Nice display case
Look what I just got for £5 ($6.40, €5.60)! It didn't have any silver dollars in it, of course.
I went into a local (more or less) coin shop in North Shields -- North East England -- to buy a set of pre-decimal UK coins. Just the bog-standard coins in circulation in my youth, shillings, half-crowns, "thrupney" bits, for old times' sake really. I also got some farthings, which were around when I was a kid (I'm 68) but not really common. The lowest denomination coin in general use was a ha'penny. For completeness, sort of, I picked up some silver threepenny bits, which I remember being traditionally placed in Christmas puddings.
And a crown. I had never even seen a crown, let alone held one.
Anyway, so I picked up some odds and ends and was talking about how to display stuff. After a bit the guy said he had this Morgan Dollar case upstairs if I wanted to wait a minute or two. How much? Five pounds. I couldn't get my money out fast enough. I don't care that I'm never going to have the "right" coins to put in it. And there we are.
Please excuse the promoted post. See my first post for explanation.

I like that case, that was a good find!
Indeed. Now I have to upgrade the tatty one I have or they won't match.
Coins are one of the best ways to remember the past. Nice hobby to collect them.
Thank you. I collect for more the bullion value, but the aesthetics helps too.
Nice box and .... with the key. On catawiki (online auction ) I see mahoganie boxes go for 30-40 eur sometimes. (PS I am the 2nd account of goldrooster)
Thank you. I liked your bike ride pix (goldrooster). I live in a city (Newcastle), and there are cows grazing on the Town Moor half a mile from the centre of town. Seemed surreal when I first came here.