Those who did nothing to prepare...

in #steemsilvergold3 months ago (edited)


I'm happy to inform those of you who did nothing to prepare, will be so much better off on the other side of the Reset, than they are now...

I'm been trying to show people how to prepare, but for every person I was able to reach and convince, there are probably Millions and Millions of people who are still in the dark...

I never expected to reach Millions of People, but I did want to at least give people a heads up to what I see heading our way...

I often wonder if any of you told your friends and family about what I've been writing...

Perhaps some of you are secretly collecting Common U.S. Coinage, without telling anyone, because you don't want certain bloggers to stop up-voting you for doing so...

I have no idea if anyone ever mentions me in the Discord, because I never go there...

I often wonder why I didn't receive the amount replies that other people tend to get...

Surely, you must have an opinion...

If you don't believe a word I write, you should have explained why...

If you're one of the ones who does believe in what I've been writing, could have giving me a vote of confidence...

Up-Votes without replies were nice, but they failed to go into detail why you were voting for my blogs...

I do wish you all the best that Life (God) has to offer...

Stay focused on what you believe in, and be true to yourselves...

These are some of my favorite people to listen to...

None of them are aware of my Fine Tuned Version of what's to come...


Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo.

My "Fine Tuned" version of what's to come, turned out to be the answer to a Simple Math Problem...

Thank you very much, I will comment on some of your posts, receiving a vote in favor is always appreciated.

Day 3 of not having you blog.....

I may return "after" the Reset...

Gold price breaks all-time highs – have you seen the news?

I happen to know that Gold will go to $90 per ounce and become stable... That's 9,000 per ounce, if measured in today's Fiat USD's... This is why I think Gold is on sale "Big Time"...

YOU have this metal, gold is a metal that is both beautiful and valuable.

The 3 Rolls of Quarter Dollar Coins will get me 6 "one ounce" $100 U.S. Gold Coins...

I have some gold jewelry, you are lucky to have found gold

Even if I didn't find the Gold, I would have been set for Life... But it's nice knowing the Gold is out there waiting or me...

I totally agree with you, gold is your backup and GOD protects you.

My Discovery actually scares me... It's too much for anyone to even think about...

I totally agree, it's great to know that the gold is there and it's your property, as my mother says, GOD has blessed you.

I will need to stake the Claim, leave a Location Notice somewhere along the north boarder, define the 4 corners of the Claim and the 2 side centers... Then I'll need to make a Map, file it and a copy of the Location Notice, with the County Recorders Office, then Send everything to the Bureau of Land Management along with Filing Fees... There's actually a little more to it, but it takes some work...

I have already sold my hive, I have my steem in an exchange, I have an order that is executed when it reaches 0.35, I hope it fills up.
Anything I can accumulate will help me with my apartment project, so the value received from these two I will place in a CDT and I will make compound interest, I do NOT move the capital, I do NOT move the interest, I will see how much I accumulate at the end of the year.

I sure wish you'd buy a Box of $1 Coins from the U.S. Mint... They do ship all over the world, and they will get you in on the Ground Floor of the U.S. Monetary Reset "if" my Fine Tuned version of what's to come, actually happens as I've been writing it will... I see no other way for President Trump to make Americans great again...

Happy new month dear friend. Trust me you really play an important role in my life in 2024 with your post filled with so much knowledge and wisdom. Welcome to 2025 and happy new year

I hope you put the information to good use...

In this post I just want to wish you a happy new year, take care of yourself, DO NOT stop publishing, entering these panels is similar to entering a different world in which you interact .
A big hug

I'll still be doing some up-voting... I just hope you're been paying close attention to what I write... I have thousands of Blogs if you like reading what I write... You can comment on ones from 7 years ago, and I'll still be able to up-vote your comment...

Thank you very much, your vote helps me, remember that I have a project, everything I can accumulate will help me achieve my project in less time.
A hug and take care of yourself

Don't forget what I wrote about Bitcoin... I recently heard someone say, President Trump will use Bitcoin to Pay off the National Debt... I had to laugh at that Bitcoin is a Terrible Monetary Tool, so I can only hope you give USCC more thought...

Anything this man says in favor of cryptocurrencies is welcome.
A hug

I think you're missing my point... The only Cryptocurrency you should be listening for when President Trump speaks is "U.S. Crypto Coinage... None of the others will matter...

Day 6 of missing your posts. You cant stay away for ever....

The Reset will happen sooner than anyone thinks, including I really have nothing left to write that I haven't already written... I will return with the Biggest Up-votes on Steemit... This means, I have to get busy with my Silver and Gold Discoveries... That doesn't start until "after" the Reset...

Hi @pocket-change ,I wish you a happy night

I hope all is well... I sure wouldn't want to be holding Bitcoin right now... The way it's Fluctuating up and down would be making me wonder why anyone would want an unstable Cryptocurrency... I can't wait for the Activation of U.S. Crypto Coinage...

I like it when I give you a good vote, maybe it's a bit strange to say this but it's what I feel.
When I give vote and nothing appears I feel bad, I don't think it's fair to receive without giving.
On the other panel I'm working on this

I was excited over on Hive when my Votes reached 2 Cents... The more I give, the more I get back in return...

I see this post, it's been 15 days , it feels a bit nostalgic, even though you talk about the same subject there is always something different.
I wish you a happy day

You can comment on something I posted years ago, and I'll still be able to give you an up-vote... So if you find anything I write too hard to believe, be sure to ask lots of questions...

You haven't posted for several days, I'd like to know why, or are you resting?

I have more than 1,000 Posts that very few people have bothered to read or reply to... I'm still able to up-vote or answer any questions you may have on the ones that are months or years old... So, feel free to click on my Screen Name and it should take you to all my blogs...

I will, you focus on economics, I am a mechanical engineer, but I like to comment and if I get a vote it will help me.
Thank you very much

I have at least 1,000 blogs you can comment on... Feel free to question anything I write...

Hello dear friend @pocket change

I just want to check up on you. It has been close to a week that I see your post last on the Steemit platform and so I will like to ask about your well-being

I'm fine... Just getting tired of writing blogs that very few people even pay any attention to... We're so close to the U.S. Monetary Correction, that I doubt that I'll reach too many more people... Most people don't believe what i write anyway... I've given it plenty of thought over the years... I have thousands of blogs you can read and reply to... Yes, I'm able to up-vote new replies on old blogs... Always feel free to question anything I write about the U.S. Monetary Correction back to Sound Money...

No we miss your blog 😢

Not even only about the upvotes but also the knowledge I always get

Just keep in mind, that I love questions...

And yes I will start asking you questions then ☺️

But I really miss your blog dear friend

I have lots of Blogs... Just click on my screen name and the Buffalo, and that will take you to them...

Hello dear friend @pocket-change

I just want to check up on you. It has been close to a week that I see your post last on the Steemit platform and so I will like to ask about your well-being

I will probably become a "Super Whale" on the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction, so stay in touch...

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!