$70 Dollar Silver is Here!
Hi friends!
I’m not foolin’, and i’m not going to make yet another presumptuous guess about what is going to happen to the metals market — if you want that action, just scroll down a little bit, they’re everywhere!
And many of them are even great: well written, extremely informative articles backed up by every kind of chart you can imagine and even accurate citings of what has happened before. But really...let’s be serious for just a second and admit: no one knows. And no one knows what’s going to happen with bitcoin, or any of the alts, or the dolllar, or the pound or the peso...
With all that being said though, it does appear that premiums on physical metal are on the rise. I spoke about an Engelhard 5oz bar that sold recently for $350 and just realized i had a pic of it that i surreptitiously snapped through the glass case at my lcs (cameras not allowed in there...) With a wee crop here it is:
Funnily, there was an old 10oz JM bar that was sitting right beside it, for $350 too (twice the metal) and it’s still there! But the Sweet E-bar is gonzo. $70 Silver has arrived! This was in canadian dollars mind you, but still, that’s well over $50usd per ounce!
And the 2017 1oz silver Krugerrand was over $70 cad when i bought it — that’s about the highest primo i’ve ever paid for an ounce of silver. Although i must admit: i think my most extravagant purchase was the 2012 Perth Mint year of the Dragon. An absolutely exceptional coin that i think is in my top three for desirability. There are others of course, but the 2012 Dragon is a near mythical coin in its rarity. I’ll have to dig that out...Hmmm, just got an idea for a cool post :)
Now, since we can’t know the future — Here’s a blast from the past:
[edit: apologies for lousy pic editing in next 3pics]
Good times and $70 dollar silver are closer than you think! D’Oh!!! Was I just predicting the future too? Ha...! Nope! Just talking about this glorious present before us all.
Get out there! Buy it up! Do it now, not next week...because maybe, just maybe, there will be none left at these prices before long — no one really knows ;)
Now, on to some other bidnass...
Do you remember the contest i held where i offered up a Steem Round to whomever could get to know me the first and the fastest based on 13 questions from my blog? Oh wait... that was a different giveaway (congrats again Kouloumos you big 5oz winner!), no, this was for my remembrance day post “Lest we Forget,” and it was fun to revisit. I forget the parameters of the giveaway now, but a guy in India won it and has finally sent me his addy! Lol! Well, @thedamus does what he sez he’s gonna’ do — even if it takes a little longer sometimes...
Like i say to Mrs. @thedamus: when a man says he’s going to do something, he does it! You don’t have to keep reminding him every six months!!!
Anyway, here’s what it looked like:
Huh? What!!!? @kiwiscanfly? what are you doing here??? Freaking kiwis...! Always playing silly bugger and having a good time!!!
Lemme’ try that again...
Bah ha ha! Much better! So #1158 is being sent overseas to India and into the hands of @jznsamuel — congratulations man! I will send this spectacular round out this week.
So that’s pretty cool! I’d love to know which, of all the countries of the world, that actually have a 2017 Community round... Although many of them hold gold in reserves — how many of them actually have any silver?
Which brings me to my next order of business:
I realized after i’d posted “Help Me Obi Wan” that that title did presume i was Princess Leia... Zoinks!!! ...ah well, sometimes ya just gotta make an ass out of yourself to keep ‘em smiling.
And make an ass i did! That post was from like 12 days ago and i had said it ran a week! Well, you know how it goes... when @thedamus sez he’s gonna’ do something, he’s gonna’ do it...
So i’m paying it out today!
I had asked for help from the community, and i had wanted it quick! I was offering three prizes for the best, shortest, simplest, efficient and thorough explanation of how to use blocktrades, withdraw etc, etc. Here were the prizes
1st — 25 sbd to a booster bot
2nd — 10 “
3rd — 5 “
Well @raybrockman came out with guns blazing and knives flashing and laid down the freshly smoked bacon and said BOOM! He also offered to coach me in steem chat if i needed it — what a guy! However, i was asking for the most comprehensive too, and one other ssg mofo provided it. @owenwat sent a link and a full explanation of exactly what i was looking for.
Congrats Owen! You won 1st prize!
And congrats Ray! You won 2nd prize!
Now after these two titans had laid down their sparkling posts, nobody else even stepped up... e
So Congratulations @owenwat!!! You have won 3rd prize as well!!
Owen: lemme’ know your choice, otherwise i will pick which bot i’m sending 30sdb to
Ray: same as O, except you’re just getting a 10bagger!
Viva ssg!
And just ‘cause i have a huge hammer, i’m gonna’ send @themothership my first month in liquid — and pay someone else’s first month in liquid too, and, i’m gonna’ send an extra sbd to further support the family. If you are in #thealliance get down on it!!!
Oh..., yeah, hi Stax! i was um, just talking about ahhh, you know, titter titter, um, well actually, say Wow! You look so hot in Purple baby!!!
Hope yer all having a great day building your own rebel empires and looting the system — even if today is only a day to conspire.
Cheers! from @thedamus
🏃🏻♂️ 🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖
You have been victim of a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from an irresponsible non-GrupyCompliant service.
@sneaky-ninja is acting irresponsibly by selling votes to people on their post in the last hours before payout. = 99.99% abuse rate.
To know what voting bot to use, refer to https://steembottracker.com/ and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.
To learn more: https://steemit.com/abuse/@grumpycat/non-gumpycompliant-vote-sellers-are-now-to-be-used-exclusively-to-profit-from-the-reward-pool
I must admit, I've paid higher premiums on certain items because they were items I just had to have. I firmly believe in value-stacking, but sometimes I want a little filet mignon instead of hamburger!
So true! I’m still not sure if i missed a good buy!
