Steem Silver Round Update!!!!!
Yes you read that right!! They are here!
There has been much anticipation leading up to this event. It all started with the design contest, which was ultimately won by @welshstacker!!
I am busy sorting, but wanted to give a quick update for everyone! I should have a video posted tomorrow with my madness and an unboxing video!!
But for now, some pictures will have to do!!
Sevin and the Steem Silver Round

A Close-Up of the Round (Sorry for the poor picture quality)

Boxes 3, 4, 5, and 6 (Each box has 250 Rounds)

Close Up of Box 6 Rounds (#'s 1251-1500)

Sweet! I don't want to overshadow this awesome round...but I want to enter my design for next year...
hahaha I love it!!!! This made my morning!
Glad you liked it man! Hope the packaging and mailing goes smooth. Thanks again for making this happen!
So far so good! It is very time consuming though!! Did not anticipate this!
heeh you are hilarioussss summerrrr
Ohhh yessssss!!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!
A job well done!!
Dang I'm going to have to get talking to my buddy soon to get my hands on mine! Is there still some extra!?
Yeah there are a few extra left, but not many!! Hit me up on discord
whaa? whatchhooo doin over herezzz?? :p
hahah what you mean what you doing over hereeee!what you doing over heree!
Im SSGGGGG beetch 🤣🤣🤣🤣😛🤣🤣
Super cool Sevin, and great timing! It’s gonna’ be:
#SSG Gone Wild in here pretty quick!
Great job buddy!
Yes!! Perfect timing!! We aren't too far away at all!!
And thank you sir!!
yeah no sheet, that means all you doods gotta show us some skin and throw the silver beads ... :p
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
Super excited for the day that the tracking numbers come out. That's going to be fun. I should get a special steak or something in preparation for celebration!
Yes!!! They aren’t too far away!! Less than 24 hours! First some sleep and then starting again with a fresh mind in the morning!!
That's great! Looking forward to these ones... It's like Christmas in June.. Julyish :-)
It is like here in the US, they play Christmas in July movies nonstop!
Hopefully June where you are! If not, then early July!!
Not too long good sir! Haha :D
This is so exciting! Feels like it has been forever since I first read about the design contest, and here we are.
It has been quite a while and quite the process!! We are nearing completion!!!
Yeah, I can just imagine how much work it has been for you! Hopefully you have time to recuperate a bit before you begin planning the next year's round ;)
A few months is about all I’ll get, but that’s more than enough! Your round has been shipped!
That's great news! Looking forward to it arriving, although I expect it to take a little while to reach Norway.
Yeah, Norway is a ways away from Florida! It should take less than time India, New Zealand, or Australia though! :D
My experience with getting mail from the US is that anything can happen! Sometimes packages from Amazon are ready within 4-5 days, while it takes closer to 3 weeks other times. I'm hoping it will show up this week though, but I'm not in a hurry :)
cant wait to get back home from cancun but got sidetracked and stranded in charlotte #thanksamerican airlines. We should be home tonight and can wait to get me some rounds o silver @sevinwilson
Yours will get personally delivered! The only one to get that! Safe travels today getting home! Love you!
I think you should do a picture of you swimming in them
Omg! Why didn’t I think of this!! I was too nervous!!
Maybe I’ll go swimming with my stash!!
Too bad I am an awful swimmer! :D