(The Present is forever allowing the Future to pass through, on its way to the Past...)
Excellent phrase that I agree with, I read what you continue saying, you are not going to get religious, better not hahaha, politics and religion always generate controversy.
I am glad to see you publishing again in this panel.
I wish you a happy weekend
I just posted this one because the comments on my last one were to long... I have hundreds of posts... Just click on my screen name and it should bring you to all my posts...
I saw the post but I prefer to comment here joining FELIPE who by the way is a bit depressed we can help him we are his friends
I hope he didn'tlose his job...
I wish you a happy weekend
Wow... These weekends sure do come around fast...
Before the day passed more slowly. The morning, for example, goes by very quickly, even if I get up early.
I wish you a happy weekend.
And life, tomorrow it's already March and recently we were celebrating Christmas, we have to value time and take advantage of it.
OK, I wish you a happy start to the week