My Gold Stack - Part 1 Of 4
Most of My Post are Mainly about Silver
But I do have some gold
Not a lot really and biggest I have is a 1/4 of an oz
I don't know what my stacks gold to silver ratio is but I have about 1.85 ozs of gold

All fractional, it's probably going to take a few posts to tell you about it and show you it all.
So let's call this part 1 of a 4 part series on my gold stack.
But hey at least I've got a few posts I can get out there.
Plus we can talk about gold as well
I like silver, IMO it's such great value right now but you cannot ignore the properties of gold, that makes it very useful to have in your stack and have made it the no 1 metal.
So let's start first with something small 1/25 of an oz
I have two coins in this size, I actually picked these up for under spot at the time and was one of the reason I bought them, like alot of the gold I have bought it has been at great prices. Often cheaper than you can get the equalent size from a dealer of a current release, sometimes even a proof. There's great value out there to be had, but you got to seek it out.
Coin Specifications | Coin Infomation |
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But only to the right person.

I don't think you can go wrong buying gold like this if the price is cheap.

I picked up the next one with this one from the same place Kent coins.
I was happy as it has a dragon on the coat of arms
Not in the greatest condition this one, but at the price who cares about condition
Like I said, not in the greatest condition but some are on the capsule as well.
Yep, it has the solar system on it. Pretty cool coin and then the info card that came with this one.
A close up of the crest/coat of arms of Bhutan
So what next, well I decided to do the roos and gold kooks later in separate posts and same with the two proof dragon coins. so I guess that leaves us the two lunar horse gold coins and two UK gold coins to show..
So first we have the Lunar series 2 - Year of the horse from the Perth Mint.
On the left is the 1/10th of an oz and on the right is the 1/4 of an oz
I picked these up from an LCS called Weighton collectables. Luckily for me, it's not far from where my daughter lives, they are online but going there and picking them up saves on postage and every little saving helps to buy more PM's
So this was the first 1/4 oz I ever bought as the larger the size the lower the premium you pay but I try to always find good value when it comes to buying gold.
So when I was there I Thought I'd be cheeky and asked if he'd sell me the 1/10th at the same premium as the 1/4, he was ummmmm......ok.
Often when he gets something in that catches my eye I order it and get him to hold it for me till I'm that way as well. Great that, the only bad thing is he has some great coins which are not listed online. Sometimes he's not the cheapest either, but for gold, he's pretty good and if you want something not so easy to find, he may have one.
Real bad for my wallet going to this shop.
Silver in the EU has tax applied to it as it's classed as an industrial metal.
Unlike gold which has no tax and in the UK that tax is 20%, so you can see why I buy my silver coins from EU dealers that charge a lot lower tax rate of only 7%, on what they call the margin scheme, but that's another post I can do at another time.
It does make gold a better buy than silver (in the UK IMO)
Gold can also be imported from outside the EU (unlike silver) without falling foul of import charges and Royal Mails fee. Another thing I try to avoid.
So instead of buying Generic silver, I buy gold.
Generally the cheapest I can find around, but that maybe has some hidden equity,
from its numismatic value,
it's not always the case but when looking for some gold last year.
I bought this 1/10 oz gold Britainaina coin from Royal Mint bullion.
They had a sale on and made it the cheapest gold over spot, I could find, that I could afford, at that time. Plus when you buy from RMB it comes in a capsule and was cheaper than one without..So a no-brainer really.
The 2018 coin, would of cost more as they had just comeout, so was a real good deal to take advantage of and that's what i try to do buy Gold as cheap as possible unless it's a dragon of course. I'll Always pay a little extra premium for a dragon, but not to much.
All UK minted gold and silver coins are capital gains tax free. So for us in the UK these are good coins to have in you stack if you a big stacker, but for me I not really up to that threshold yet, but if you was buying large amounts of gold or silver then these coins are a good play.
Now the last coin for this post, This one I bought for a few reason's
The first was I wanted to get a sovereign for the dragon collection.
The second was that It is also a special version
