Silver Shield Lunar Series Showcase and Competition Winners
So first things first, who are the winners of the name the size, strike and finish competition?
Well there were not many entries which made my competition rather easy to manage, which is a blessing in disguise I suppose. Anyway nobody managed to guess the correct answer, and the closest entry was a few guesses off but at least a couple of people gave it a go.
I think thee fact nobody claimed it straight off the bat goes to show the quality of the Silver Shield BU’s, In my opinion they can be very hard to distinguish from the proofs (especially the monkey V2 proof vs BU), maybe not for those with a keen eye, but they are pretty good quality none the less.

So Straight to it:
First place (5 steem) goes to : @owenwat
Second place (5 steem dollars) goes to : @road2wisdom
And due to the number of entries, I couldn’t leave it at two prizes, so I am giving a consolation prize of 2 steem dollars to : @theswede
Thank you guys for taking the time to check out my post and entering my first competition.
ANSWERS : TO make it a little easier, the video contained the COA’s for every coin in the competition except for two coins, the 1oz year of the monkey BU and the 1oz year of the sheep BU.
SO all in all : There were 9 types of coins in the competition.
1oz Sheep BU
1oz Monkey BU
1oz Monkey V2 BU
1oz Monkey V2 Reverse Proof
1oz Rooster Proof
1oz Rooster V2 Reverse Proof
2oz Monkey Proof
2oz Rooster Proof
5oz Monkey Proof
The Silver Shield Lunar Series is a great interpretation of the Chinese Zodiac. They are amazing strikes with the sort of slightly skewed on them that only comes with Silver Shield coins. They are great Chinese Lunar Series coins by themselves but you will feel that unique Silver Shield take to the art work, as Chris Duane says “a Conscious Shock Into The Lunar Series World”
2015 The Year Of The Sheep
This design shows two ravenous wolves devouring down on a ripped apart sheep. The coin looks fantastic and is probably my favourite of the Lunar series so far. The wolves are almost daring the observer, staring straight into your eyes. They are representative of the evil powers that be, that feast upon the lives of the ignorant masses - the sheep.
This is the first design in the Silver Shield Lunar Series, and as usual they carry the certain Silver Shield flair, Chris Duane's flip of the finger to the establishment while taking a fresh approach on the Chinese Lunar Coin releases.
1 Ounce - Year Of The Sheep - BU

2016 The Year Of The Monkey
This is quite a striking coin, a Thai looking girl with an enraged, snarling monkey on her back, with chain in hand and shackle on its neck.
This strike represents the Rothschild debt monkey we carry on our backs, and the monkey that the silver market has had on it’s back for the last few years of this bear market. It is the hope that the chains can be broken and we can be freed from these things that weigh us down and the silver market will have the manipulation shackles broken and run free.
There is also a V2 version of the Monkey, which is represented in a vector art style, with the year 2016 and the character for monkey hidden in the design. This has quite a different feel for a Lunar coin but I quite like it. I think it goes well with the version one sculpt and adds to the set as a whole.
1 Ounce - Year Of The Monkey - BU

1 Ounce - Year Of The Monkey V2 - BU

1 Ounce - Year Of The Monkey V2 - Reverse Proof

2 Ounce - Year Of The Monkey - Proof

5 Ounce - Year Of The Monkey - Proof

2017 The Year Of The Rooster
I have a particular fondness to this release as it is my Chinese Zodiac animal, not that I am a zodiac follower. This sculpt looks great and this one is also skewed towards pointing out the Rothschild debt and death paradigm (if you know Chris Duane's words, you know this phrase!).
This is another Heidi Wastweet masterpiece and the form to the rooster is amazing. You can see the Rothschild chain and arrows grasped in the roosters claw and it is crowing at full noise.
1 Ounce - Year Of The Rooster - Proof

1 Ounce - Year Of The Rooster V2 - Reverse Proof

2 Ounce - Year Of The Rooster - Proof

Chris Duane is an interesting person. I always listen, when he speaks. Silver Shield coins are very interesting, too. Some are very rare.
Thank you @ silvernova for holding this competition and I am happy I won! It brought a smile to my face. Your coins are beautiful and silver in my opinion is really under valued. But if things every went wrong in the world, silver would be a great trading system! Anyway I went off of topic, thank you again I will RS this tonight as you just posted it a few hours ago thanks
Not a problem, thankyou for participating and checking out my posts.
I am really glad to have been able to bring a smile to your face. You are completely right about silver being a great trading system. I think a lot of people here believe crypto's would replace the dollar in a dollar collapse, which is plausible but I think a lot of the crypto guys forget that crypto's are absolutely no good when the power goes out. With all the worry about EMP attacks I think no matter what, everyone should own some physical silver and/or gold. Thanks again for taking the time to enter into my competition and congratulations on your prize!
This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @silvernova! For more information, click here!
This Lunar series is great. As with all Chris's designs there is a pretty deep meaning to them all. I really like that about your coins, they have value AND meaning. Great shots as always and I especially like the Bamboo mat background, gives it a nice Chinese feel. I also like the hidden year in some of the coins, you have to have a good look to spot them. Great post @silvernova. Sorry I didn't enter the comp, I'm not that confident about my silver yet, still at the "Ohhh... Ahhh isn't it pretty" stage haha
I RS this as I promised thank you again :) going to safety as I live in FL
Wow! Thanks man! :)