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RE: Rare Diseases: Koro, Genital Retaction Syndrome

in #steemstem6 years ago

Hey mike, thanks for the entertaining article. Even though diseases like this are probably not that fun. Anyway, grain eating penises are definitely funny somehow.

In medieval times, Europeans believed that witches had the power to magically shrink or disappear men's penises, and that after that the disarticulated member was able to move by itself and ate grains of corn like a living being (seriously, I could not make this up if I tried), which would have made Harry Potter even more entertaining.

I think the age rating for the movies should, in these cases, be reassessed.




We've been eating gluten using the wrong head, that's why we're intolerant.

I died with this comment, you made my day sir.

And thanks @chappertron! Different age rating, but it would have been worth it. Think about it; replace every expelliarmus with dickspelliarmus.

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