Batman and Silver who would have thought!
Some people do crosswords,some jigsaws others read a book, for me the pursuit of a quiet few moments took a strange twist recently when i saw some lego in the local supermarket, It took me back to my childhood where i spent many a happy hour with a box full of bricks, so i made an impulse buy and decided to see if it would give me a quiet few moments of calm and relaxation.
Well it did, there's something so tactile about those coloured bricks. Now surely there cannot be a connection between a small lego set and Silver, but heres the thing. I was assembling the brickheadz batman last night and i discovered that his shoulders are adorned with silver ingots (at least in the lego version of batman), What message is the Dark destroyer trying to tell us 0-0
Silver ingots definitely \o/
And here he is finished.
A few minutes of relaxation and a trip down memory lane with a silver connection what more could anyone want lol \o/
Thanks for looking.
The thing about Lego, is that it never truly leaves you. You may think you have outgrown it, but just try not to enjoy yourself if a child asks you to "play Lego" with them...
So true buddy, the only downside is when you inadvertently kneel on a brick lol \o/
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