Daily top posts in category: science on 2025-01-14

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Daily top posts in category: science on 2025-01-14

No Payout Author Title
11.807 SBDlupafilotaxiaLet's talk about Kurt Hahn Six Social Evils
21.093 SBDmauromarWorld's first inflatable farm reduces water use by 99%/Primera granja inflable del mundo que reduce el uso de agua en un 99%
31.850 SBDmauromarmvGPT the new genetic editing tool/mvGPT la nueva herramienta de edición genética
42.160 SBDtitopxDomingo de #cotinaeducative | la función =GOOGLEFINANCE para el seguimiento de Criptomonedas.
52.190 SBDlupafilotaxiaPlant species and differential growth pattern
62.181 SBDmauromarNew brain-computer interface can decode our thoughts in real time/Nueva interfaz cerebro - ordenador puede decodificar nuestros pensamientos en tiempo real
70.254 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Major Ozone Loss Event, Schumann Resonance | S0 News Jan.13.2025 🌠
88.024 SBDnecho41Un esoscheletro come nel film
91.518 SBDmauromarA method has been developed to obtain images of molecules at an atomic scale/Desarrollan un método para obtener imágenes de moléculas a escala atómica
101.323 SBDlupafilotaxiaThe science behind biometric data
110.470 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Big Comet, Big Coronal Hole, Big Storm, Extreme Conditions | S0 News Jan.12.2025 🌠
122.565 SBDmauromarNVIDIA Cosmos, the first step towards intelligent robots/NVIDIA Cosmos, el primer paso para los robots inteligentes
134.621 SBDdrutterMy response to the return of mandatory face diapers in healthcare settings
141.897 SBDlupafilotaxiaPlants and their ability to remember periods of drought
150.955 SBDjorgebgtIt all starts with a curiosity; History is important
160.060 SBDjorgebgtNow the occultation of Mars by the Moon begins.
178.821 SBDjorgebgtI nuovi “Fuochi d’artificio”
180.902 SBDjorgebgtFor the first time they achieve quantum teleportation
199.309 SBDalexandergudinoComputacion Cuantica y el Algoritmo SHA_256
200.034 SBDydavgonzalezProblema Matemático del día 12/01/2025
216.570 SBDnecho41OpenAi robots
220.039 SBDjorgebgtIt all starts with a curiosity; The real development
230.310 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Magnetic Pole Shift Record, Big Storm, Solar Watch | S0 News Jan.11.2025 🌠
241.441 SBDcotinaTop: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 08/01/2025 por @vivigibelis
250.031 SBDydavgonzalezHaciendo Matemáticas todos los días 11/01/2025
261.905 SBDmauromarGencast, Google's new AI for predicting the weather/Gencast, la nueva IA de Google para predecir el tiempo
271.152 SBDnecho41The first hydrogen gas turbine
281.002 SBDjorgebgtWater on Mars was there earlier than previously believed.
290.974 SBDjorgebgtIt all starts with a curiosity; 2025 is not going to be boring.
300.328 SBDjang🚀 Space Weather News: Dark Opening on the Sun, Re-Writing History | S0 News Jan.10.2025 🌠