The 3rd well Thats a bit sad. I want to do something to remember 2017 by, which is a year i'll never forget as it's when my son died and the dragon is being slayed. I also want a 2001 coin not quite decided on what yet but I want that to be real special to mark the year my son was born. So I picked up this from hatten garden metals.
It was around 2% 0r 3 % premium at the time plus postage and was the cheapest 2017 sovereign around with the 200 mint mark. 200 years they been producing the sovereign.
They Only had a few and they didn't last long, so I used the credit card to buy it then and there... Sometimes you gotta be quick or you miss the boat, when deals like that come along and the CC is interest free on purchases for 30 months.. so works for me. I'd never use one unless it's 0% or i can pay it off at the end of the month.
It's a real nice looking coin I will get some more sovereigns maybe one of each of the different designs. But like evrything you can only afford to buy what you can buy when you can buy it and i'm in no rush right now to buy gold
Mainly iI'm buying silver as the ratio is over 80 to 1 and for me thats high. I have an order of silver on the way should arrive on monday my biggest ever order.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this post, as much as i do creating it, being the 1st part of a four part series of post on my Gold stack.
Please checkout my other most recent post
A Real Nice Coin That's A Bit Special To Me -
Please Follow me if you like the content @roxdude
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These are great pieces of gold.
The one you picked to remember your son and 2017 seems very appropriate. Battling past your loss is far braver and harder than fighting a dragon would ever be. I am sure the perfect coin will come to you to commemorate 2001 and his birth. Such a young man. I am so sorry.
I am also sorry man.
Thx, It's so hard but just got to accept it. The worst nightmare you can actually have happen to a parent and nothing you can do or could have done...A piece of my heart will be missing forever.
hey man if you are after more silver and gold let me know! you should check out my blog the most recent post was about great deals and such. consider it ;O)
I checked it out... Most of the stuff I buy is from dealers and I tend to bulk buy these days, but I always on the looking out for a dragon coin at a good price...
I am a pure bullion guy so if you can tell me what you consider a good price for dragon coins I"ll keep an eye out. you should consider letting me help when you do want to do a bulk buy tho the ebate coupon is perfect for that!
no pressure tho
Oh I see from other responces you are not in the USA sorry that the ebucks coupon does not work for you in the UK :O(
I guess it depends on the coin, usually though if you buy around the release price on newer coins, that's where it's best to get in or sometimes lower on some older coins if these come up. You don't have to buy every coin and certainly not at any price and there are lots that I keep looking for at a better price than they for sale on ebay etc or I'm willing to pay.
Not so long ago I bought the 10oz and 5oz lunar 2 BU dragons had my eye on them for a while but they do carry a premium and if I had just bought them earlier would of cost me more, I'm ok if I don't add something especially if i don't see value in the price. but prices can go up as well. you have to do abit of research, leg work and gain knowledge and often supply and demand dictate price. so if a few being sold at same time odds are they'll be cheaper than if only one listed.
Heck yeah I can't see enuff gold. That's a fledging stack man, it does not take long before it adds up and is it ever fun to look at and hold. U did well to show the details because the lunar are especially tricky to capture. The shits too shiny! Those Kazakhstan pieces are very well done and I'm not lying when I say the other one with the single ballerina is my favorite gold coin design ever. 1/25 oz and 1 oz.. but the 1 oz is so expensive I'll probably never own it 😞
True the ballerina coin was one I could not get a real good shot of the proof finish and the lunars every shot they looked a different colour, they are great coins I should have took them out of the caps but not easy for me these days getting harder and harder to open small caps up.
Great article! I can't wait for the other three parts.
Thx man, some great looking coins to come as well...
Nice gold coins, i really want a gold sovereign. Just picked up my first gold rooster.
Thx, The Perth gold is nice and I do have a lot of it, but I don't have any roosters, I do prefer the gold rooster design to the silver, but when I do look for gold I always find something cheaper and buy that instead. unless it's a dragon I make an exception for those. Golds like generic silver for me in the uk