos on land, on the Moon would weigh only 11, also without a spacesuit, our blood would boil instantly.
- Did you know that For astronomers, the hidden face of the moon would be a magnificent place to build a space observatory, since it is protected from glare and electrical signals coming from the earth
"The eternal imprint Without water and without air, without any erosive activity. The footprints left by astronauts on the surface of the moon will remain intact for 100 million years"
- 21st century encyclopedia
- The mysterious differences between the two faces of the moon
- The dark side of the moon
- Solved the mystery of the two faces of the moon
- History of Lunar Observation

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