Steem Secret #2: Add a Consistent Image in Thumbnails!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsecrets8 years ago (edited)

steem secret 2.png

Putting our face or artwork on the first image helps readers in the home feed see us! Using stock images without any consistency makes it easy to be ignored in the home feed where we often just look at pictures, titles, and the first sentence to decide what to read!

In seeing the posts I create, I consistently use a picture of my face that is new every day along with relevant text and artwork FOR THE FIRST PICTURE because the first picture becomes the thumbnail which allows readers automatically recognize my posts subconsciously just by the thumbnail.

Which other authors use the same strategy?

  • @sweetsssj has usually a half or full body picture of herself in each of the first photos she links.
  • @teamsteem frequently uses pictures of himself in his first image.
  • @nanzo-scoop has a drawing of his face he uses on many of his posts with others featuring a picture of him.
  • @keiserreport has pictures of himself in most of the thumbnails.
  • @nicolemoker starts every post with the first picture being of her with some not showing the face and others only face with more then full body.
  • @stackin "Hey now, all my posts are selfies lol... branding at its best"

In summary, when we include a new picture of ourselves in every single first image on a post, we help our followers to notice us faster in the home feed which is certain to lead to more upvotes, comments, and resteems.

Thank you very much for reading this second Steem secret post which I hope was helpful in providing a simple tip for increased effectiveness here! Would you please vote this up if you would like me to keep doing these because then each day we will slowly unlock all the secrets together?

Jerry Banfield


You make an interesting point. I was thinking that having relevant or exciting photos might draw attention. At the same time, we are trying to brand our expertise and experience. Having a recognizable photo and modifing it slightly may be the way to go. I'll test it out :) Keep the advice coming @jerrybandfield ,Thank you.

@dpt-darkfox12 you're welcome I am writing another post for today!

I could not agree more with the constant thumbnail! I am adding my own face to every thumbnail I can now for branding and recognition. People want to come to see YOU :)

Jerry, can I use your picture in my posts to attract more audience 😉

Careful there, I might steal all yours followers 😀

All of you upvoting this fucking trash are destroying Steemit. Think about it. You want to reward some douche $75+ for some trash he wrote while riding home from school on the short bus?

Look at the pathetic bastard begging for votes at the end.

If you don't like the guy don't read his posts. I for one thought this was very helpful and deserves every bit of upvotes it got then some. @jerrybanfield is not destroying steemit he actually helps the community is so many ways..... BTW being on the wrong side of a whale on steemit probably isn't the most business smart idea for a fellow investor ;D

@berniesanders - You may think that this is trash. I fail to see why this is destroying Steem if it is indeed helpful in some way. We as minnows trying to navigate Steem to find out exactly how it works and how to understand it better need the kind of tips disseminated by the likes of @jerrybanfield. I would not have been on Steem had I not seen one of his tutorials on YouTube and still be flailing around there with no idea about this fantastic platform.

@jamesfalling Thank you for being a part of STEEMIT. I try to LIVE the Golden Rule in my Life. @jerrybanfield has been VERY Kind to everyone with his Content here. Those that choose to not find value in it are entitled to their opinion. All I can say here is I hope you have a Better Day Tomorrow @berniesanders. Love your Content Jerry and keep on doing it One Day at a Time...........................

Finally my for to know a nagative reputation account do exist, LOL

so far "bernie sanders" earned $0.93. not bad. :)

Nice try "bernie sanders". You're just mad because trolling on steemit will only get you like $2.00 lmao

I don't know if this is Trash, I am very new and every little bit helps. It does seem like ANY post related to how to use steemit does amazing. BUT I do like this comment simply because it is the first negative thing I have read on steemit EVER! I like that because I was getting very scared that our lives were turning into a black mirror episode where everyone pretends to be very nice to each other for votes..

Your face sure is already a well known trademark and a very frequent visitor in the trending page :)

Thank you Eve for your comment and reminding me to check on your posts again today! Excited to see the tutorial you just posted at showing how you do your amazing photographs!

Thanks for the advice! I think I will now try to always put a picture with me and a post title 😊
I was designing this title the whole evening, what do you think? 😁

Yes, that's a pretty good trick I guess. More secrets please!

New on Steem, I will follow you you have very good info. Thanks

You're welcome Ricardo thank you for the motivation to keep doing these Steem secrets posts each day!

Thank Jerry hope some day you came down to Mexico, as far as I can see you are like a celebrity on Steem, i really like your post

Branding is so important, and nothing is more specialized than your own face. Great article, my friend

Thank you Johnny! I love seeing your comments because we have actually met in person!

yes, it was a great meeting. You may have posted already, but a complete list of apps that I should be using to simplify my steemit life would be fantastic.

Hey, that's really good advice. Never really thought about that until you said it.