
Yooooooooo thanks bro :D
Everything in skate is a matter of practice.Tryy ollie and you will get the hang of it.It's pure muscle memory.
If you skate why don't you submit an entry for #steemskate week 19 contest?
Link here:
@Web-gnar organizes a nice contest every week or so.
Be sure to check out #steemskate tag bro and upload your footage man even if it is riding your board.
Don't be shy.

I just startet not log ago, and in my place there is no where to skate, everything is wet because it's has been raining few days in row. But if there will be possibility I will gonna post something at #steemskate tag :D

Just upload a Dtube video of you doing what you love,skateboarding.
Noothing fancy just be yourself.
Thank you for stopping by bro and waiting to see your content :D