Gold, Silver Hammered - Something Big is Happening in Bonds

A big move down for stocks, bonds, and metals this week. An analysis of why, and some big picture concepts to keep in mind.

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How low do people think silver will go? And would it really make a that big of a difference? Unless someone's buying +2,500 oz... But $15,$16,$17 USD /oz really doesn't break the bank. Price change of +-$2.00/oz would mean your purchase might gain/lose a few ounces from previous purchase... This is for buying physical of course... As long as the price is under $25 USD/oz... It's like Bitcoin @ $250 & no one looking at it until it hits $5000...

It seems the drop in Silver on Friday pushed the G/S ratio back over 80. Check out my post:

It seems the Fed has a problem on their hands, do they print FIAT and save the falling bonds or the falling stawk market....................Not alot of promise being held out that BTFD will survive this time..........Keep stacking......Go get ya some.

I am monitoring markets on a daily basis. I have taken in positions that profit (normally) from higher interest rates and/or higher volatility. I have a decent portion of gold in my investments. So not afraid of another big dip.

Thank you for your time and effort in making this video. Just wish you were rewarded in a more suitable and deserving fashion.