Local Coin show pickup in December
Whats up everyone! I found out near my town they have a coin show once a month so in December I made sure to be there. Wasnt anything crazy maybe 20 tables but the entire show had just about anything you would be looking for.
I always get an itch when I see gold but this time I refrained my self from splurging on gold and ended with a round I always wanted but never did. It was a little toned and has some milk spotting but its just a round so I didn't care that much.
Anubis 2 oz Ultra High Relief from Elemetal mint
next to a US quarter for comparison
Hope you enjoyed my post
I love this high relief series. I love Egyptian history and combining it with silver is cool.
Same here I'm always fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, also the detail in the high relief is really cool it has a 3d depth to it.
Pretty cool!

Wish I had a sixpack like that figure on the coin.