Gold And Silver On The Verge Of Huge Rally
Heading in the right direction for goldbugs…
Another view of the gold chart. There really are a million ways of looking at it (the vast majority look bullish to me)…
I can quite easily see the eye is drawn to that 20+ years of sideways action and the two red triangles/blue boxes, and you could ask why not another 20 years of gold prices going nowhere. Cycles suggest continued upward momentum, and national debt/stock markets/silver-gold ratio and a long list of other things suggest it would be very hard to avoid an inflationary event and rapidly rising PM prices in the next few years. Others disagree of course 😉
Bring it on!
I'd like some of that but... [see my reply] :P
I hope you’re right for jus’ a lil’ while longa’
I agree that this SHOULD Happen, but what about these guys, and their type? lol

Your charting most likely means "Time For Another SLAM" because you are Correct, Silver and Gold SHOULD Be Roaring to the Moon! If they let this happen, it is GAME OVER for them. So they hang on, tooth and nail.
These guys won't be able to stop the falling dollar and rising gold. All the charts are behaving perfectly normally and not showing any manipulation. They are all on track as expected.
Eventually it will overtake their efforts of manipulation.
I think when "paper contracts" equaling annual world mining output are shorted in a matter of minutes is a good sign of manipulation. Waterfalls, "flash crashes" and price spikes are all abnormal moves that sometimes result from manipulations.
I HOPE you are right, @weatherman... I've just seen too much confirmed
over the years to get too excited about these latest moves. BUT it would figure, I can get my 401A out of the danger zone in about 15 months so it's likely to screw up MY Plans right at the last "instant" so to speak :D lol
And the SALE continues!!! — fine by me JP, but i am coming for your phyzz and we are legion
[/Obama] lmfao :D
Oooooooh yeah.