I wish everyone well...


All I know is that we're too close to what's about to happen to make much of a difference now...

I have to admit that all the Blogging I've done, did help with the Fine Tuning...

I tried to make it work with what we had, but I knew that made it more confusing than ever...

I figured we needed to go all the way back to the Coinage Act of 1792 and correct all our mistakes...

It was obvious to me that we were Bamboozled from the start...

It was never my intent to rub anyone's noses it it, when it takes place...

I'm sure most of the non-believers will be kicking themselves up one end and down the other...

I'll still be around for a while longer...

People will still be able to comment on Past Blogs...

I have a lot of work ahead of me with my Discoveries...

I do admit to being disappointed with the lack of replies, after putting so much thought into each of my Blogs...

Plus I do realize how hard it is for people to believe in the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, where a person turning in a One Hundred Dollar "Bill" to get back One Dollar in Sound Money, so that was to be expected...

I do hope that I was able to reach a few people...


The change from 100 to one is hard to believe, excuse my comment, but that's what I think, maybe there are few comments, I don't have too many, I started on this panel in 2017 and then I left, now when I come back I see many changes, the communities support and this motivates, the price of SBD and STEEM in 2017 was the trigger to enter, but the comments sometimes were not pleasant at all, now I prefer not to receive comments to read what they used to tell me, it is not pleasant for people to take out the bad in you, it is better to be neutral or let out the positive energy, so it is better little and good than bad unpleasant

The reason behind the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate is because the Central Bank Owners Fiat Rental Units have loss "at least" 99% of their Spending Power, which leaves only 1%... We the People will be "removing and replacing" Physical Fiat USD's... Does it make sense now...???

I see a new user commenting on your post, this user follows me and my opinion of him is that he is a good person, the first time I commented to him was when he helped a cat, can you imagine, he dedicates his time to an animal, something that NOT many people do, I hope he continues commenting on your posts, he seems like a good human being to me, well I have never been wrong when analyzing people.

Wow... I only have 4 or 5 posts left to go... But I'll keep him in mind, once I become a Super Whale...

I wish you a happy weekend

This Rock creates the White Stuff and there's still Orange Solution in the Cup after filtering the Solution several times... I put a piece of metal in what's left of the Orange Solution, so I can't wait to see what happens...

Oh boy... The piece of metal I placed in the Orange Solution is loaded with Gold and more Metallic looking Silver... i still haven't filtered what's now sitting at the bottom of the Cup...


They say that good people always have a good reward, according to this you are receiving a reward for what you have done, obviously we are human and we have moments of cruelty caused by different circumstances, but good people always bring out this essence, so you are a good person and enjoy what life gives you, only you know how you will use this, this is where your good heart is put to the test.
A hug

I figured out how to save the World from the Central Bank Owners, using Gods Money... That is a Reward, all by itself... My Silver and Gold discoveries, are just icing on the cake... It will make it possible for me to do many good deeds...