Back on Track with the voting Audit! And important feedback needed.

So this voting checking thing has been the hardest part but it's back on track.

Voting Audit

So I found a great new tool here that shows how many times/month everyone has voted on silvergoldbotty, it will work the same as steemvp. Thanks to @jlordc for his comment yesterday.

So for the sake of transpancy, here is the list for the last month, please check it out.

So now what do I do?

If you take a look we can see that only 51 members have voted at least 27 times or more representing voting on a least 90% of posts, while 33 people have voted on all 30 post.

We all decided that voting daily at 100% was mandatory to continue receiving votes, but I feel 90% is likely good enough, auto-voters were down for a bit and 90% is pretty good.

So what do we do with the others that have voted less than 90%?

It's isn't many really, but a few have delegated or donated to higher levels?

I have an idea to have them donate an amount equal to the lost votes in SBD.

Example: member has 100SP, thus a $0.05 vote and if they missed 20 posts that would be an additional fee of $1, to be paid in SBD due to the fact votes on post are rewarded to Stax in the form of SBD (1:1USD)

What does everyone think of this idea and if they decline or don't make contact we just remove them from voting?

Is this too harsh? Sometimes I worry I'm too nice for the

Donations and Delegations

Otherwise as previously discussed anyone that has met the minimum voting amount will receive a 1% vote from Stax daily and be eligible to obtain a tier promotion if they chose to delegate or donate.

Here are the proposed tiers for delegations and donations.

Tier TitleDelegationDonationVote

Please remember it is also mandatory to be voting on Stax's daily posts at 100% to be getting your return vote.

As I mentioned before I also though we could open it up to more members if we could sponsor members to higher tiers. This can be done with a donation or delegation, but I would limit it too, Copper, Lead and Zinc tiers.

We will also be keeping the @raybrockman member of the week who will be placed at silver tier for one week, and can be picked with whatever criteria he chooses.

For anyone that wants to delegate here are the appropriate links, just remember to replace USERNAME with your username







You can also use this Tool below to delegate.

Or this tool if you want to run a vessel application yourself.

We will continue to accept donations also, but delegations are much preferred and depending on the ability to obtain a lease this month, this option my be removed in the future or credit for donations may need to further decrease, so it's advisable to start working towards you delegated power goal (plus it just makes more sense long term).

Lastly I have some bad news about manual voting, it seams that even when Stax's casts a manual bonus vote on a comment on any post, it resets the vote timer for that user

Thus when I cast all those bonus votes yesterday, it reset and messed up everyone's timer, this may be an issue if it was close to your 24hr period rolling over. If that's the case let me know and we'll work something out, and I can manually catch up at the same time as one of your future votes/posts, or just give one larger vote to compensate.

Thanks again for all the help and feedback and we grow together and get this all figured out


You do what you gotta do to keep these animals in line. Lay down the law....with extreme prejudice.

Dude, your one of the biggest culprits though?

Drop the hammer phil...

If you make 90 the threshold, then people will vote at 90...

Receiving Stax’ vote is a privelidge and peeps gotta’ walk the walk — is this not business?

Everybody is invited to post in #steemsilvergold or wherever-the-fuck they want... but Stax is fancy, and shedoesnot fuck around!

Let ‘em come to you “stax”! This is not a “feely, emotional” thing, it’s just the way it works.

BTW, you look really hot in your new attire! Ol’ ed-x better have the spring/line soon!


You got the hard ass business mindset man, I need balls like that for this job, so you figure we just don't vote anyone with less than 30 votes? Or at least levy a penalty.

Either that or let them know how much "make-up" Steem they owe the Sweetie-Pie...keep yo pimp hand strong Phil!

No “Penalties!”

Just boot ‘em off the list... if they want back on they can fulfill their obligations... Easy peasy garlic squeezey!

I would usually agree that "sympathy is just another word in the dictionary between shit and syphilis" but I don't know how the autovoters work, I just vote manually, so if that was a legit issue this month, then so be it....but its really not that hard and if you are getting a large upvote from Staxx, then you should be double checking your obligation to the Bot anyways.

X actly

Thank's for the tool,it's very helpfull to see where all the votes go!

Welcome I didn't know you were alive! Let me know if you need any help.

The rules were fair and pretty clear Phil, if a member has to “make it up” with an extra donation, so be it. You are just the messenger...and we shouldn’t shoot the messenger. Cheers and Stack on!

No problem, glad it helped! :)

@matthewwarn This isn't spam. This user gave the Botty a link to a tool on the last post that Phil used to calculate percentages. They also received a shout out in this post.

thank you for pointing that out...I apologize for over-sheriffing...removed and upvoted

@steemsilvergold I just did my duty and did a Full 100% UP Vote. I heard @pit-bullion mention that STAX is one Expensive Date.........

She may be an expensive date, but every 22.5 hours she is good for giving a little back

Thank you for a update Stax.

Can i just ask when upvoting the 100% everyday. I understand it is all of your posts but what about your resteems. Do they count towards your final vote count?

Ok, cool. I must have missed something i cant see.

Cheers Stax

If someone misses a vote, or maybe even two, I think we should cut some slack and allow for some sort of compensation as suggested. But I agree with damus, if we lower the threshold, some people will only aim for the minimum. Life happens. We should consider things on a case by case. But I think it is apparent sometimes who is trying and who is not.

That's a bit of a concern? I have @steemsilverbotty as a 100% auto vote on Steem Voter. My vote count for the month is only 24.
The previous 2 months average at 30 each which seems ok.

I know they had some down time that could explain the low result for the previous month.
I notice I do appear as a 100% upvote on this post so that's good.

Yes I do think the downtime on the autovoters is partially to blame I know a few others in that 24 range and pretty inactive and only autovote I'm sure it contributed.

Yeah, I like to try and keep active with comments and when I'm not able to post and I actively manual vote whenever I can.
I put @steemsilverbotty on Steem Voter so I wouldn't miss any posts. The only other one I do this for is @minnowsupport

Can i join?

Yes, Anyone can join this . . . .all you need is " high SP"

Sorry fellows, this a community bot only for members of the #steemsilvergold community.