Just another post...

I always hope my Post is already written, but here I go again, trying to fill up a blank page with more words and pictures...

I think most people prefer to just look at my pictures...

Then again, I can't remember the last time someone made a comment on one of them...

I don't think anyone commented on my Golden Train with Stacks of Gold Coins...

I post in the Silver Gold Stacking Community, where everyone shows off their latest finds of Silver and Gold...

I always feel like I'm bragging when I show some of my Collection...

It's hard to believe I've been able to hold onto my Collection after all these years...

See... It already sounds like I'm starting to brag...

I was Rich beyond my Wildest imagination, way before I made my Silver and Gold discoveries...

Now, there's a good chance I'll soon be a Billionaire...

I should stop right here, before I get carried away and start revealing everything...

But this was the Junk that kept passing through the coffee filter...

It finally dried, so I put in in this plastic capsule...

It seems to have a lot of tiny specks that shine and seem to be mixed in with the brown stuff...


What stands out in my mind most about my Collection is the 1886-S Silver Dollar my Father gave me when I was still a small child, and the 1986 Silver Eagle my Mother gave me in 1986, when our first Silver Eagle Bullion Coins started to be Minted...

Yes, I still have them both...

It didn't occur to me until recently, that the Dates were 100 years apart...

Well, it appears I finished another post...
Have a nice day...


The video does not play, you are lucky, many people would like to find gold

I'm going to take a better picture of what's in the Plastic Capsule, once the Sun comes out... Finding Gold this rich can get me killed... I need to be very careful...

(It didn't occur to me until recently, that the Dates were 100 years apart...)I was going to mention this to you, it's a great coincidence, life has some mysteries that draw our attention.
I wish you a happy weekend

I thought she paid too much... Five Dollars... It didn't occur to me back then, that it will one day be worth "2" One Ounce $100 Gold Coins...

I think the important thing is to be active, making a post or not is an individual decision. A big hug

I could easily have a lot of Junk to fill in between my words...

The price of cryptocurrencies seems like a roller coaster, thank goodness I'm used to this now.
I wish you a happy start to the week

Thanks... I've warned you over and over about what will happen to Cryptocurrencies, once USCC is Announced... These week sure are moving by fast...

The price of BITCOIN has fallen too much, they say that these are market strategies, however the market always moves this way, as FELIPE says we are already used to it

Once USCC is Announced, Bitcoin may drop 50,000 in a single day... I keep writing that Common U.S. Coinage will out perform all the Cryptocurrencies... Nobody seems to believe me... Perhaps that's a good thing... If people knew, U.S. Coinage wouldn't be so easy for me to obtain...

I hope that TRUMP carefully analyzes the situation he is creating in relation to the economy. The overprotection he wants to give his country is worrying.


Curated by @mikitaly

What we do here, will create prosperity where you live...


Curated by @mikitaly

Thanks... Have a nice day...