No | Payout | Author | Title |
1 | 1.186 SBD | mauromar | First microscope made with 3D printers/Primer microscopio realizado con impresoras 3D |
2 | 10.918 SBD | titopx | Domingo de #cotinaeducative | la función =GOOGLEFINANCE para el seguimiento de Criptomonedas. |
3 | 2.467 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Let's talk about Kurt Hahn Six Social Evils |
4 | 1.628 SBD | mauromar | World's first inflatable farm reduces water use by 99%/Primera granja inflable del mundo que reduce el uso de agua en un 99% |
5 | 1.850 SBD | mauromar | mvGPT the new genetic editing tool/mvGPT la nueva herramienta de edición genética |
6 | 0.383 SBD | amestyj | The Importance of biodiversity in agriculture |
7 | 0.198 SBD | vimukthi | Real Lab Tested Scoville Levels of Hot Ones Sauces |
8 | 3.148 SBD | mauromar | New brain-computer interface can decode our thoughts in real time/Nueva interfaz cerebro - ordenador puede decodificar nuestros pensamientos en tiempo real |
9 | 2.190 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Plant species and differential growth pattern |
10 | 0.204 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Ocean Collapse, Big Comet, Big Earthquake | S0 News Jan.14.2025 🌠 |
11 | 0.087 SBD | akdx | AI and the future of Humanity |
12 | 0.317 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Major Ozone Loss Event, Schumann Resonance | S0 News Jan.13.2025 🌠 |
13 | 8.024 SBD | necho41 | Un esoscheletro come nel film |
14 | 1.518 SBD | mauromar | A method has been developed to obtain images of molecules at an atomic scale/Desarrollan un método para obtener imágenes de moléculas a escala atómica |
15 | 1.323 SBD | lupafilotaxia | The science behind biometric data |
16 | 0.470 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Big Comet, Big Coronal Hole, Big Storm, Extreme Conditions | S0 News Jan.12.2025 🌠 |
17 | 0.024 SBD | necho41 | Nvidia takes a new leap. |
18 | 0.034 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; Literary recommendations. |
19 | 2.407 SBD | mauromar | NVIDIA Cosmos, the first step towards intelligent robots/NVIDIA Cosmos, el primer paso para los robots inteligentes |
20 | 4.621 SBD | drutter | My response to the return of mandatory face diapers in healthcare settings |
21 | 1.897 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Plants and their ability to remember periods of drought |
22 | 0.955 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; History is important |
23 | 0.060 SBD | jorgebgt | Now the occultation of Mars by the Moon begins. |
24 | 0.902 SBD | jorgebgt | For the first time they achieve quantum teleportation |
25 | 0.034 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Problema Matemático del día 12/01/2025 |
26 | 0.039 SBD | jorgebgt | It all starts with a curiosity; The real development |
27 | 0.009 SBD | jorgebgt | Il cucchiaio che esalta i sapori salati. |
28 | 0.310 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Magnetic Pole Shift Record, Big Storm, Solar Watch | S0 News Jan.11.2025 🌠 |
29 | 1.441 SBD | cotina | Top: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 08/01/2025 por @vivigibelis |
30 | 0.031 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Haciendo Matemáticas todos los días 11/01/2025 |