Seeking the tribe - where are all the active steemians in Britain?

A few days ago I posted about having a steem meetup in Bristol.
I didn't get any takers 😢
But I wasn't wholly surprised. I haven't been looking hard to date, but I can't recall actually seeing any people on steem from the Bristol area.
So where are all the active steemians in the UK now?
And I wonder how many there are?
On my radio show last week @rea estimated that there are about 25 active steemians left in London.
I am guessing the biggest cluster of active steemians must be in London.
In Wales I know there are only half a dozen or so.
So for the UK as a whole... maybe around a hundred?
That's not a lot so we'd better stick together.
Many moons ago, when I was still a baby steemian, I scratched a mark in the sacred ground of steem when I initiated the list of Homesteaders and Preppers on steem.
It proved to be fantastically worthwhile and useful. I got to know every homesteader and prepper on steem and the seed of that community aggregation was born.
Maybe I need to make another list. This time of active steemians in Britain.
For networking, for meetups and just generally for getting to know each other.
I think I might segregate the list into broadbrush geographical regions. Maybe starting with :
- London & the South East
- The Midlands
- Wales & the South West
- The North
- Scotland
- Northern Ireland
So I will throw a few together from memory for starters and see where this takes us.
If you would like to be on this list comment below or message me on Discord (@Pennsif#9921). If you don't want to be on the list let me know likewise.
I'm guessing some of the regional placements - let me know if I have put you in the wrong region. Active I'm loosely defining as posting regularly - at least weekly?
London & the South East (31)
@adetorrent, @allasyummyfood, @andabout, @basilmarples, @breadcentric, @buttpacker, @charitycurator, @donatello, @ezzy, @gillianpearce, @hockney, @justyy, @lloyddavis, @lolzwithlisa, @maneco64, @marczanto, @molometer, @nakedverse, @nanzo-scoop, @pjau, @rea, @redrica, @scalextrix, @sergiomendes, @shazza, @simonjay, @stav, @steevc, @stimp1024, @teodora, @ultravioletmag
The Midlands (17)
@article61, @atomcollector, @c0ff33a, @dickturpin, @gmuxx, @honeybee11, @howardblott, @ictman1076, @kryptoe, @martaesperanza, @neopch, @revisesociology, @rimicane, @shanibeer, @skaarl, @starkerz, @ura-soul
Wales & the South West (18)
@cryptocariad, @francesleader, @happysmileyman, @jen0revision, @jimbobbill, @owenwat, @p-props, @pennsif, @perceptualflaws, @stevejhuggett, @stevelivingston, @sunsethunter, @theadmiral0, @theturtleproject, @tinygalaxy, @ukbitcoinmaster, @wales, @welshstacker
The North (16)
@anarcotech, @ashtv, @beautifulbullies, @cryptocurator, @darrenclaxton, @gdwcoins, @geordieprepper, @mckeever, @mikefromtheuk, @raj808, @russellbury, @slobberchops, @steemonkey, @stephenkendal, @teamhumble, @vibeof100monkeys
Scotland (5)
@barge, @camuel, @johnkingwriter, @meesterboom, @natubat
Northern Ireland (1)
And also... (4)
@atomcollector, @mynewlife, @someguy123, @tremendospercy
That's all the active steemians in the UK I can think of - 91 ! I am sure there are a good few more.
Let's see how big a list we can build...
Use Case Radio : Film and Steem : Thursday 25 October
SteemRadio - schedule of all the steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcasts - week beginning 22 October 2018
Pennsif's Sustainability Curation Digest for MSP - week ending 21 October 2018
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project : A Big, Big Thank You & A Big, Big Ask - vote for steem on Netcoins
Use Case Radio : Food and Steem - Thursday 18 October 2018 [recording]
I feel inspired - anyone for a meetup in Bristol?
Floody hell - and mine is only 4 inches
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project : September 2018 - summary of donations received & given out - another $500 donated
[ flag from ]
You would hope there would be more by now. Some meetups would be great. Problem for me is travel as I dont drive. Looking forward to the growth in numbers soon as they all leave Facebook 💯🐒
We can start with a virtual meetup on my radio show next Thursday evening.
Check out my followup post for more on this...
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
Sounds like a plan to meet up. Obviously logistic will come into it nearer the time but i'm happy to get involved we need to build the UK numbers! Also wake up the masses which in the UK appears to be a big task but i'm passionate about this one 💯🐒
Good idea: shocked by the low numbers! Two more to add: : London
@justyy : Might have been Cambridge
@neopch : Birmingham
@nanzo-sccop and @stimp1024 : London
@meesterboom in Scotland
@raj808 Liverpool
@honeybee11 Midlands
@lolzwithlisa London
That's me!! Glasgow FTW!
Nay more from the land of the kilts?
None that are active now that I am aware of, they all went the way of the dodo when the price went down recently
Thanks for these extra people. We're getting there - edging towards 100...
Thank you! Yes, I am in Cambridgeshire, a village west to Cambridge city - called Fen Drayton.
Good to meet you @justyy.
Thank you for mention! Appreciate 😎👊
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Good to meet you!
Hello! 🙃
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Thanks for these Chris. London and the South-East beginning to pull ahead now 😃
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
Nice to see these people active... On my side, people who are not active for 5 to 6months I remove it.
@barge is in Scotland.
Great, thanks. We are rolling in Scotland now...
@natubat - Scotland
@steemonkey - North
@trolleydave - Wales & the South West (semi-active)
Thanks for these people @slobberchops.
Alas @trolleydave doesn't seem to be active at the moment. The other two are now on the list.
I need to give @trolleydave a kick up the arse, he lives in deepest wales and is threatening to come back.
It will be good to get another active steemian in Wales - we are quite thin on the ground here.
Must have missed that post about Bristol!
There must be more than this?
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I am very much hoping there will be more...
The North
What? your from the UK? ;)
Think so
Thanks Mike, now added to the North.
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
@pjau - Hampshire (south east)
Nice to meet you @pjau - now added in London & the South East.
Hey butty, there are a couple of active steemians from the UK in the precious metals collecting group.
@owenwat - cornwall
@gdwcoins - Manchester?
@russelburry - Bolton
@silverstackeruk - Northern Ireland
Plus @jimbobbill - bristol/western
And how can I forget @coff33a !! I even vote for him as a witness.... Oops. Think he's top 100 now. Think he's midlands.
Thank you for all these @welshstacker. We're edging towards 50...
I can't pick up @russelburry - can you check the spelling?
I wonder which region @mikefromtheuk is in?
Forever a mystery.
Hi Mike, are you somewhere in the UK? I can add you to the And also... category.
I am.
Sorry @pennsif it's "ll", singlen"r" @russellbury
Great thanks - now on the list.
Yo wassup! I’m from Swindon, so not far at all!
I am currently working in China but will be back in Swindon in January, I live most of the time in Taunton nowadays when I’m back home but Swindon is my home 😜 if I’m about I’d be on a Bristol steem meetup for sure!
You've made number 50 on the list !! Added to Wales & the South West.
Let me know when you are back in the UK.
Pop @cryptocurator down under the North :)
Oh gosh, how did I miss @cryptocurator - now added.
Thanks Ash.