Money 101
A lot of people in this world will never except what real money is, they have been brainedwashed. They have been forced feed their whole life that Paper Fiat is money. Know matter how much time you talk with them, there is no chancing how they think and what they believe.

Government Paper
Going forward lets call the US dollar, Government paper. After all, this is what it is, it is just paper that has been printer from the Federal Reserve. It didn't cost the Federal Reserve anything to print it in to existance. So why isn't it backed by anything of value? I will tell you why, if it was backed they would not beable to print what they want or hand out what they wanted to.

This is a fiat currency that has no true value to it. It's not even worth what is printed on it, yeah thats right it is not even worth a $1. If you believe that this is real money then you have some hard times ahead for you. There will come a time when you will loose all of your wealth, if this is what you are invested in. The government will not tell you, so I will, this will crash and be worthless.
👇This is not money either👇

This is digital currency, that is not controlled by the government, YET. This is a good investment to trade out of paper fiat. There is no physical form of this currency. Get in on this as an investment before governments get involved.
👇👇This is Money👇👇

This is Money, it has always been money and will always be money. One day these two forms of money will show their true value. When that day comes it will be the largest wealth transfer in history. What side of the transfer will you be on? What you need to understand is this, this money can not be produced. What is in existence is all that there is. There will not be enough to go around when the time comes. Your government already knows this. Don't be left out, get you some Gold and Silver for wealth protection before it's to late.

#steemsilvergold where the real money hangs out
Go ahead, yeah you can do it, turn it blue

You are right about the USD and Bitcoin. They are currencies which are being used as a medium of exchange, but they are not a good store of wealth because they're not backed by anything.
I am finding the word "money" to really be a layman term to just make everything generic. Governments redefine what words mean all the time and so "money" has been redefined to be "fiat currency" in these modern times.
I reckon let it go. Talk about currency vs wealth instead and just leave "money" out of the discussion. No matter how bad it gets I'd be surprised if we end up walking around buying things at the shop with gold and silver. They are a great store of wealth but I doubt they'll ever be used as a widespread currency ever again.
G'day. I hear what you're saying and agree with most of it. I just think that when the time comes and fiat does actually collapse, gold and silver will play a part as a medium of exchange as well as the ultimate store of wealth.
Well, it is okay to be suprised every now and then, I do not think that they will be the primary form of money, but I do how ever believe they will play a part. And your right about the redifined word of money, but as you and I know the government is usually wrong. Hey thanks for dropping by
Boom, Raybrockman hitting us with a truth bomb :) Well written article!
Thanks @kp138 , thanks for dropping by
I agree 100%. The govts. want to erase all history except that which promotes their agenda. That includes traditional and historical money. They would wipe gold and silver from Webster's dictionary if they could.
So very true, thanks for dropping by
Man this is so true. BTC has the hype, but physically which one makes the most sense? In the world we are in now it is a must to carry basically all three! BTC and crypto are going to dominate for a while.
I agree, untill the governments get involved. Hey thanks for stopping by my friend.
Spittin' knowledge Ray! Except, I would argue that it's not even "government paper," as the Fed is a private corporation. It's corporate paper! It belongs with Dunder Mifflin reams in The Office, as it's just as fictional as that company is.
You are right, but they are influenced by the governments, they may not lead you to believe this but they do. Thanks for the visit.
Of course, is there really any difference between the two anymore? They are pretty blatant about how connected they are. Just gross!
True True ray! Also on top of all that the banks are involved in fractional banking, for every dollar they receive they can lend out as much as 10x that amount. Money printing by govts AND banks...
True, that is why it will be de-valued at some point, thanks buddy.
G'day. Another good article to promote discussion. I'm glad you included cryptos as well for balance. Somewhere in the future gold, silver and cryptos will come into play when fiat collapses.
Smart guy right here👆👆👆👆 thanks for dropping by
I agree. Bitcoin is closer to money, but silver and gold is always money.
I believe you may be right Mr. Elvis. Thanks for the visit.
points at what Ray said and if your not sure just get a couple of pieces of silver and hold those in one hand and a few dollar bills in the other and then decide \o/
Thays right.