China barely recovered from the trade war and soon enough another disaster struck in the form of a highly infectious coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The spread of this new strain of coronavirus is so rapid that one can't help but to raise suspicions. If the economy in China suffers a major setback, which power hungry nation with the most profitable pharmaceutical industry will in turn benefit the most?

The reason I decided to pen this article is not to promote finger pointing. Rather, I hope to inspire critical thinking and discussion. You need not agree with me. That's your freedom of choice.
Below were the analogy of coincidences that took place prior to coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.
[1] Three hundred US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on 19 October 2019. The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on 2nd November 2019. Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days.
[2] A month later, the coronavirus outbreak hit China in Wuhan, a major transport hub in Central China and for the high-speed train network, and with 60 air routes with direct flights to most of the world’s major cities, as well as more than 100 internal flights to major Chinese cities right before the Spring Festival travel rush when hundreds of millions of people were expected to travel across the country to be with their families.
[3] The Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is an entirely new strain related to the MERS (MERS-CoV) and the SARS (SARS-CoV) viruses, though early evidence suggested that it was not dangerous.
[4] SARS had the hallmarks of a bioweapon. After all, aren’t new biological warfare agents designed to produce a new disease with a new infectious agent? As in prior military experiments, all it might take … to spread SARS is an aerosol can . . .” Several Russian scientists suggested a link between SARS and biowarfare. Sergei Kolesnikov, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, said the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs. According to a number of news reports, Kolesnikov claimed that the virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) was a synthesis of two viruses (of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps), the natural compound of which was impossible, that this mix could never appear in nature, stating, “This can be done only in a laboratory.” Nikolai Filatov, the head of Moscow’s epidemiological services, was quoted in the Gazeta daily as stating he believed SARS was man-made because “there is no vaccine for this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not been very widespread and the population is not immune to it.”
[5] All in all, the China government's reaction and poor management exacerbated the outbreak further.
Thank you for reading and stay safe everyone!
Warmest regards,
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Not the first time I've heard allegations that the Coronavirus was the work of the US. It's rather sadly predictable, actually. Far from "critical thinking," the idea that "anything bad for 'the invincible and mighty China' must be the work of 'the evil US,' and who needs evidence?" is the knee-jerk reaction of China's entire propaganda machine.
Rest assured, if the US were to deploy a bioweapon against China, we'd have hit a better target than Wuhan, at a time when there was less risk of China's barbaric tourists spreading it all over the planet.
But I must admire the lengths you go to to blame the US for a problem that even the Chinese admit is a result of their own government's failure to act.
Thank you for commenting! There was a time when the US was too occupied with bombing and pillaging Afghanistan as well as Iraq, that provided the opportunity for China to flourish.
"Pillaging Afghanistan as well as Iraq."
'Zat so? And what, pray tell, did either of those countries have for us to allegedly "pillage" in the first place?
As for China "flourishing," perhaps you should ask a Filipino, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Tibetan or Uighur (to name just a few) about China's so-called "peaceful" rise.
Here's a little hint. The number of countries China has invaded since 2000 (19 years), and the number of countries the US has invaded wince WW2 (74 years), are roughly the same.
But don't let minor details like history and math get in the way of the trite anti-American rhetoric that you seem to think is "trendy" or "edgy" or whatever.
Afghanistan and Iraq are mineral and oil rich countries.
Please read the book entitled "Backstabbing for Beginners." You'll learn the evil nature of humanitarian organisations. Oil for food programme was a huge scam.
Even Filipino people treat each other unkindly. There are Filipino human traffickers enticing Filipino girls to work as maids but turned out to be prostitution ring. Also, there are backstabbing white cock loving Filipino cunts that unfortunately my friends had the "pleasure" of encountering at work. These Filipino cunts are pure terror. I've never step my foot in the Philippines and yet I was bullied in school by a Filipino halfie asshole. He thought just because he has a rich powerful father he could get away with anything.
Of the many different countries in the world, why the heck you had to go to teach in China? You could have chosen to teach in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or Thailand. Are you a spy sent by your government?