Nice what a beach body that dude in the pool has..LOL
He’s definitely ripped!
Shit, that damn Owen, he wins everything. Haha congrats Owen well done again my friend. As far as for me you pick or send it to @steemsilverround either one is cool as hell with me, thanks brother, trying to get back home, So I gotta keep this short. 😎👊😎☠
Might have to do both (in your name) mofo!
The 2018’s are gonna’ be practically free!!! Lol
Okay big daddy, there’s a sneaky-ninja coming for your Mafia post (10), and i sent 10 to @steemsilverround with your name in the memo.
Ray B for Prez!!!
I went to start writing something for that contest, saw rays answer and was like fuck it he wins 😂
To the victors go the spoils!
Yeah, the 2000 & 2012 Perth Mint Year of the Dragon, are one of my top favorites. Only comes around every twelve years.
There’s a 2000? Sweet! I’ll go search it and have a look :)
You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX, check this out.
You’re still No. #1 baby!
Dont we both have a few of those 5oz engelhards ..
Jeez even if the next financial problem is as bad or worse then the late 70s early 80s when silver went up about 3500% it would be hard to sell those.
Hard to sell and even harder to find!
Hi @thedamus why do you pay 2 SBD for a resteem service? That is such a scam. You're wasting your money. Please stop supporting resteem services. I mean I am yet to come across a good resteem service...Your reputation is 64 and you're sending 2 SBD to a -1 rep account for a resteem? C'mon man. Seems you dont care when you make 249 per post but I'm just curious what your thought process is here.
I certainly don't throw money away like that when I can use it to power up and make my own upvote stronger.
Which is the -1? That sounds hinky...
But further, why do you care what i do with my money? I have sent thousands of real dollars to this platform because it is open, and free and non-censored. While it’s true i use boosting bots, upvote services — call ‘em what you like — i have never powered down nor withdrawn a single steem from here. If you’re looking for someone to scold, why don’t you start with yourself for sticking your nose in, then go to the people who only upvote themselves (i am fighting back from sub 20% vp ‘cause i upvote the shit out of replies), from there you can berate people who are, heaven forbid, withdrawing money and spending it on themselves...
But coming around my post and citing my
Big fat 64 with 50 shades of millennial entitlement will not fly very far.
I work hard, i post hard, i laugh hard, i Engelhard, and i don’t enjoy guilt trips. I will however look more closely at the bots i’m using in the future — wouldn’t want to trample on anyone’s pedicure.
This was a seriously appropriate response to my comment! After re-reading it, let me first start by apologizing for coming off the way I did.
It's not that I care what you do with your money, per say, but I care about the Steemit platform. This place is truly great because it's free and non-censored. I am in no way trying to scold you for using boosting bots and upvote services.
The resteem service you sent 2 BSD to: sportic-voice (18) (which was then resteemed through (sportic) (-1). The required resteem price for this is 1 SBD so you totally didn't have to spend 2, but that's not entirely the point.
It is my understanding that there are two ways to contribute to this platform. By contributing quality content, or contributing to the betterment of the platform. My contribution here was intended to inform, not scold, so again I am sorry for coming off that way. I can totally see that you definitely work and post hard, and you absolutely deserve it! I just feel that these resteem services are not only a scam but I feel they hurt the platform. I was wondering how many accounts that are following sportic are actually real humans. So I didn't approach you to scold but to inform.
I don't scold those who use upvote services or anything like that, and I definitely go after those who abuse upvote services and then cash out. I too power up everything I get and I've only used an upvote bot for one of my posts. At the end of the day, what I was trying to do was kindly ask that you look more closely at the bots you use in the future because I feel this particular service is not only a scam, but I also see other minnows using it and as a minnow I feel it is a total waste of SBD. I was not implying you were stepping on my toes by using this service.
With that out of the way, let me apologize again for not properly responding to your post.
I've always wanted to get into precious metals myself but I could never really afford to. It only makes sense for any one in crypto to also get into silver and gold. You are right though, people should get out there and buy now. As for me, I've taken a different approach when it comes to that since I can't quite afford it so I've started scrapping electronics to extract the gold and any other worthy metals out of them. I was surprised to find metal in my old computer mice. It wasn't much, but every little bit counts. I read an article a long time ago that suggests there are millions of dollars worth of gold in landfills because of tossed out electronics.
Great post and I've definitely followed.
Hi bitfiend, i have used sportic a few times, as a low end service — just ‘cause it got sent into my feed or something. Fuck! Who knows, i drink a lot of beer!
I am totally onboard with supporting the good things about steemit and letting the duds lay where they are.
After reading your concerns over a sub-par vote bot i will easily refrain from sending any more loot there until i look more closely.
Thank you for accepting my argument, and clarifying your position. Steem on!
Thanks, I am happy to help. I figured that perhaps it was just an oversight, as I see you are very focused on your work! Steem on!
Hi bitfiend, please help me and flag the fuck out of grumpy-cat...
I noticed what he did... accidentally upvoted the fucker because I was not thinking about where the flag button was, but I flagged all his self upvotes. Unfortunately my SP is very weak. I noticed that he flagged all of your posts. This is fucked. I went ahead and gave him my thoughts, it's the most I can do. I also noticed that I too used the upvote bot that he flagged you for, so clearly I'm probably next.
I'm more or less aware of what he's up to, and I'm sorry that he ended up on your blog. I don't agree with how he is handling the abuse on Steemit because you aren't abusing anything.
Ah ha ha — sweet!
Nice coins, nice swimming pool. You look like that guy from Fielding with all the lamb.
Here's a few predictions from New Zealand!
Silver will go up. Gold will go up. Now for the prediction part:
About 10-20% this year.
The new Kiwi silver coin is very cool!
