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in #steemschools6 years ago

I'm just reading a book from Steve Harvey, called "act like successful, think like a successful one". I just started to read the book, read it quickly. It just in the book writes about what you said in your post. I completely agree with you. I'm glad there are more people in this world who similarly or the same think like me.
I would add to your sentences, that the like-minded people and those who want to be, never give up their dreams. Work whenever you can that will motivate you and lead you to the realization of your dreams.
Read some of my earlier posts, they will notice similar thoughts, you and me.
I wish everyone good

Upravo čitam jednu knjigu od Stiv Harvi, zove se ''ponašaj se kao uspešni, razmišljaj kao uspešni''. Knjigu sam tek počeo čitati, brzo se čita. Upravo u knjizi piše o tome što ste vi rekli u vašem postu. U potpunosti se slažem sa vama. Drago mi je da ima još ljudi na ovom svetu koji slično ili isto razmišljaju kao ja.
Dodao bih na vaše rečenice, da istomišljenici i oni koji to žele biti, nikako ne odustanu od svojih snova. Radite kad god možete ono što će vas motivirati i voditi ka ostvarenju vaših snova.
Pročitajte neke od mojih ranijih postova, primetiće te slično razmišljanje, vas i mene.
Svako dobro želim


Gracias por tu comentario pero te falto tu votación.

Thanks for your comment but I miss the positive vote.