NASA announced significant reduction of the hole in the ozone layer

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello dear friends of the steemit community today I want to share with you a very interesting news that benefits us all and that is that the hole in the ozone layer is decreasing in size thanks to the efforts of everyone when you do not use aerosols that contain chlorine and with our industries, decreasing their carbon emissions. Well friends not to extend my introduction here I leave a summary of this interesting news which I hope you like.

Reduccion del Agujero en la Capa de Ozono

"We have been able to see clearly that chlorine from CFCs is shrinking in the ozone hole, and that ozone loss is slowing down," said Susan Strahan, project manager and atmospheric scientist at NASA. the Goddard Special Flight Center of Greenbelt (Maryland).

The data obtained during the observation show a significant reduction in the levels of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which would have caused a reduction of about 20% in the deterioration of the ozone layer.

What are Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?

The chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) are derived from the saturated hydrocarbons obtained by the substitution of hydrogen atoms by fluorine and / or chlorine atoms mainly. CFCs are a family of gases that are used in various applications, mainly in the refrigeration industry and aerosol propellants. They are also present in thermal insulators. CFCs have a great persistence in the atmosphere, from 50 to about 200 years. Over time they reach the stratosphere, where they are dissociated by the action of ultraviolet radiation, releasing chlorine and beginning the process of destruction of the ozone layer

Destruction of Ozone layer

For the first time, scientists are able to discover a reduction in the ozone layer, which implies a great advance in the struggle to conserve the planet, giving positive results to the efforts to create the Montreal Protocol.

Based on the observations of the Aura satellite in orbit since 2004, scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center monitored the winter months in Antarctica between 2005 and 2006 and found that the reduction of chlorine allowed to "repair" 20 percent of the ozone hole.

Ozone layer

Scientists from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center were the first to notice that the size of the hole had begun to shrink between 2005 and 2006, but it was not until now that there was convincing evidence of this phenomenon.

According to the National Geographic site, the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer is formed during September in the Southern Hemisphere winter. To determine how ozone and other chemicals have changed year after year, scientists used data from the Sounder Microwave Limb (MLS), an instrument installed aboard the Aura satellite, which has been continuously measuring worldwide since mid-2004 .

Global warming

Thirty years ago, the importance of the ozone layer led the international community to sign the Montreal Protocol on Substances harmful to the Ozone Layer in order to regulate this type of compounds. It is expected that by the year 2070, the hole will have recovered the levels of 1980, since it is expected that the chlorofluorocarbons will continue to decrease.


harmless to the ozone layer

If you want to know even more about this topic do not hesitate to ask me or enter the links that I leave here below to increase your knowledge

NASA discovers reduction of the ozone layer

Ozone layer

Reduction of the ozone layer



thank god... and we should not stop here.. we should keep on trying our best to reduce emission of harmful gases and try to make our mother earth more beautiful naturally... :)

hello greetings this is something that benefits us all in general so we must continue with the efforts to protect our planet since it is the only one that we have and without our help it could not be healed