Buying Weed or Buying Silver?
It is April 20th today. Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em!!! There is a lot of evidence out there for all of the health benefits — and industrial uses too! — for the humble marijuana plant. If you wanna’ see a great list of said benefits have a look at @stackinag47’s post from earlier today.
Kind of ironic that Silver too has so many uses! It’s almost like stacking silver and rolling doobs Was all part of the original cosmic design! And, buying weed certainly is easier than getting silver in Vancouver. There are 4 shops between 1st ave and 7th ave in my neighbourhood. I mean it is literally easier, closer and more convenient for me to buy weed than it is to buy gasoline!
Funnily enough, perhaps, even though it is 4-20 today, AND there are dispensaries galore, today i was buying Silver.
I met up with @uglyboy in New Westminster today and we raided a new shop. I got a great deal on some old dimes and some dollaz too. Have a lil looky loo!
The SML and the Harp were already in my pocket, but i got the Morgan for $22 and the Canoe dollar for $20!
And then these dimes for $2.25 each. A little steep maybe, but i’m really digging ol’ Gorgeous George lately.
Goodtimes!!! Buying silver wins the day! ...but the green shop is open until 10pm 😜👍
Cheers! from @thedamus
I cant smoke week again, smoked heavy for 15 years solid from about 12 years old to 27 and sadly it screwed with my head bigtime. used to love it though..and its medical quality seem to be undeniable so i think the UK should legalise it - doubt it will ever happen with our stuffy self serving MPs though.
Thank you for the endorsement brother! I’m glad that on this national holiday we can all spark our best blunts and enjoy God’s gift to us
It’s a miracle plant for sure!
Great finds @thedamus! I went to two shops while traveling in PA and busted at both. Either way too expensive for 90% and Morgans, or no silver that I don't already have. It'll be ok though, I'll findit
That’s it buddy! Getting skunked a couple times makes the scores all the more sweeter!
...the truth is, i went out to Surrey Gold earlier to meet u-boy — and got skunked! — so finding them Georges (and dollaz too) made it all a good fun day.
I almost bought a bag of crowns and half crowns, but the math was wrong. Everything that I liked, this shop owner liked even more than me I think lol, so he jacked the price up.
I finally asked him, is there something here that you're not too attached to, maybe you might want to sell? Haha
I could have bought some $10 bags for $140, but they were dogs and I can get that deal at home. Fuck traveling for silver
Shop owners who are stackerz suck ballz!

Great answer!
Stackem High!!!

Think i gotta’ try that!
Nice pick ups 👍 now go roll one up and enjoy the day
On it...
Sweet shits bro!✌🏻
Smoke em if a got em
I will and i do!
Cheers b3ar 👊😎
Gorgeous old dimes!!! And a beautiful collection of dollar coins. Great show. I enjoyed it! Take care, my friend.
Thanks 888! It was fun to hit up a new shop 😃
Beautiful pick ups Mr Damus !!!!!
Thanks gpo, i got some good ones 😁😁😁
Sadly i gave up smoking canabis 4 years ago. I got something called graves disease that affects the eyes and i was told i would go blind if i did not give up smoking. But the pressures in my eyes went up to 40 this January which is dangerous, ive been taking canabis oil for last 8 weeks which has brought the pressure down to a normal 18, i told the doctor it was the canabis oil that had reduced it so much but they would not acknowledge that what so ever and are adamant their "do nothing and wait and see" approach was what has worked, funny that my eyes have been brought under control just as ive been taking the oil, CBD has possibly saved my eyesight but i do miss THC, oh god i miss THC, i want a THC infused bottle of goodness so much lol. Canabis is still illegal in this backwardly inept nation. Silver and canabis have been my 2 best friends.
Pricasso doesn't trust doctors they lie. Glad to hear it is again under control. Research High doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) B17 and CBD/THC as you know the combination in high doses can literally cure just about any and all diseases ;) Also try and alkalize your blood all diseases thrive in a high acidity blood PH, up the blood PH and lower/eliminate diseases/viruses/bacteria etc Watch this video (A Doctor I actually trust) YouTube..
Be blessed
Yours Always
Interesting vid, ive forwarded it to my mum who has a rare type of lukemia and no immune system, a basic cold can kill her so definately one i will be researching, thank you.
I am Pricasso most wonderful artist not only do i make wonderful art but i help folks arm themselves with knowledge in order to beat the most dreaded of diseases. You are most welcome do keep me posted :)
Yours Always
I’m sorry to hear that... edibles may be a way for you.