
Idea is that we will tour the UK as a team getting at least 3 steemians to each major University in the UK during their freshers weeks (first week of university) we will wear our steemit t-shirts, and take photos with people to show them how much they can earn on steemit. we will also give away free t-shirts to people who sign up there and then and who agree to wear the t-shirt all day. This blog is the initial planning blog to arrange what dates we will attend different universities. additionally we are looking for people who are as passionate about steem as we are to come join us and be part of the #promo-uk team and help us promote steemit to freshers at these universities with us. Can you come? ;)) would love to have you!

I would love to however al my vacationdays are used up for this year :( and I think the trip to uk would cost me more then I already earned on steemit haha. But good idea to make a t-shirt and contribute that way wearing it around the city here :) I hope they gonna plan something in belgium here aswell soon.