Please allow me to introduce myself.
Hello everyone and welcome to my page. My name is Mike Sagan and I go by msagan75. My friends just call me Sagan though. I guess my story really begins on Dec. 1, 1975 in Springfield, Mass. My mother moved my sister and I to Florida in 1983 and have been living here ever since then. Except for 2006-2009 I moved back to Mass. after my father passed away to do some soul searching. At one point in my life I was a professional golfer until I messed my back up in a really bad car accident. I currently am working for a company called Coastal Cottage, and we refinish kitchen and bathroom cabinets and I truly love it. It's very gratifying work and it's great work for someone that appreciates you. I have been pouring silver, or as I like to call it, making investment art, for just under a year now. I can't tell you how many truly wonderful people I've met since I've started. This really is a tight community and I will make sure to do my part. Thank you for checking my page out and I will be posting mine and my Metals Mafia brothers work here very soon. Take care, Mike.
Welcome Mike, we're glad to have you on board!
Welcome to the community, too bad for your accident curtailing your golf aspirations, but it looks like adversity lead to to another rewarding path in your life, along with your venture into the world of silver stacking. Good luck
Thank you very much! My father taught me at a very young age that if you love what you do then you'll never work a day in your life! Also, everything happens for a reason and I couldn't be happier than where I'm at in life right now. Thank you for checking out my post. 🙏👊🍻
Good start Mike !!!!!
Thank you for checking it out Mike!
Yup, 1/2 way to an ID theft
LMAO!!! JK, but that might be TMI for online.
At least he's into PMs, maybe he'll be OK if they get his Info...
Nice first post man. Welcome!!
Thank you Vulcan!!
Mike! Welcome man. It's Silver Back Stacker... follow me back dude. You gotta sign up for D.Tube too! Money adds up pretty quick, just takes a little while to figure out what you're doing ;-)
Done. Thank you man!!
Good to see you over here man!
There's a little bit of a learning curve here, but as long as you're posting good stuff and staying active you get the hang of it and build up a base pretty well!
Glad you have joined us.
Thank youan! It's great to be here!
Nice to meet you sir 😀

Why thank you.
Good post Mike. Nice to see you here.
Thank you Mrs. V! I'm glad to be here, really liking this site!
Nice post Mike! Welcome 👍
🙏 Thank you Wessle!!