
Then don’t come back.

So tell me one iota of info you have provided for the knowledge of the gold and silver market?

So, if I flash a colored light on any of my silver coins and post a pic, that's good content?

I post best buying prices and historical charts and question about securing PMs and means to and end.

This place is corrupt, content does not matter. The number of followers and autobots is all that counts.

If you guys believe in this shit so badly, I will give you ten steem dollars for 10 ounces of silver.

Sadly, you don't have 10 sbd to buy that 10 oz bar..

On a brighter note, the upvote that you just got from @thedamus, for shit talking the entire group, is about 50% of your average weekly post payout of $.25, so you're well on your way.

I would normally insert some words of encouragement here, but you won't make it. You're just an attention craving crybaby who is jealous of others who have worked hard to succeed.

Post a 2 1/2 sentence post with no pics, with ZERO silver content...and tell everyone else that they need to improve. The crap you post is what we have already read while we eat our Cheerios and play with real money.

You want a better silver post? Get off your ass and GO WRITE IT 😊

*Side note, you might not want to include the #steemsilvergold tag, or these guys will downvote all your quarters to zero



Excellent choice of words JB.

Somebody tell @fat-elvis that he has an upvote to remove lol..

Ol’ fat-e probably just saw the word ‘junk’ and auto-voted. lol


This post is good for promoting other posts maybe, so not a total loss.

Yo man, chill... this is a community of people who like stacking metals. Some people can only stack a few ounces because they are not rich, arrogant, self-righteous twats like yourself. And i say cool!

Further, there’s all kinds of discussion about price forecasting, the ratio, historical events, numismatics and semi-numismatics, and poured silver. Everybody (almost) is having a good time. No one ever proclaimed this tag was to be a place where morons could talk exclusively about the future, their own opinions, and/or try to belittle people with less money than they have.

So you buy 600oz of Ag a year... big fucking deal! You also come around here and tell all of us we’re a joke! I think you’re a joke...

i was just saying that if you didn’t like it here, then don’t come back and piss in the Kool-aid. We’ll all be just fine without your mediocre analysis.

Just an iota? How about the fact they are all bringing people into the idea of starting to buy/sell/trade precious metals. Before i found #steemsilvergold i was just a day manager with a bunch of kids..... Now i have a hobby i can share with my family. Just because us 9-5 guys dont have a butt load (real measurement by the way) of money to drop on a stack doesnt mean anything. We still appreciate all this group has done and contributed to this community...

So shove off and go back under your rock, we dont need you around here...

I've read some amazing stuff on here and seen some great unboxings. Sounds like you want the news more than anything.

If you want nothing but info about price movements/predictions go watch Kitco videos... If you want to look at generally cool precious metals stuff then steemsilvegold is a better fit.
Either way saying something like this likely a poor way to gain friends around here...

Its all about community...
Think FB, but better. Its this game called Steemit!

Figure out away to fit in and enjoy yourself.
Or rage-quit like the thousands of others and never return, makes no difference

Somebody got a bug up their butt... Hope its not a silver bug... or a gold bug !!

Lol..I got a silver bug in my arse once. Not fun

If it wasn't fun, I wouldn't be here. If it was all about charts, data, open interest on the comex, we wouldn't attract new members and maybe help them get started in stacking some financial insurance. Let me ask you a question, what do you know about marketing an idea or being a leader? ...because if your idea was to convince anyone that's been here awhile that what we are doing isn't working, or dissuade us from continuing, you're doing it wrong. Thanks for playing, have a nice day.